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Everything posted by egronenthal

  1. Forgive me for asking a dumb question, and one that's probably been addressed elsewhere on this forum, but what is the size of the thread used on the speaker cable binding post and nut? I have a pair of Forte IIs from 1990. The plastic nuts have stripped and I need to find replacements.
  2. Thanks for all the input! It seems like the two sources are Chris Munson and Bob Crites. Which provides the better upgrade? How about bang for the buck?
  3. Forgive my ignorance, I haven't had much time to research this on the forum... I have a pair of Klipsch Forte II speakers, purchased new in 1991. I've heard many things about upgrading the factory crossover or even building and installing a new crossover myself. What is the latest poop on this? Can someone direct me to the proper resource?
  4. Hmm... good point! However, the Paramours are simple on and off items, rather than the additional complexity of selector and volume controls available on the Foreplay. I know it sounds silly, but it took a couple of years to train my wife to use our current preamp without fear. I know the additional wires flying out the top of the Foreplay will only add to the fear factor. Seriously, I also have small children (7-11 years old), so the exposed valves and wires are a big concern. Perhaps this tilts the scales to SS or at least a fully enclosed tube rig (Rogue, for example?).
  5. I have a pair of Forte IIs, and am considering new power amps. At the moment I am using an NAD 2100, the sound is OK but a bit dry and sterile. I use a Bottlehead Foreplay when possible as preamp (WAF), the tubes really help warm things up. Among the amps I am considering are: Musical Fidelity A3.2cr: rave reviews, sounds like a potential good match AES Superamp: good reviews, tubed Bottlehead Paramour: tubed, lower price than above amps, but weak low bass? too noisy?
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