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Posts posted by BLOOMIS914

  1. Tbrennan/Mdeneen/Bean Burrito- Give me a break. I respect everyone who is willing to work hard each day and work towards this "mysterious" phenomenon of self-improvement or even worse personal responsibility---YIKES, not that!!!. Doesn't matter if you work at McDonalds or Microsoft...I respect those that try to do better every day and not be content at just being average. If you work at McDonalds....strive to be the store manager to improve your SOL, if you pick up garbage, bust your but and ask for more responsibility and move up to driver!.

    I borrowed over $26,000 to pay for my bachelor's degree and I paid every dime back over quite a long period of time but it taught me Personal Responsibility and a work ethic that I can't seem to get anyone to acknowledge here. All you guys want to do is cry about this and whine about that and never talk about what YOU or OTHERS can do to make/improve your own SOL!!!!!!!!!

    What the heck???? Am I that far wacked out because I believe each person out there should be willing to challenge themselves and exercise their brain to try and improve their SOL....Go ahead and say I am. But I choose to work hard every day and make my future, not sit back and wait for the wining lotto ticket or Ed McMahon to show up at my front door. Payday is a choice between the corner liquor store, 40 ouncer and couple rocks and a hooker or socking a few bucks away for that home or the kids college or hold on again your own damn retirement. You rely on social security, get ready to be disappointed. The government I guess should take more from us, because we sure as hell can't manage our own money!

    No one here wants to talk about personal responsibility for one's success or lack thereof.


    I say because it is much easier to look to others for responsibility/blame for our misfortunes. It is much easier to blame those that "have" than it is to look in the mirror and question oneself.

    I don't actually carry a card btw. just a fig of speech. But do you know where I can get one?

    I am intolerant of government handouts with no accountability and don't understand why you folks don't give people the confidence/motivation to better themselves. And I am really intolerant of lazy people, women/men on crack with 7 kids selling their food stamps for more drugs, sleeping hi-lo drivers making $28.50/hour on the clock.....

    I think I have to stop opening this thread for fear it is hopeless.

    Two quotes to share....

    "You either believe you can or you can't.....In either case your right".

    The more you do, the more you can do"

    The less you do, the less you can do"

    Think athletes or marathon runners for the first one. The second one applies to not only your physical state of being but your mental state of mind. Think of the fat lady eating a tub of ice cream. Muscles can do more, the more you exercise them and guess what, SO CAN THE MIND...Put it to use to improve your own SOL, quit knocking on my car window.

    Think first-----This will be very difficult for those that are work-averse or afraid to do more, for fear they will just get screwed by "the man".

    Forget the party lines and 'isms for a minute or two and give me your thoughts here.

    Go ahead and tell me what a bad guy I am. And BTW, I work hard to pay for my kids private school because the public school ostracizes christians and christianity....They can't even celebrate Christmas and Easter any more.....But damn if all the kids don't know about Chanukkah, Kwanza, the Kuran', the chinese new year and every other obscure ethnic/religous holiday. But don't say Jesus or Under God.

    Nothing wrong with teaching religion/ethnic differences to kids but leave that to me thank you. It's confusing enough as an adult, try explaining Judaeism/Hinduism/Buddishm to a 5 year old christian child.

    We have become a country overrun by tolerance and reverse discrimination. For god sakes can't we all just get along.


  2. mdeneen- I respect and appreciate your honesty about not working.


    As a card carying conservative, I take personal responsibility in trying to motivate you and others to go and find a job and use whatever skills you may or may not have to the best of your ability. I am assuming you are A) not handicapped/disabled, preventing you from working and B) Not an Ex-Con/child molestor that is un-employable or C) retired???

    So, us conservatives aren't bad guys really, what we struggle with is people like you....Those that can bad- mouth our system and country and waste your time posting your political views and hostility to a faceless audience that can almost certainly do nothing to help you get employed.

