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  1. $26.99 for a $2 part shipped from the U.S. is not what I would consider reasonable 😞. Especially if I wish to get more than qty 1. I have time to either find one locally, or wait until I can cross the border and get one at a better shipping cost.
  2. I've been having fun mapping out a replacement board using ExpressPCB and will first try to etch a replacement. Currently stalled because I'm having trouble sourcing the NTE6412 DIAC up here in Canada. Seems there is lots of NOS availability in the US, but shipping as high as $28 to get one up here. So biding my time until I can find one or travel across the border again post covid 🙂 Digikey had an equivalent HT60RP, but it also is obsolete and they recommend a DB4 as a replacement. However the breakover voltage is lower (35-45) and I don't know enough about the design to know if they are suitable substitutes..
  3. Very interesting. I'm working on a Polk PSK125 and discovered the PDC board used is exactly the same. Perhaps it's a rebrand or OEM Part as it is labelled INDIGO. I'll have to do some research and see. I think the PDC is also the source of my troubles, which is a crackling noise followed by blowing fuses. Significant burn damage to the rear of the PDC board. In the Polk amplifier the PDC board sits next to a couple of resistors that seem to get very hot. I'll be replacing the resistors with something that can handle the heat a bit better, but trying to decide the approach to repairing the damaged the back side of the PDC board. Trying to decide if I can simply jumper the appropriate traces to prove that's all the damage and then perhaps its best to design and fabricate another board and replace it altogether. The traces on Pins 1 & 2 of J6 have been obliterated and the outer layer of the board damaged up to the level of the lower diodes
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