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I'm a newbie here and need a little help with my sub's settings. Here's my equipment, would appreciate any help or info on how I should set up my sub!

Fronts:Klipsch 8.5 (I know I need to upgrade)

Center:Klipsch KSC-C1


Rears:Klipsch SS-1

Rear center:Klipsch KCS-C1

Receiver:Denon 3801

I have Acoustic Research sub cable going from Sub out on receiver to y-splitter in sub. I basically use this system for HT. Should I set all speakers to small or Mains to Large+lfe and everything else small.

Whats the most optimal setting for xover and everything else. Thanks deeply appreciated!

Oh 1 more thing anyone have any rec's for new fronts to compliment evrything else. I'm looking to spend around $600.

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two simple answers:

-set everything to small (easy to do)

-try every possible configuration and be the judge (obvious drawbacks, but only true way of achieving what you really want: the best sound possible in your room with your equipment)


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The 8.5's are not a bad speaker as long as you plan to use them as satalites and not full range speakers. The large/small setting is basically a frequency filter. When the large setting is used no filtering applies. When the small setting is used filtering applies via the receivers internal crossover. The crossover is a cut off for sound below a certain frequency. Usually this cross over is hard coded to the THX standard of 80 Hz. This means that in the small setting nothing below 80 Hz will be sent to that group of speakers. Below 80 Hz or whatever crossover freq your receiver is set to,is where the sub comes in. The sub also has a filter called the low pass filter, and a high pass filter for that matter but high pass is only used when you run the sub in line with main speakers. In your case you will be concerned about the low pass. some say to run the low pass wide open when you are using the small speaker setting on your receiver so that you don't double filter, but I say play with this setting because there is LFE information that can get into the 120 Hz range, and this can cause localization of the subwoofer, along with the fact that most localization in subs happen right at or near the crossover point. This is largely due to the fact that the crossover point is when the sub and the main speakers are playing the same information. THis is why the need for a slope or roll off exists. The signal is rolled off or reduced i.e. sharpley or not as sharp for a smooth transition or hand off from the mains to the sub (s). Play with the slope adjustment on your receiver if you have one to get the best sound, and smoothest transition from mains to sub. The .1 in 5.1 represents the LFE channel, and all LFE is sent to the sub via the sub out regardless of the receivers speaker settings, so if the sub's low pass is either disabled or run wide open you may get info to the sub at higher frequencies than the crossover point. This can make the sub sound very pronounced and this is why I suggest playing with the low pass adjustments on the sub. Some people also cut the subs frequency lower than the crossover point of the receiver to attempt to reduce localization, but you don't want to create to large of a gap in frequencies either. I use different lowpass settings on each of my subs to get differrent results. I will not go into what settings I use because they only apply to my room. Play with the sub settings until like Seb said you get the right sound for you. The settings that apply are lowpass, and phase on the sub. As I said the high pass is not going to do anything for you if you are using the line in jacks on the sub. Depending on your receivers bass management you may be able to play with slope settings and cross over points, but that is not very common in receivers, but I know denon usually gives you those type of features with its products. So small speaker settings on the receiver and play with the filtering until you get it right. Good luck



This message has been edited by Marathon Man on 03-09-2002 at 11:32 AM

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  • 4 years later...

I am running the following setup:

Mains KSF-10.5

Surrounds KSF-8.5

Sub KSW-12

Center KSC-5

Yamaha 5860 sub

I need some advice on setting this up. I using the sub out (line level jacks) on the receiver and using a Y-splitter into the back of the sub. Currently I have the fronts and the surrounds configured as Large and crossover frequency at 80Hz. Any suggestions? Should I change the crossover frequency and/or set some of the speakers to small?

Thanks! :)

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I am running the following setup:

Mains KSF-10.5

Surrounds KSF-8.5

Sub KSW-12

Center KSC-5

Yamaha 5860 sub

I need some advice on setting this up. I using the sub out (line level jacks) on the receiver and using a Y-splitter into the back of the sub. Currently I have the fronts and the surrounds configured as Large and crossover frequency at 80Hz. Any suggestions? Should I change the crossover frequency and/or set some of the speakers to small?

Thanks! :)

Are you using this setup for mainly HT? If so then set all of your speakers to small. Let the sub handle 80 and below.

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Another idea, don't use the Y connector, plug single line into left input only, if you need more bass turn up volume on sub. Try it, it's free..............can't hurt.............like mine better that way.......I find it cleaner, not muddy..........you never know!!!!!

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