    Do you choose not to work or are there no jobs available where you live? You have choices everyday to either "cry in your beer" and rain on everyone else's parade OR you can grab yourself by your bootstraps, take a shower, shave, clean up, put on the nicest clothes you own and GO SEEK OUT EMPLOYMENT.....I assure you it will not knock at your door, you have to go make your own future. If there are no jobs where you live.....MOVE to where the work is!

    I firmly believe that the choices I/you/we made and make determine our success today and tomorrow. It is not some upper class conspiracy to keep people down and inhibit personal growth or financial success. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

    The problem is there are two different philosophies on how to achieve success or financial stability. Mine says work hard, no work your *** off harder than everyone I know and take care of my family and good things will happen. The other philosophy is to blame others and their success on "circumstances and excuses" while relying on government or external forces (unions, etc.) to protect me(you).

    So Mdeneen, let's help you find out what it is you love or are good at (cause it sure ain't economics) and put those fast typing fingers to use.

    Invest the time you waste here (because your own words were that "The time that I waste is my own") towards finding a job or taking a class or getting some training. The Armed Forces are always hiring.

    You almost have me feeling sorry for you but I won't take the bait. Now move it soldier!!!


  3. Mdeneen- I've noticed an interesting trend with your posts and it is that many of them are posted during the regular workday (M-F) during the hours between 8AM-5PM.

    I have some very simple (but direct) questions for you:

    Do you have a job?

    Or are you milking the clock on company time using the company provided high-speed DSL?

    Or do you own your business and it is just so terribly successful that you spend your free time on the Internet audio forums promoting your European-socialism agenda.

    Or you're on one long summer vacation??

    Regardless, if you're working for someone else or are your own boss. Many of us truly work EVERYDAY for at least 8 hours and in my case more like twelve. How irresponsible of you to milk your employer or if self-employed LIE to yourself and others about your ideals.

    Quick, go back and scroll through all of your posts and look at the times.....Dang, didn't think of that!!

    GOTCHA------ You just lazy like the rest of em'

    Flame em' Forest!!


  4. Mdeneen----ARE YOU STILL TALKING??!!! I was out of town on business for several days and your still slinging your BS!!!!!! If you spent as much time and energy working as you do yapping here, the economy might turn around quick!

    Forest and Cybergeek are so RIGHT about all this that I have to laugh at Dentyne's long-winded, "but we must count all the votes" responses.....give it a rest.

    Now Forest and Cybergeek----here is the real challenge...don't respond to his leftist, socialism-in-disguise, radical views on "How I love the working man" more like how I plan to steal from the working class (you read rich) and give to the non-working (poor) class.

    Unions---I won't piss on all of them but here in Detroit UAW has a popular meaning and it ain't United Auto Workers, it's ****U Ain't Workin'****. The general rule in the auto plants here is, fire one drunken, drug-addicted, lazy UAW line worker and plan on getting 10 grievances which will cost the co. far greater.....HMMMMM....

    NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just heard that Al Sore has shaved his beard and declared he will run for President in 2004.....What a jackass, still crying about counting all the votes. No shame whatsoever.

    This thread has become a total joke not because of Forest & cybergeek but for the fact that Larry started this Horsedung and dentyne got a lot of free time on his hands...just look at the length of his posts.

    Sure you aren't a college professor at UC-Berkeley??

    Now, I know why I keep hanging at AVS Forum. I'm just partial to those elitist audio/videophiles and the global products that fuel our hobby.

    Rational discussion is clearly not working with Dentyne. He continues to live in "fantasyland" where we all make $150,000/year and there are no poor, homeless, medical insurance problems and of course, lots of free lunches.

    Emotional based rhetoric, that has no substance or common sense.


  5. Crash and Cybergeek, Thanks for trying to explain the correct definition of inflation to Mdeneen and the rest of these liberals.

    Mdeneen- If raises are given equally relative to profession, the cost of goods and services will rise in a proportionate fashion......Call it whatever you want but anyone with half a brain calls this inflation. Prices/costs will rise as we just raise everyone's pay. Just plain ignorant thinking otherwise.

