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  1. I charge them every 2-3 days, and that is with the case still having 2 bars of battery left. I only use them about 1-2 hours a day though but 70-0% after 30 minutes seems unreasonable, any local distributors you can bring them to? You might want to try your luck there to get a replacement.
  2. My case works fine so far and I am not experiencing the issues that you described. I'm only keeping these still because of the form factor and sound quality.
  3. I took them to my local Klipsch distributor and the staff actually mentioned that they have communicated the mic issue to Klipsch a couple of times before, he says that Klipsch admits that the mic issues do exist and you have speak a little louder than usual for the mic to pick up your voice (due to them being located at the back of the bud), well I demoed my issues and argued that speaking so loudly will just make me a nuisance in most public spaces. They replaced the set for me told me to wait for the mobile app to be released as it would stabilize these issues, I have my doubts but I will wait and see...
  4. @sze5003 Ok, I will bring it to my local store to have them look at it. Thanks for the info!
  5. @SethR Fortunately I don't really use the mics very often. But damn this is unacceptable.
  6. Anyone having mic issues on the T5? I have to take out the right earbud and put it right in front of my mouth in order for somebody to hear me clearly in a phone call.
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