Hello!, i have noticed a very low noise like interference in the subwoofer (like "Shhh"), it is felt when you listen at a very low volume (close to the minimum) and there is silence in the room, it is even more felt if you approach the subwoofer.
I also noticed that noise is when the bar sends bass to the subwoofer, if it is not playing bass it does not make the noise. I bought 2 cinema 600s and they both make the same interference noise, so it doesn't seem like a unit defect.
I tried to unplug all the electrical equipment in my house (I even turned down the circuits from the central panel), including the wireless ones, just leave the bar and the subwoofer connected to the electricity, and the noise continues, so no It is an electrical problem in my house, nor is it wireless interference. Besides if the problem were electrical or interference, the noise would be all the time, and here the noise appears only when the subwoofer receives audio data, when the bar does not send sound signals the subwoofer is silent, so I interpret that it is a manufacturing failure in some component, or is it a defect of the wireless system with which it is necessary to live.
To hear the noise, 3 conditions have to be met at the same time that perhaps very few people meet them to notice it. The conditions are
1- Have the sound almost to the minimum (between 1 and 2 volume LEDs, Up to 3 volume LEDs can also be heard, after that level the sound already covers the noise).
2-The room must be completely closed and silent (no noise from the street or outside)
3- You have to be less than one meter from the subwoofer (or listen to it directly from the subwoofer output if you do not have a good ear) and play audio that dominates the bass, since if there is a lot of mids or treble they will cover the noise of the subwoofer.
I noticed the noise watching the movie BumbleBee, in the scene that the girl takes the car home and begins to examine it, it is a scene of silence where there are parts that contain only bass.
I'm sad because my 2 NEW cinemas 600 make the same noise in the subwoofer, and I really like the bar, and surely if I change it, it will also come with that problem, because the batch that arrived here in Argentina must all be with that fault.
Anyone with this problem?
Thanks for answering!