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Posts posted by AndreG.

  1. I´m using Discogs for organizing my collection and it gives You have a button to choose a random album from your stash.

    Yes it´s one of my fav JT albums as well.


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  2. 4 minutes ago, Full Range said:


    Call any vegetable- call it by name 

    Does that ring a bell ? 

    Artist - The Mothers of Invention/ Frank Zappa 

    ‘Title - Mothermania The best of the Mothers 








    Zappas' Berlin connection... Was before my time, but I heard about it, from older colleagues at work. 

    There is a "Frank Zappa Straße" (Road) in Berlin.


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  3. 7 minutes ago, Abomb said:

    Maybe I am just too lazy...lol. Is there any real advantage to the floating turntable if the tone arm is still affixed to the base?

    I think it´s about negating noise from the platter-bearing.

    What I wonder about is magnetic influence on the catridge... Is it all shielded by that platter?


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