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Subwoofer crackling and popping caused by front channel cable HELP!


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I have a very localized problem my Klipsch 4.1 with the no-headphone jack control pod. Whenever I turn the bass above approximately 1/3rd max, it starts popping and crackling out of control.

I did some testing, and this only occurs when both the front and rear input cables are plugged in. Sound is full and clear from the rear speakers and subwoofer when only the rear cable is plugged in. However, as soon as I plug in the front cable, the subwoofer sometimes goes completely quiet, and more often, starts crackling and popping.

This problem began today after moving my electronics around my room. However, I was very careful, no drops or stresses on cables account for this. Has anyone else ahd this problem? are their fixes? what is an appropriate course of action short of buying a new control pod which may or may not help the problem?

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