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RS-35 or RS3II?


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anyone hear the difference between these speakers side by side? I'm finally completing my RF3II system and noticed that the tower RF-3II sounded more full and better than the RF-35. I wonder if it's the same way with the rear RS-3II. I've noticed the horn is smaller on the RS-35 with a side port and the specs are a bit different.

Should one stick with the RS-3II if you can find one? anyone hear both of these?

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I have owned the RS-3, RS-3II and RS-7. I have no experience with the RS-35, since Klipsch Reference is no longer sold locally.

My opinion is that the RS-3 I and II series are both a bit weak. My best advice is to find a set of used RS-7s. There will be a significant increase in output and detail. The woofer size of the RS-7 is the same as the RF-3II.

The way to get the best performance out of the surround speakers is to use 12 awg zip cord. The 12 awg works better due to the length of the runs and due to the very low minimum inpedance of the RS series of speakers. When I changed from 16 awg to 12 awg I was quite surprised with the increase in performance from such an inexpensive tweak.


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I would love the RS-7's. I would also love to have RF-7 and RC-7 and it will never end. The RS-7 is not easy to find used and more than I want to pay. They are probably too big to fit on the small space on my wall with built in wiring.

The RS-35 seems to be more efficient but do they sound betteR?

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Hey Jon,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the RF35 is very similar to the RF5, being two 8"woofers. The RF3 has 6.5". Interesting to note that the RS35, presumably the mate to the rest of the 35 series has 6.5" woofers.

I'd get more RF3II if you can find em. probably your local dealer is blowing em out since they're old stock.

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you are wrong. The RF-3 and RF-3II have 8 inch woofers, same as the rf-35. I think the RF-3 have woofers made in USA and rf-35 might be made in china. The old model sounds better. The only diff between the rf-3 and rf-5 is the horn and color of cabinet from what i can see.

Just want to see if anyone experienced the new surrounds rs-35 and the old model, rs-3II

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you are right, the RS-3ii is a bit weak when used with the rf-3ii. The centre channel RC-3ii is a tad weak too. I have to turn up the gain controls for the rear surrounds. I wonder if the rs-35 work better since the specs say they are more efficient.

One think i don't like about this speaker is that when you buy it new, it don't come with specs in the instructions. The back of my speaker says it can handle 150 watts but the webpage says it can handle 110 watts.. conflicting info.. I'm not even sure if the freq. range they list is even correct.

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Yes the sensitivity on the RS3II, is a bit lower, but when you set the levels with a sound pressure level meter at the listening position, then all the levels are matched. Also, you may want to check underneath the foam in the bottom of the box, as that is where the manuals and spikes were for my mains and center channel. My rear ss.5's had an instruction manual with them.

When setting the levels in the receiver, it is better to cut the mains slightly than boost the rear and center up to the same output, as this can use up a lot of amp power. ( boosting by 3 db, is asking the receiver to double the power output )

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the only instructions with the RS-3II was a generic one that is shared with the rc-7 and rs-7 that came with the speakers. only info on speaker placement.

I was wondering if it's worth getting the more efficient rs-35 over the rs-3II even though the RS-3II has bigger horns.

My Marantz amp has discreet channel amplification so it wouldn't make a difference boosting the level controls of the rear channels without taking power away from the front channels. I believe you can try it on your Marantz too. I wish my Marantz had more juice. The Pioneer Elite I had before seems to put more current.

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Jon: I sent you a private message.

I really can't complain that my receiver doesn't have enough power, as I am only running the center and rear channels off of it. The main L + R speakers are on a power amp, fed by the pre-out jacks. I find that with this arrangment, the receiver barely gets warm, and will live a nice long life.

Additional headroom from the power amp also means that I have more power in reserve.

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