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  1. Hi @ngen33r, Hope you had a great vacation. I appreciate what you do for all the klipsch sub owners. I the mean time I found the values of the resistors. The R16 one is 10 ohm and the other is 2.2k ohm. Thank you anyway. I hope you can help me with another question. I removed all the caps and resistors and will replacing them. I also removed all the glue. In the proces I noticed one copper leads/trace is broken probably because of the cap which was broken (leaking?). I have attached a picture. Would you be able to tell me where this trace goes or how to fix/bypass this? That would be amazing! Thank you!
  2. @ngen33r Thank you for the amazing work you do! Could you please tell me the values of the two resistors just behind the two big capacitors at R16? That would be a big help!
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