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Posts posted by AndreG.

  1. "Curbside find" today




    Leaning to wall of the building next to my workplace, were several LPs. Most of them junk, but this one, I saved. Still have to wash it, the cover is a bit wilted, but altogether a good find I say.


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  2. 2 minutes ago, dirtmudd said:

    Went to the record fair.. didn't find what I was looking for. 


    There's 2 vendors I go to first.. but everything got to $$$$ for me !


    So I left empty handed 

    Who knows, maybe it was for the best and a better chance will come along. 😉

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  3. 4 hours ago, Dave1291 said:

    This is Queens Arcade and I almost purchased - Caravan - Grey and Pink 


    Almost? Would it have been a major investment, had You bought the LP? 😄

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Dave1291 said:

    Dream Theater?  Yea, I chuckled.  Boys take ya for a ride?  lol


    Naa, not really. i picked up a greatest hits collection a few years back for cheap- -and liked it. The CD went to my shelf... Then I got a few LPs in exchange for some LDs one being a DT album and since then I´m buying bit by bit. The nice thing about these InsideOut editions is, you always get the LP and the CD as a double-feature. 

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