    Tbrennan---"Studies have shown union workers to be more productive than non-union workers..." In your dreams!!!!!!!!! Who in there right mind would belong to the union if they truly wanted to work hard and have advancement opportunities??? The Union's (today) protect the lazy and guarantee employment and wages through collective bargaining and the grievance policies. If I want to succeed in life, the last thing I want to do is hitch my wagon to 5, 10, 500, or 2,500 other workers wagon and have us all viewed as "equal". It is the non-union employees (example DCX workers in Vance, AL) that truly have the opportunity to succeed and grow personally, professionally and your gonna hate me but financially.

    What incentive does the average union employee have to work harder??? Please enlighten me/us. Is there non-union management positions awaiting those who buck the Union "pace" or culture?

    Regarding the Liberal Media--With the exception of Fox News/Rupert Murdoch, our media is the biggest bunch of whining, left-wing liberals to exist. Majority of our news media loves to bash/hate big business and always has a heart-wrenching story about the most recent job layoffs, etc...Anyone who thinks the media is slanted towards business needs to wake up. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'reilly and Fox are the only hope the Conservatives have....fortunately those 4 combined kick the collective liberal media's ***!!

    This thread is hopeless and in the spirit of democracy I vote we end it.

    I've done my part the past week to boost the economy and bought another KLF-C7 for a total of three C7's in my house and a Parasound 6-channel Amp to further my HT hobby.

    Mdeneen- I can now sit/walk/stand anywhere in my house and listen to Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Porn movies, MLB Game of the week, Sean Hannity and when I'm really feeling cheeky I put on Phil Donahue and laugh my *** off ;-)


  6. mdeneen- WOW!!!! You have officially gone off the deep end/left end in your views on wage increases over tax cuts. I thought we weren't that far apart earlier but now I know we are.

    Tax cuts give every american a portion of the money they earned back and then allow for.....hold on here... the freedom to piss it away on beer, crack and a nice piece of *** or invest it in an asset like a down payment on a new home or a new car or heaven forbid sock it away in a 401K or mutual fund that may fund one's own retirement. Foresthump2 is right here, tax cuts are pay raises! and no rational economist can argue otherwise.

    Pay/wage raises are paid by who??? Not the government! They would be paid by business owners who already have a work force that shows up everyday with their own free will. Consumers would then pay inflated prices to cover the incresed costs for goods and services. Raise employees wages/salaries and watch prices for those goods and services they provide rise right in line....I think this is what they call inflation!!

    What you are saying is even worse than the government's taxes or "redistibution of wealth" it is the governement arbitrarily/artificailly raising minimum wage which results directly in inflation.

    If wage increases are such a good idea why don't we propose $100,000 as the new minimum wage and watch what happens to prices. Is this concept that difficult to follow? I think I know where you are going with this, once the pay raises go into effect and those people get taxed you generate a increase in tax revenue for the Gov. but big deal everything will cost incrementally more due to inflation.

    Mdeneen, I think you would be much happier in France or Canada where taxes are higher and beer and wine are plenty. Two economies, governments that are driven by the redistribution of wealth and government control. I will say that those Canadians got great beer for their tax dollars and nationalized health care.. what a joke....(read no choices) gov. tells you where to go and heaven forbid you need or have a special medical condition.

    This is becoming futile.


  7. mdeneen- I see your point and I may have interpreted what you said a little different.

    After my first read, I got the impression you were criticizing our country's economic/business system/"free market".

    I understand perfectly about the greater good concept and agree on a very, very controlled basis. But "the greater good philosphy" reeks of liberal, protect us from ourselves bias.

    There is a million examples of the greater good philosphy going to extremes in government.....Helmet laws on motorcycles are just one, seat belt laws are another, mandatory air bags in cars, etc, etc., etc.....Now whether I agree with these laws or not doesn't matter, it is the fact that our government is becoming more and more involved in our every day lives and taking away your/my freedom to make decisions for ourselves. Pretty soon lawyers will sue McDonalds and all fast food restaurants for selling fat filled cheeseburgers and fries that caused or contributed to some guys heart blockage/obesity. Once they lose, because a sympathetic jury is guaranteed, kiss your cheeseburgers and fries goodbye because government believes you/we don't have the brain power to make intelligent decisions for ourselves and therefore WE MUST BE PROTECTED FROM OURSELVES!! This is no different than the tobacco lawsuits.

