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hidden audio tracks - Queen Greatest Hits 2 DVD -dts

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There's two Queen's Greatest Hits DVD's - volume 1 and volume 2.

On the second disc in volume 2, go past the God Save the Queen intro into the menu. You'll find 4 audio tracks that aren't exactly hidden but probably ignored in getting to the video segments.

The menu has 4 sub-menus - Hot Space, The Works, A Kind of Magic, The Miracle and Subtitles.

When you click on the sub-menu Hot Space, you will see more selections, but if you let the dvd play without hitting the selections, you'll get a full instrumental studio mixdown of 'Under Pressure'without Dave or Freddie.

Let 'The Works' play and there's a great woofer rattling version of 'Break Free'.

Click on 'A Kind of Magic' and there's an instrumental version of the wussy 'Friends will be Friends'.

And click on "The Miracle" and there's a great audio track of 'The Miracle'.

(Nothing on the subtitles)

The tunes are the actual studio mixes without voices except for the odd chorus. Sounds kind of karaoke like and great in the dts mode.

I saw someone here on the forum had discovered the Queen dts dvd a couple days ago ( didn't say which one - I only found this on the second )

For a quick fix, I was able to bring them into the computer as mp3's by using the recorder on the audigy 2s sound card.

So ladies and gentlemen, stand, raise your glasses and a salute to Queen.


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