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Posts posted by Johnboy

  1. Bev, I have kind of offered it to my sister and future brother-in-law for their new house but I am not sure they will take it. Neither one is real big into this stuff at this time. If they don't want it then I will be interested in selling it to someone. I still have all the original packaging, instructions and box. And the 25 foot LFE cable I bought for it will go with it as well. I have only had it since April so it is only slightly used but in absolutely perfect condition. It is a great sub for the money I think. It just wouldn't do what the SVS's will do in my VERY open room.


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Klipsch KG 1.5 surrounds

    Jamo rear centers

    Dual SVS 25-31 CS+'s

    Samson 1000 Amp

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Rotel RMB-1066 Amp

    Yamaha 969 DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  2. Justin, You've got to lay off that stuff your smokin'!! SVS=Bose bass cube.......No F'N Way

    By the way, the room on your web site looks like it will be kick ***!


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Klipsch KG 1.5 surrounds

    Jamo rear centers

    Dual SVS 25-31 CS+'s

    Samson 1000 Amp

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Rotel RMB-1066 Amp

    Yamaha 969 DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  3. Damn Justin, That was a low blow! Funny but low!

    Just got my dual 25-31cs+'s this week. All I can say is WOW!!!! I have hit 112 db on Matrix and 115 db on the pod race from Phantom Menace last night. The subs make my back yard vibrate! Had a PW-2200 but I think it is time to sell it, It just can't come close to the SVS's. By the way, the SVS's are much better with music than I thought they would be as well. Hope this doesn't hurt too bad Dillon!! Did I say WOW yet?


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Klipsch KG 1.5 surrounds

    Jamo rear centers

    Dual SVS 25-31 CS+'s

    Samson 1000 Amp

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Rotel RMB-1066 Amp

    Yamaha 969 DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  4. What size are your speaker set too? Are your mains set to large? If so then you need to either set them to small or set the bass frequency to go to both the mains and sub. Your reciever should be able to make both adjustments and you can see which one you like best.


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Rotel RMB-1066

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  5. My understanding is that the RSW-15 does a damn good job to about 30HZ. Below that the SVS Ultra will be capable of more (especially duals). I run a Paradigm PW-2200 that is being replaced by dual SVS 25-31 CS+'s today. After listening to some of these subs they blew my 2200 away. In shopping I comapred the RSW-12 to the 2200 and the 2200 won everyones ear in the room. Both the Klipsch and the SVS will be musical, but the SVS will really take over on movies with lots of LFE. The SVS gives POWERFUL & CLEAN bass. Go to SVsubwoofers.com and look around. Send them an E-mail and let them answer your questions about their subs. These guys are very responsive.


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Rotel RMB-1066

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  6. Boa, Not familiar with running a rear sub. What would be it's purpose and how would that be set up? Also, with the layout of my room the SVS's will be behind the couch already and there won't be room to spare for the PW-2200 back there. You got my interest though so tell me more. As far as the matching caracteristics I think it will be ok for now. I eventually want a five chanel amp to run the mains, center and surrounds so I can bridge this one to run the rear centers. Eventually I will step up to a true pre/pro as well but the yammie is doing fine so far. All it takes is time, and money you know!


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Rotel RMB-1066

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  7. Boa, I have all the preamp conections to do that. I have the center and mains running on the Rotel amp (bridged) right now and only the rears and rear center on the Yamie for my 6.1 system. The Rotel is a six chanel amp so if I ran my 2 mains, center, 2 surrounds and one rear center off of it I could run the other rear center off the yamie's rear center amp. Would this work for now or am I asking for trouble? And actually on monday that will be a 9 speaker setup if this works! Dual SVS's on the truck heading my way as we type! Can't wait! Thanks for the help Boa.


