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Mulholland Drive......


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This weekend, I watched Mulholland Drive for the 4th time and I think I have it all figured out. I had most figured out after the 3rd viewing, but needed the 4th to verify.

I think it was by far, Lynchs best movie. His other films usually spell out the twists so you get them the first viewing, but not MD. This movie is bold, nothing is spelled out, just naked emotion scene by scene.

I know the webmaster is a David Lynch fan, but are there any others?

Maybe we could compare notes on what we think different characters mean in this film.

Like what do you think the blue box is? The old people? The cowboy? Why does Betty disappear before Rita opens the box?


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JM - I read a website that 'splained the whole thing (well, pretty much, anyway).


The whole movie is pretty much a fantasy. The characters in the fantasy were derived from people that she (the blond that got off the plane in the beginning) saw at that party that is towards the end of the film. Remember that guy's mother is there, and the cowboy drifts through the back of a scene?? I forget the details about the blue box.


P.S. Rosebud is a sled. 2.gif

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thanks doug. that makes it easier. these kind of movies get me thinking TOO much. 9.gif

got any good site's for vanilla sky or its foreign inspiration "open your eyes"? now that's a subjective flick. but always eager to recheck my thesis. 16.gif

j, lynch's "blue velvet" is a classic. also still need to see that more recent "lost highway" all the way through.

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I should visit that site. Do you know the URL?

This movie does make you think. More than the clasic Blue velvet etc.

The movie is a dieing womans fantisy of everything she wishes she was in real life.

I think the cowboy is outside the dream. Remember, he pokes his head in her bedroom and tells her to wake up in the final sequences. She was not dreaming then. I also think the old people are outside the dream as well, not sure exactly how, They start her dream and end her life. Like they are in some control of it. Still need to do more thinking on this one.

Ok here are some more observations. You know how (in the dream) Rita has a purse full of money and a blue key. Both those items were closely related to her in real life and caused by Dianne. I also think that Betty disappears in the scene when the box is open because she want Rita to feel alone in her discovery, just like in real life how she felt alone after she was dumped by cammille.

You got to love movies like this that are a puzzle.


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j, yeah these movies w/ dreams or even dreams within a dream are complex. trouble is sometimes the writer &/or director leave it up to subjective interpretation. that drives me nuts because i try to find if its suppose to be solvable or not. when its not there's no end & i self-destruct. 9.gif sometimes you just have to throw up your hands & say what the ___, that's how it is. only makes sense right? 9.gif

i'll have to watch it again to keep up w/ you because i thought i had it figured out then, but can't remember a lot now. but i remember i too thought it was part dream, part reality.

but seems they usually follow the "wizard of oz" theme. reality - dream/fantasy - reality. of course they can always mess w/ that too. 7.gif

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