    Medeneen, I don't think we are that far apart and I see your basic point, the problem is I don't think you or many here see your freedoms being taken away on a daily basis or the increased government control that goes well beyond the greater good.

    For the record, I've tried not to attack anyone here from this BB personally...Our politicians though, that's another matter.


  8. Keith, I am nut suffering from corporate brainwashing, I'm just becoming more and more of a realist. As I go on, I learn, like it or not, all business is around for one reason.......Hold on here.......TO MAKE A PROFIT!! Usually by making a profit, a small company grows and provides more jobs to more and more people who get to make a living. No one makes anyone get up and go to work each day, at least not here in the US, This isn't communist China. My job is the result of my hard work, and I work hard every day to stay "marketable" and employed. You call it corporate brain-washing I call it insuring, protecting and saving for my own unemployment/retirement should that happen.

    So my basic belief is that everyone is in control of their own future, if you don't like where you are at geographically, financially, politically or otherwise only one person can change it.....Guess who that is??

    The problem is most people are naturally risk-averse or afraid of change. And the other half are risk-takers...This basic human behavior will continue to create the natural disparities in wealth, but also guarantee a labor supply at every educational/skill level.

    Mdeneen- A lot of talk and you couldn't be more wrong. When's the last time you've been to Europe, Mexico or even Canada????????? My job takes me all over the world and I talk to people from all walks of life. Our economy here in the US is what most foreigners dream of everyday. Why do you think that people are flocking to get in this country from Mexico and otherwise?? This country offers more incentives than any place on the planet for the small business-person to start and succeed if they so desire.

    The problem today is that many liberals in our current Democratic/Socialist party are, to use Keith's words, brain-washing our senior citizens and many of our minorities and lower-income earners that they can not get by unless big brother (the government) paves the way for them). They continue to promise a program for everyone instead of encouraging a "bias for action" to change one's life or get that education that's holding them back from the next level.

    Guess who pays for all those programs, the average working man.

    The US is the greatest free-market on the face of the Earth, it's shameful for you to criticize it to the extent you have. No where else do people have the opportunities to succeed as they do here. Is it perfect? If it was we wouldn't have tobacco lawyers suing for someone smoking themselves into the grave.

    Ignorance is Bliss for many unfortunately.


  9. Keith, Actually I worked summers in college on a landscaping/lawn cutting/sod crew. Saved enough money to pay for my college spending money and borrowed the rest on student loans and paid for my undergraduate Business Degree from a Private University----NO STATE MONEY GRANTS.

    Senior year of college I Spent 13 weeks at Various Ford Motor Stamping plants running presses, learning about line work, quality, Labor management relations and basically what it takes to get along and succeed in the working world.....The best lesson I learned was from a guy at Ford-Woodhaven Stamping who always called me "college boy". He was a hi-lo driver that asked me how much I was making as an intern and I told him $8.00/hour and 3 college credits. He laughed and said why you want to go to college and do all that hard work when you could get a job here making $80,000 plus per year driving a hi-lo or working the line.....I said "Yeah right" and he proceeded to show me his pay stub in mid-August and he had grossed more than $58,000 at that point. I was shocked and dismayed to say the least. He bragged how the Union made sure that they have job classifications so even if his job is done, that he can not be moved to other areas that have excess work. Very narrow job descriptions allow for more employees and less flexibility. Heaven forbid he help another area unrelated to the material handlers.

    What a lesson. This attitude is the norm, not the exception. Often times I was harassed for working any faster than the "Team" wanted to work for fear new standards would be set. My thought was I want to work hard and shine and maybe get more opportunity but that was frowned on, as it made the general population look bad and no one from the Union or "floor" ever got promoted to salary. I realize many don't have this attitude but Keith let's be honest many do.

