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218 dBs

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  1. I just bought a pair of rp-600m's and am pleasantly surprised there's a forum specific to klipsch! I'm wondering if there's any way to tell about the quality of the signal that you refer too? I would expect more expensive is one way to tell but would also expect as with all things, cost isn't everything, so is there any metric indicated for amps that I/we should watch out for to get an idea? I'm specifically wondering whether it's worth investing in the 130 / 155 wpc from the Denon AVR-X550BT / Onkyo TX-SR393, respectively (planning to have the possibility to build a home theater around these components in the future, unless that's going to significantly impair the quailty of the sound I get from them in stereo now? separate issue I guess), or to look for something with a lower wattage and higher .. something else? How can the quality of the signal change that much? or do I misunderstand and you mean one step further up the chain at the source of the signal? Thanks for your advice!
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