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Everything posted by Moh

  1. Klipsch RP5000F have 4 binding post (top 2 and bottom 2). Does it make even subtle difference in sound if you attach speaker wire to top or bottom two posts? Is there a trick to removing the small caps on the binding post. They cover the opening where banana plugs go. I have broken my finger nail trying to pry it out.
  2. If I have main speakers within a foot on each side of the TV (58" TV) is there any advantage of adding a center channel speaker. I believe the main purpose of center channel is to place vocals on screen. With proper sound imaging and I sitting 10 feet directly in front of the TV is it worth spending the extra $$ for a center? Is the sound not more dynamic without center channel..That is, without center, if someone from right side of screen is speaking will it not come out louder from right speaker and conversely if someone is speaking from left side of screen sounding from left speaker..Is this not preferred? Thanks.
  3. Wow Garyrc, That is a detailed response.. Thanks I appreciate it and I am sure it is a good read for others on the board as well.
  4. Is the RP series of klipsch their top consumer home speaker series? or do they have higher series for home speakers.
  5. Moh

    Klipsch RP5000F

    Running them full range and Base boost on my receiver to "on" otherwise no base goes to the sub when I change speakers to "Large" on my yamaha receiver. Boy..there is a lot to learn on how to get the most pleasing sound. Moving speakers around has also been helpful. My sub has an input that bypasses the sub crossover and I assume would give a cleaner signal to the sub..but I don't know how to restrict the frequencies going to the sub when turning on bass boost thus I have no choice but to use the crossover in the subwoofer.
  6. I have never tried polk.. How would you describe the sound? I realize some of what I am asking is subjective. I listen to pop music at low volume.
  7. I am a novice at audio. I was wondering if there is a preferance of what type of speaker sound people like. If you used speakers in your young age that were bass/mid heavy, your mind focuses on bass/mid when you listen and the highs become "background". Those who grew up with speakers that emphasized highs, their mind tends to listen to the mid/highs and the "base" becomes background...The Klipsh speakers which tend to emphasize the highs tend to be liked more by the latter group. I wonder if we become "wired" with these preferences at younger age and that is why people like particular brand of speakers and this "wired" state does not really change once you are older... I know some older people that dislike Klipsch but love brands that emphasize the lower frequencies. Any truth to this or opinions? Thanks.
  8. On my Klipsch RP5000F , I notice a bit of "Metalic" nature to the sound. I have a hard time describing it exactly (especially when strings are played). Has anyone else noticed this type of sound. Is it just super accurate/sharp or do I need to fine tune an adjustment in my Yamaha RX-V485 receiver. Thanks.
  9. All good... it sounds great... I am not noticing any deficiencies and am really able to enjoy the music. Thanks
  10. Hi, yes, I have run the YPAO. Moving speakers a bit has pretty well gone. I think break in period is also important but I have also turned on "enhancer" on the receiver. The sound from my TV box Youtube songs is much better.
  11. Yes the grill is removeable. I will try with grills off. As I get used to the speakers, I am finding this effect is going away. When I got the speakers new (only a week old) , I found them to be bright so I cur out a couple of pieces of the netting we have on windows to block insects and taped between speaker cabinet infront of tweeter and behind the grill. It might be time to take them off as the speakers "appear" less bright, less harsh and now quite smooth.
  12. Hi, I have Klipsch RP5000F small tower,matching RP500C centre, Paradigm ADP 190 surround, Energy 10 inch sub..I also have a Yamaha Rx-V485 receiver I have never had speakers with horn tweeter. I have had it for about a week ..The sound keeps improving. I keep comparing it to my previous speakers as that is my only point of comparison but obviously these have a different sound that my "ears" will have to get accustomed to.
  13. The speakers are new. I am getting some "S" sound at the end of words spoken by female persons. It sounds a bit unpleasant. Does this go away as the speakers break in or is this inherent in these speakers (RP5000F)
  14. Where is this party you speak of..How come no one invited me !!
  15. What is your opinion for use of klipsch speakers. Are they best suited for playing at higher volumes to excite and "awaken" senses or are they equally good for lower volume play for relaxation (say before bedtime).
  16. Moh

    Klipsch RP5000F

    Hi, How do you know if monitor audio have more mid range and upper base. My Yamaha amp has EQ function where I can adjust EQ.. Can I make some changes here to bump up the mid range ? Yes I have a centre.. but during home theatre use , I don't notice much concern..only in stereo play. Thanks.
  17. Moh

    Klipsch RP5000F

    I just swapped the re and black at left speaker and sound is suddenly less echo like , less harsh and more realistic. I will have to double check the YPAO again.
  18. Moh

    Klipsch RP5000F

    If the speaker is correctly wired ..otherwise when I run the calibration system YPAO ..it tells you that it is out of phase.
  19. Does tweeter/ woofer crossover have an impact on sound quality or is it set strictly on the best combination for natural sound of woofer/tweeter combination type. Why do expensive speakers generally have lower crossover between tweeter and woofer eg. 2.0 kHz while many less expensive speakers have a higher crossover say 2.7 KHz. Also I find 1 inch tweeters generally have lower crossover than say 3/4 inch tweeters, Does a lower crossover generally give a more natural sound?
  20. Does tweeter/ woofer crossover have an impact on sound quality or is it set strictly on the best combination for natural sound of woofer/tweeter combination type. Why do expensive speakers generally have lower crossover between tweeter and woofer eg. 2.0 kHz while many less expensive speakers have a higher crossover say 2.7 KHz. Does a lower crossover generally give a more natural sound?
  21. Moh

    Klipsch RP5000F

    I have increased the crossover to 90 Hz . Not sure how much difference but I sense it has made some.
  22. Moh

    Klipsch RP5000F

    You are right about the driver size.. I am kicking myself for selling the monitor audio's but have to make the best of these. I thought that the main reason for buying speakers with larger driver is for going loud and lower frequencies. I thought why get larger driver since it is more expensive, takes more space, I don't play loud and use speakers set as small crossed over at 80Hz with the sub so I don't even get low frequencies from the mains. Does the horn tweeter give the impression of less "filling" sound compared to regular dome tweeter? Does bookshelf speaker with one 6.5 inch woofer give better impression of "coverage of space" compared to floor stander with 2 x 5.25 inch woofers.? My speakers are about 8 feet apart.. Will increasing or decreasing the distance between them have a positive impact of what I am trying to achieve. I sit with 8 feet between the 2 speakers and each speaker is about 12 feet from me. Thanks.
  23. Moh

    Klipsch RP5000F

    The room is 15 feet by 30 feet rectangle. The space I am using for music/movies is one half of the length of the rectangle and the other half is open space with only dining space to the right side of where I am sitting for music. The receiver is Yamaha Rx-V485.
  24. I just switched from Monitor Audio Rx6 to Klipsch RP5000F . I find the sound "thin" and doesn't fill the room as MA's I have them set 1 ft from walls , sub crossed at 80HZ , speakers toed in, anything else I can do ?
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