    Keith, guess why the automakers are moving their plants to areas like Vance, Alabama (DCX Mercedes) and the like? Because Land is cheap, tax breaks are plenty, labor is cheap and their is an abundance of it, and most importantly the automakers will provide opportunities to all employees as long as the Unions aren't formed. UAW HQ is up here in Detroit and that's a long way from home to try and organize happy workers who otherwise wouldn't have any job options. And guess what, Vance employees kick-*** making Mercedes for DCX they are happier than Union shops because of the "free market" forces that allow them to advance within the organization and increase their earning power. Each person is responsible and accountable for his own destiny.....WOW, what a concept! And it works. But the UAW is pushing hard to change all that.

    Trust me, if my boss/co. could hire a Mexican or any other nationality guy to do my job today for half the money, he would. And why would I blame him, he is paying me for performance and bottom line sales. It is a free market and they don't owe me a job, a salary or health insurance...I earn it every day and strive to improve.

    Mdeneen- Your sarcasm takes everything out of context....deal with the basic point.....A fair days wage for a fair days work. Are many (not all) CEO's paid too much? Hell yeah. Are Unions (not all) overpaid, Hell yeah. A realistic balance is what I dream of no free lunches and no golden parachutes on both sides.

    Larry- Please be specific and reference some government sponsored bailouts of an automaker not including Chrysler Corporation in the late '70's/early '80's??? And Chrysler paid the US Government ALL THE MONEY BACK WITH INTEREST!!

    I think you are confusing the airline industry and the 9/11 bailout with a basically self-sufficient auto industry. Please don't generalize, be specific and get your facts straight. Actually, I'm hearing some conservative undertones in your last few posts.....

    Maybe we aren't all so different, just a bit biased based on our own experiences.


  10. Tom Daschle and Big Dick Gephardt are Communists/Socialists trying to overrun the democratic party.

    These guys are so far wacked/left they are actually funny. The part that scares me is that a lot of uneducated/unmotivated victims/people endorse them because if they get their way there will be a government program that will allow everyone to stay home and do nothing while getting paid for it.

    I heard that comment and thought the same thing!

    Larry----You want to talk Unions come to Detroit and I'll personally walk you through automotive assembly plants where hi-lo drivers make over $65,000 per year, get double-time over 40 hours and Triple time on Holidays. Now, Keith don't jump me, but I believe Unions do stand for some good things but the automotive industry is way out of hand.

    This is why, as Ross Perot said, you here that giant sucking sound going south into Mexico called JOBS. Very basic Supply and Demand principles at work here.

    US auto workers will unionize and Demand upwards of $20.00/hour for unskilled labor and Mexican auto workers will line-up and work all day for less than $20.00US.... If you were a business owner or stockholder what would you do??

    People need to really wake up here, this is why businesses are folding left and right because we can't compete with costs and labor outside our borders on many products.


    This message has been edited by BLOOMIS914 on 07-17-2002 at 10:37 PM

  11. Boa12- You are right on.....I responded against my better judgement........Some things are better left alone. Just like my father told me...."rarely will you convince the other party on any topics/discussions related to politics or religion. So just leave them alone unless with family and even then they can get wild.

    Peace out!

    I'm going back to surfing for great A/V & HT threads.....

    See Ya!


  12. Larry- First off, I appreciate your lengthy response up until the point where you claim I'm spouting off "partisan dogma". I am not a pissed off conservative, just conservative on most issues. I believe in a free market (business with minimal government intervention), basic supply and demand principles and that education is critical to anyone's success.

    Larry/TBrennan--It's very charitable of you to believe in/vote for minimal wage increase(s) but history has shown that when it comes time to pay more for the goods or services you desire, that most people will choose the business with the most competitive PRICES, NOT the business that pays the best wage.....Do you base car-buying decisions based on union vs. non-union employees, or more specifically the MFR that pays it's employees most??? I didn't think so. When minimum wage is increased it is very simple COSTS/PRICES GO UP and the average Joe gets it in the pocketbook.