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Rotel RMB-1066

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  8. Eye, I have twin SVS 25-31cs+'s on the way. Reasons I went with the smaller ones was concealability. The 16-49 is 49 inches tall. I demoed a pair of these monsters and they are very impressive but will be harder to hide if you want to keep them (or even one) from standing out visually. The are also bigger to handle if you move alot. The PCi's have a built in amp and crossover system that will help out with your moving situation as well since you won't need another amp etc. I run a Paradigm PW-2200 right now. It is a great sub for the money but it will not come close to dishing out what the SVS's are capable of in my open floorplan. If you are not sure about SVS check out the Paradigms. I imagine mine will be for sale shortly. As far as the KSW subs go, personally I think they suck. My parents have one an it is just a boom box, nothing more. You can do much better without breaking your budget than the KSW subs. And that is coming from a 10 year Klipsch owner and lover! Love those horns!


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Rotel RMB-1066

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  9. Need a little help here. I have a Yamaha RX-v630 which is a 6.1 reciever. What do I need to do to run seven speakers (7.1) on this set up? I have seen where others are doing this so I was wondering what I needed to do to make this work. I have two extra speakers sitting at the house and I would love to add them in as side surrounds.


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Rotel RMB-1066

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  10. Since they are RF-3's do you have the conection strap on or are you Bi-wired? You may have a bad conection there or a loose strap so you are not sending a full signal to the speaker's upper end and/or lower end thereby losing part of the dialogue. Just a thought!


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Rotel RMB-1066

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  11. Well, I am on my way! To separates that is!!! Found a great deal on a ROTEL RMB-1066 amp. Using my Yamaha RX-V630 as a pre/pro (and running the rears) while I bridged the amp to run the front 3 chanels. I can't believe the difference the amp made in the way my system sounds. Very clean and open sound. Rotel seems to be a good smooth mix with Klipsch. No harshness at all. Also took the plunge down the SVS path! Can't wait for my dual 25-31 CS+'s and the 1000W Samson hit the door. Slowly but surely I am working my way up to a 7 chanel kick *** system! I'll keep ya posted!


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Rotel RMB-1066

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  12. I checked out the SVS ultras on their site the other day. From what I can tell they are one hell of a sub. My question is do they have to be used in pairs or can one tube do the trick? How much will you lose by running just one and do you prefer the powered subs or the external powered ones? My PW-2200 is a great sub for the money but I don't think it can compete with the SVS from what I read. Am I wrong? The only thing close in comparison was a Velodyn HGS-18 and I know that puppy is expensive not to mention huge!


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  13. I had the same set up. RF 3II and the KSC-1c center. It was ok but I had to do a lot of fooling around to get close to what I wanted out of it. It just didn't ever match up to the RFs. So two weeks later the RC-3II took it's place and the movement and timber is seamless. The KSC was loud, but not as full clean sounding to me so it really did stand out.


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  14. Gladiator, Germanian war scene and the battle of Carthage in the arena. Private Ryan beach assault. Pearl Harbor bombing scene. Various parts of The Matrix and the scene in Eraser when they are trying to kill the girl at here house. Those rail guns sure sound cool but you can here the neighborhood dogs bark and the shot that kills the agents outside with a clean system. Never heard those sounds untill my recent upgrades.


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  15. How about The Hitchhiker with Rutger Hauer and do you remember The Serpant and the Rainbow? One of those Voodoo horror films. Some of those dreams just freaked me out. Oh yeah, don't forget Pee Wee's big adventure! SCARY!!!!!!!


    Klipsch RF-3II

    Klipsch RC-3II

    Jamo in wall surrounds

    Paradigm PW-2200 sub

    Sony Playstation II

    Yamaha RX-V630

    Yamaha DVD carosel

    RCA Hi-Fi VCR (hardly used anymore)

    Sony Trinitron 36"

  16. All this talk about cool sound and not one mention of Gladiator DTS. The war scene with all the catapults and arrows flying is awsome! Especially when listened too loud!!!! Private Ryan DTS is great as well. Looking for a good Dolby DIgital soundtrack try 13 Ghosts. You'll be looking behind you for weeks to see where those voices are coming from. Excellent track on that one. Just my $.02!

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