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  1. Hi - Has Klipsch announced an option to get the new Cornwalls in Australian Walnut and Irish Linen? I saw a pre-order sale on EBay and trying to confirm if this is a manufacturer option or an after-market modification. Thanks for any insight.
  2. Thanks all for the lively debate and great insight. I ultimately decided to be patient and holdout to purchase IVs when the time is right for me - a time when I can add the Mac components at the same time. thanks for sharing
  3. Custom is probably the wrong word - they are the 70th anniversary model which are becoming very hard to find. The limited edition cabinets and covers are the only reason I’m thinking of going with the iiis vs waiting to get IVs. it’s difficult trying to gauge how much better the IVs are than iii based on comments/reviews. Everyone loves the IVs but a lot people still love the iiis.
  4. Hi - I have a chance to purchase some local Cornwall iiis which I’ve been looking for a while. I’m interested in the group’s opinions on two questions: Will these work well with a Pioneer SX-1010 in the short-term until I get a tube amp? Should I pay the extra $1,000 and get IVs versus a very nice custom set of iiis? Is the difference that significant? This is first piece of a simple endgame setup of Cornwalls, MC275, C22 I hope to build over next three years. thanks
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