    Whether you are buying a sandwich or whatever, the point I was making is very simple....DON'T READ IN TO IT....Quite simply I believe in smaller government and less government interaction in business and in our daily lives...On the other hand I also believe in...are you ready for this one, hang on to your hats, PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. This goes for everything from abiding by the law, to looking for, finding and keeping a job, to education and quite simply, TAKING OWNERSHIP OF ONE'S FUTURE AND THE RESPONSIBILITY TO DO MORE, TRY HARDER AND always ask more of yourself and those around you instead of looking for excuses or people to blame/sue for life's "bad cards". Which most of the time is the net result(s) of a lot of poor decisions.

    Come on guys, stick to issues not EMOTIONS.

    I do agree Amway is the biggest scam and fraud that is allowed to exist in the US business culture.

    Ted Turner- What a nut-job....Not even worth addressing

    Bill Gates- The American Dream personified and if the Government gets their way they will find them guilty of anti-trust and every other business law they can find. Microsoft almost single-handedly provided the economic boom we had for the last 10 years. as they allowed companies to reduce costs, inventories and speed up orders and information transfer.

    Guys, don't take anything personal as I don't think I attacked anyone on this forum personally about their education or otherwise. BTW, Coney Islands are restaurants here in Metro-Detroit, this was not a reference to anything or business in Coney Island New York where the name came from.

    OK now, flame away, just don't be emotional and base things on real issues and facts.

    I like the part about the Cliche's, nice argument, but really what did you disageee with??

    One final thought that my boss preaches is this: "No matter how much you are doing, you can always do more and no matter how little you are doing, you can always do less" Think about it.....Which side of the fence do you sit on? I wish everyone asked that question of themselves everyday and answered honestly.


    This message has been edited by BLOOMIS914 on 07-13-2002 at 11:28 PM

  13. Ray- I knew I loved you for a reason, keep up the fight, we got your back!

    lne937s--Talk about opening a can of worms.....First, My experience with liberals (Democrats) and Conservatives (Republicans) has taught me that more often than not it is almost always a Democrat/Liberal who believes in Big or Bigger government and one that will always create a new program and tax to save the rare Jupiter beetle in some remote part of SW Arizona. It is always a Democrat/Liberal that is pushing to artificially increase minimum wage for employees.

    Let me ask a question, if you own a McDonalds or even more realistic the corner Coney Island store and have 10 employees making $5.00 an hour who show up to work everyday under their own free will. How would you feel as the owner if someone was trying to pass a bill/law to increase their wages by $1.00 per hour (That's 20% for you people who have trouble reading ballots in Florida).????? That's what I thought....You the business owner, providing jobs and economic opportunity and keeping the business cycle flowing should be penalized right??!! Because of the Liberals(Most Democrats), this country is quickly moving in the direction of European Socialism. Don't believe me, open your eyes and talk to anyone who owns ANY business and they continue to get increasingly taxed and punishesd for their continued efforts and hard work.

    I try to stay open-minded, but the last thing the country needs at a time like this is a bunch of whining liberals playing Monday morning quarterback....And then to suggest Lieberman or Gore could handle the Presidency....Please stop now, get the phone number for Tom Cruise, Phil Donahue and Alec Baldwin and buy your ticket to that better country that will allow you to express your thoughts, ideas and opinions.

    What a hypocrite...Liberals are the ones who claim to be proud to be American but will reserve the right to burn the flag or protest the Pledge of Allegiance, or protect the Afghan soldiers rights being held in Gitmo and so on......Give me a break and Wake up!!!!!!!!

    Nothing personal, I just can't stand liberalism and your "the world owes me a living" philosophy.

    No PC responses from this hard-working married family man!


  14. It would be unfortunate for him, if people bid up his merchandise to stratospheric prices under fake email names and then didn't buy.

    I hope no one would do something like that.


