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Posts posted by Strabo

  1. How tall did you make the corner placment one? That looks most like a bass trap to me am I correct?

    Yes, I cut up some panels into triangles then stacked them in the corner. It is currently 16 inches tall. I'm thinking of bringing it up to 20 or 24 inches.

    It is a bass trap, but paraphrasing Mas, fixing the bass usually takes care of the treble too. This is because the bass trap is really a broadband absorber that also absorbs high frequencies.

  2. You can spend as much as you want to in "high-end" audio.

    For complete ridiculousness, see


    I hate to waste dealer's time when I'm kicking tires with no intention of buying, but if they have a showroom then I need to see that place someday. They are only 10 minutes from my house.

    You have to admit they have a sense of humor. Check out their misc page.


    The Koetzu Golden Bullet, Killer sound, fastest tracker. [:P]
    The Rell Subwoofer is out of control with a FR down to 1hz using a cheap wall wart power supply. [<:o)]

  3. Clicking on either of the above links does not work for me. I get the "Genealogical blah blah blah" too.

    However, typing in the address worked just fine.

    Thanks for offering these up Dave! Having some friends over for a listening session in a couple weeks. Some of these will be on the playlist. [:D]

  4. I assumed "quality of the records" to mean vinyl. Guess he could have meant recordings instead of records.

    If digital, it can also come from the player. I hear it in my friends Pioneer Elite (47?) universal player at moderate levels.

    My point was, it can come from virtually anywhere and he has some troubleshooting ahead of him to figure out the source of the problem. It may be safe to assume that the speakers and amp are not an issue at this point, but who knows?

  5. What do you mean by "sizzle" them? I've never hear that in reference to Steve's work?

    I notice a little bit of "extra air" on his CD releases but not on the LP's he works on. Although, I haven't compared the LP's to closely. Granted, his work is much better than any of the current major's reissue programs, but if you compare any 80's rock title to the original 80's cd it becomes pretty evident.

    IMO, he gets the compression right but seems to miss on the treble knob. I'm looking forward to comparing his recent version of Tres Hombres and Rumors on LP to see how they fair.

  6. It looks like there will be 6 - 8 releases per month between the two labels. I was having a difficult time figuring out how to pay for 4 per month. [:(]

    See the two threads on the subject. One is released by Music Matters and RTI, the other is Music Matters and Analog Productions. They both show different titles being released.



  7. Front speakers: Chorus II & Forte II stacked for diappolito (ms?) design

    Thanks guys

    I'm curious, looking at your pictures, are the top set of speakers (Forte's?) mounted upside down with the grills turned around to be upright?

    Edit, Does it work with two tweeters, MTTM?

    I don't know anything about the DAppolito configuration but is it designed to work with horns? From my limited reading, isn't it used to offset some crossover issues not room issues?

    Funny, I have a similarly shaped room that is set up completely different with a focus on the sound over the video. We all have our priorities I guess.

  8. To confuse the issue more, there are two very different types of compression that people have mentioned in this thread, dynamic compression as mentioned in the original post, and coding compression which is storage option.

    Neither type of compression is bad in itself, it is how it is used. Over use is the problem. In the case of dynamic compression, I don't want 20+ dbs of dynamics when listening in my home so some compression is needed. The problem is the industry has all but done away with any dynamics. It is almost impossible to find a new CD these days with more than 4dbs of dynamics. This is being done to make new CDs sound louder than anything prior. Remember, to the general public, louder = better. Hopefully everyone here knows better.

    Coding compression likewise is not so bad if done moderately or better yet, losslessly. MP3 is a lossy compression. Combine that with a small sample rate and you lose a lot of music data. High sample rate MP3 isn't that bad IMO. It is a degridation to the sound, but for casual listening it works.

    Combine the two, no dynamics and lossy compression and you can chase anyone out of any listening room, no matter how how great the equipment or how well the room is designed. It's going to sound horrible.

  9. I probably should have also noted in my second picture, what looks like a ramp with green steel support on the right side of the picture, that was the apron to the bridge. It used to run parallel to the bridge behind it, blocking out the view of the bridge behind it.

  10. are all the piers ntact ..??

    overweight, by itself won't do it ...

    Not sure what piers you are refering to. There are three main structures in my first picture. In the foreground is a dam that is just upstream of the 35W bridge, next is parts of crumpled remains (green steel) of the 35W bridge, and the bridge in the background is the Cedar Ave bridge (still standing).

    You shouldn't be able to see much of the Cedar Ave bridge because the 35W bridge should have blocked the view.

    A bit of background I35 splits as it runs through the twin cities similar to how it runs through Dallas. 35W runs through the western part of the twin cities (MPLS) and 35E runs though the eastern part of the cities (St. Paul). It splits in a southern suburb then reconnects in a northern suburb.

  11. too bad the Video does'nt show the point of collapse ...

    For some reason that video cut off the first frame or two. Try the video on NY Times.


    The collapse started at the southern end (right side of the video) of the bridge. I've only seen one arial shot and it shows all of the bridge fell down staight except for the southeast section. It fell to the east.

    I'm no expert but it looks to me like something gave way on the south east side first then the rest followed.

    Here's a couple shots I took after today's Twins game. Both looking to the east.

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