I sold my Hegel h590 and now looking to get some tubes for the cornwalls. I have a wilsenton r8 with a pair of heresys in my other listening area and love it
I did a comparison of the hegel h590 vs the r8 with heresys and I have to tell you….. what a night and day comparison. The Hegel is a lot more reserved and laid back vs the r8. With the tubes the heresys came to life. The Hegel really seemed to play it safe while the r8 seemed alive and fun. I can’t believe I enjoy a 2k tube to a 14k solid state.
my question is does anyone have experience With the wilsenton r800i? Seems like it will be an upgrade from the r8
im currently running a bluesound node to the r8 but looking to get something for the cornwall system. I’m Thinking about a denafrips Aries 2 or Pontus 2 paired with a streamer.
does the streamer have much to do with audio quality or is it the dac that determines that?
any feedback is appreciated
thank you