  15. Just great, single-handedly driving up the cost of the one speaker I relish.....

    That's why I refuse to buy from Erip! So much reselling and fake bidding going on.

    Who's thirsty?


  16. I want one, but that is too much money.

    I had to post to this thread after seeing the two Cosmopolitan's/Martini's, my post will make a third and hopefully trigger some sort of slot machine/long odds payoff from Klipsch. I will wait by my door for the UPS truck with the entire new Reference line. This is great, I never win anything.

    Time to mix up another and celebrate!!!


  17. I am thinking about buying this sub, anyone have any recommendations on amps based on output quality, performance, value etc.??????

    What is the minimum wattage I should use and what would be the maximum wthout wasting amplifier dollars? What specific criteria should I use when buying/evaluating amplifier options? wattage, channels, RMS, THD, BFD, NFG, ETC.

    Any help would be appreciated. Will this sucker smoke my KSW-15??

    Is $475 a fair price for a used one?


  18. Ray, Don't believe the hype......KLF-30's are often regarded as the last great set of Klipsch speakers made when cute/small speakers were very trendy....My KLF-30's sound fantastic. I am a big believer in the rule that says "there is no substitution for cubic inches" in speakers and engines.

    Look at the size of the new RF-7's, pretty large, looks very much like the KLF-30's with new drivers and an obviously refined/toned down sound with beautiful new cabinets (read extra cost).

    If you want to unload your 30's, I'll take them off your hands------------;-) I'd love to have a pair of Belle's though also, but I would not part with my 30's to get them, we're bonded.


    This message has been edited by BLOOMIS914 on 07-01-2002 at 11:31 PM

  19. OK, Let's keep it light-hearted as that was my intention....I love Canadians, if it wasn't for you guys we wouldn't have won three Stanley Cups in the last 6 years here in Detroit('97, '98 and '02), and I wouldn't be able to drive 25 minutes to buy all my duty free high-octane beer and alcohol!!! I also love Tim Horton's, The Bare Naked Ladies, Rush and I bought all my Klipsch speakers from a dealer in Windsor.

    As a Hockey player living 25 minutes from the Detroit-Windsor border, I never pass up an opportunity to take a shot at one of my friends. Come on guys/TheEar let's have fun but be honest with your forum friends when you really haven't built more than some Radio shack/Heathkit special sub....I really don't think you should spout off unless you can contribute a first hand experience with his or something similar...Give him(mlstrass) just a little respect.

    Great thread, Eh?


    This message has been edited by BLOOMIS914 on 06-29-2002 at 08:03 PM

  20. mlstrass- I'm with you...I've been reading along very humored by this thread and TheEAR's "knowitall" mentality. I personally can afford whatever sub I wawnt to buy but have become very intrigued with DIY projects after completing my entire basement HT. So now I am comtemplating building my own sub and I kind of like the idea and I would agree that all the DIY'ers at HTForum.com and AVSforum.com can't be that far off when comparing against the name brands.

    mlstrass, could you please send me a link or a PM of how or where I can get the detailed instructions to build one of these bad boys? My current chimney is in use here in the winter or I would consider filling that sucker with four 18's like the EAR suggested ;-)

    Why is it when one Canadian spouts off with nonsense another always come running to defend their ground with further name calling and nonsense??


  21. For just over $4,000 you can get a Sanyo PLV-60/Studio Experience SE-13HD LCD with native 16:9 panels. I own the SE-13HD and use a 52" x 92" (106"D) screen with it and the picture is simply stunning. I compared with the Sharp Z9000/DLP, Yamaha DPX-1(DLP) and the Sony 11HT(LCD) and the DLP's were a little better but no way worth paying $5-6K more (Retail is around $9-10K for Sharp and Yamaha).

    Just make sure that you do your homework on the native resolution and what you will be using it for (DVD's, Cable, Satellite, Games) and how much ambient light in the room.

    I love my SE-13HD, check out the AVSforum.com for more info on projectors or studioexperience.com

    Good luck.


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