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    Fisher 500C, Heresy II's

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  1. Unfortunately, no difference because my caps were intact and looked good.
  2. Looking for a puffin, preferably with digital out. Thanks!
  3. So I added the JEM Performance Capacitors and I am challenged to hear a difference. Only one side has been upgraded for the moment. .. listening to mono recordings to compare. I'll have my 18 year old give it a listen, maybe it's old ears. Dunno...
  4. From what I have seen, and I realize this is subjective, some folks feel that the E net work is not as sonically pleasing.
  5. Thank you, @geoff. All really good suggestions. I will follow your advice and get a better iron and leave the old cans in place.
  6. I ordered JEM Performance Audio caps and would like to perform the install myself. I know almost nothing about soldering but this is what I have - see pic. Kester 83-4000-0000 SN60PB40 Solder Pocket Pack, 0.031" Weller 25-watt Anything else? Any guidance appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Great tip. Do I need to look for the same Type B or can another type be used? I have limited knowledge of this.
  8. Looking for conventional wisdom here on a budget. Cornwall 1's that sound great but nothing to compare it to. No leaking caps so should I just let it be?
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