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Found 4 results

  1. Selling one set of several Nikko separates that I’ve owned for years. This setup is amazing with Klipsch and many other speakers. Everything works perfectly with the one exception of minor static when adjusting the volume attenuator. No static at any volume, just when moving between volume detents. Cosmetically, the amp looks awesome, only minor wear for a 40+ year old amp. The preamp and tuner have several minor nicks and scratches. Again, only cosmetic. Local metro-D.C. sale/pick-up only (amp alone weighs about 30 lbs.) Items included and links to specs/info: Nikko Alpha 220 Nikko Beta 20 Nikko Gamma 20 $500 for the stack (pick-up only).
  2. Hi there. I am looking for a Tuner Module MB014MA or Mb114ma1 This particular model was found in number of Denon Marantz Nad and Rotel Products. So anyone with a unrepairable product which has this tuner module, please PM/DM me. Furthermore I require an original RC 1022 remote silver color. Would require item to be shipped in CONUS. Thanks in advance
  3. Wanted to buy a Sansui TU-717 tuner in working condition and in good cosmetic condition. If you have one to sale send PM. Thanks!
  4. To start off, my wife and I are having a baby in the next couple of weeks, and I need something at home that will operate without any future headaches. That being said, this relic from days gone by needs to find a new home! I bought it locally (OKC) a few months ago and after some research, I've uncovered that I have a partially restored unit. Some coupling caps have been replaced along with a few more parts, the electrolytic capacitors are still original and need to be replaced. The output tubes still have some life left in them, and all of the preamp tubes work great. This amp has very minimal noise in it which was a high priority for me in the tube search. It sounds unbelievable. It hurts to let it go, but someone with a technician background would be able to enjoy this amp like I never could. The wooden case is the only obvious quirk. An older gentleman owned this Fisher since its heyday and developed quite the attachment to it. At some point, it no longer fit inside of a furniture piece in his home so he routed the corners off of the back of the case in an effort to force the fit. I'm calling it a folk art piece. Its the back of the receiver so you don't ever see it regardless. Apart from that, the ink on the faceplate has worn off in some places and in its place, some tiny white labels sit in the on and off positions on the front, and on the inputs on the back. You can vaguely see these in the photo provided. I can furnish you with some more photos if you're interested. I'll let her go for $600 OBO.
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