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My crappy headphone collection...help me find an alternative


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Over the years of buying various portable audio devices (Walkmans, CD Walkmans we have built-up a considerable collection of what can best be described as totally deadful headphones that came free with the various devices.

The other day, having started again to play with MP3 I downloaded a few to my Sony handheld computer and then searched for the aforementioned phones to test out the sound.

I should say at this point that I do own a perfectly decent pair of Stax headphones but there are a number of problems in using these with the Sony, namely:

1. It needs 2 RCAs to connect (as opposed to the mini-headphone speaker connector on the unit itself).

2. It needs mains power.

3. The headphone amp is bigger and heavier than the Sony itself.

4. A friend "borrowed" them 2 years ago and still has them.

So with the above in mind I chased down the crappy alternatives lying around the house. In the end I found 4 pairs - one of which was a freebie from an airline - you can imagine the quality!!

Anyway 3 of these plastic/fanatistic units were simply appaling. One, however stood out as being at least semi reasonable. Interrestingly these were the only in-the-ear design - the others all being over the head suspended on struts units.

Looking at the side of the mini-din connector these are Sony speakers - model MDR-E805 (I think - this is really small text). I dont recall buying them ever so I imagine they too came with some unit or other.

The sound is remarkably good relative to all the others and has started me thinking that something better, but of similar design, might be a worthwhile purchase. It seems that when listening with headphones/earphones w.h.y. the MP3 format (at 192 Kb/s) is perfectly acceptable for the kind of music I listen to (in terms of comparison with CD anyway).

Now that I have a 256 Mb memory stick installed on my organiser I have space for a goodly number of tracks and I will take this with me when we go to my parents for Xmas.

So input please. I am looking for a pair of minimalist headphones with decent sonics. Small size and reasonable quality are the order of the day.

Any ideas?

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