I'm selling my restored 1989 Klipschorns with Bob Crites AA Crossover, New A-55G mid driver (not pictured), CT125 Tweeters. All new grill cloth all the way around. Everything has been rewired and as a pair of binding posts on each. They have both been sanded and re-stained as well. They both have padding on the corners for a tight seal against the wall. See pictures. Both serial number sheets on each one has been laminated and stapled to each top and bottom after restoration. Both have the brass emblem on the top corners with the vintage logo(not pictured). These sound GREAT! This has been a fun restoration and I am very pleased with how they came out. I just need to downsize and get something smaller and is the only reason I am selling. These sound GREAT! This has been a fun restoration and I am very pleased with how they came out. I just need to downsize and get something smaller and is the only reason I am selling. Asking $3000 or trade for Forte III's in Distressed Oak. I do accept paypal. Located in Mandeville, Louisiana. Message me if you are interested or if you have any questions.