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  1. I'm saying 100% because out of a few hundred that we have done, it has been the culprit every time. Not sure you can ESR that cap since it's used as a decoupling capacitor in this circuit. We use a huntron and know what to expect visually on the screen. You can have thumping and still have other issues going on.
  2. Thumping is 100% caused by the 22UF 50v cap directly between the IRS IC and the Output MOSFETS. If you are hearing that thump, the IRS IC is fine. At this point in time, the amount of time the, 'now brown' glue on these amps is turning very acidic when it gets warm. It etchs the copper, and many resistors, transistors, and diodes fall off the boards when the glue is removed. it's a 50/50 shot at repairing those early versions now. We probably have a box of 30 at this point, we threw out just as many back in October.
  3. The resistor is fine; replace the same four capacitors.
  4. You're not in the correct thread for the model You're asking about. That said. C5 only connects to the circuit on that negative lead on the bottom side of the board. Can't see where the other one goes since you have a capacitor in the hole.
  5. You have the newer style.. still need to recap it.
  6. Replacing this 1uf @ 50v will get rid of the thumping sound. The whole board should recapped and all glue removed or you'll end up with other issues soon.
  7. Raising the wattage will not change much. If the resistance and the voltage stay the same, then the same amount of heat will be generated by the resistor, whether it's a 5w resistor or a 50w resistor. The best thing you can do is relocate the resistor from the capacitors to reduce the heat they are subjected to. Moving the resistor and using thermal epoxy to secure it to the plate is the best option; this will transfer the heat to the plate, and half that plate is exposed to the outside. I have been rebuilding these for years. I rebuild them all using a board mounted 820 ohm 5W resistor, and I have never had one come back with a cap issue. I also only use Rubicon caps rated for 2000 Hours @ 130C.
  8. Probably because you are a new member. CY2 = WD102K 400V CY1 & CY5 = CD472M 250V
  9. If you scroll back a through this thread there are a few lists people made.
  10. Recap it, especially the 6 capacitors closest to the resistor.
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