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Posts posted by Chad

  1. Seems some email notifications may not be going out. I'm investigating.

    Interestingly, I got this notification, but still nothing from the "What's Playing" thread yet.

    It's possible that the What's Playing thread is updated so often and the fact that 10 people are currently following that thread (which is updated so often I'm not sure why someone would want to be notified WHEN it's updated, but I digress ;) ) it is causing a bottleneck.

    Most notifications seem to be working. The email system we are using isn't optimal, so I'm working on a better solution which may help. In the meantime, let it be known that Follow Notifications may or may not work for certain threads.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi all,
    I thought I'd write a post that answers some frequently asked questions about the new forums. This topic will likely be updated over time. As always, you can visit the forum's help system by clicking "Help" at the bottom of the screen.
    Q: How do I attach/insert images (or other files) to my post?
    A: There are several ways to do this.
    • When writing a new topic, there is a form called "Attach Files" just below the post editor. Simply click the "choose file" button, select your file, and then click "Attach This File". Once the files are uploaded you will see them on your screen. By default, all attachments are added to the bottom of your message, however, you can add any attachment to a particular section of your post by pressing the "Add to Post" link. If you wish to remove an attachment and have it not appear in your post, simply press the "Delete" link.
    • When replying to a topic with the quick-reply form at the bottom of a topic page, you need to click the "More Reply Options" button to see the attachment form.
    • You can also click "My Media" in the post editor, which will bring up a list of your previously attached files, and photos you may have added to a Gallery. Then you can select the file/image you want to insert.

    Q: How do I insert a YouTube video into my post?
    A: On the video's YouTube page, click "Share" under the video, then copy the short URL and paste into your post. For example, if you paste the following URL into your post:
    ...you get this in your post (when displayed):
    Q: How do I post specially-formatted text?
    A: Just to the left of the Font dropdown in the post editor, you should see an icon for Special BBCode. If you click that, you have additional formatting options, such as
    Background color behind text:
    this has red background
    Directly link to a member's profile:

    Spoiler alert: Klipsch is the greatest!

    Q: How do I change my Member Title?
    A: After you have made 500 posts, you can change the title that displays above your avatar, if you want. Just click your name in the upper-right corner of the screen, then "My Settings". You'll see a Member Title field in the "Profile Information" section of the Profile Settings tab. PLEASE NOTE: Admins have the right to deny your member title if we feel it violates our Forum Rules.
    Q: Why the heck do I see "X Warning Points" below my avatar (but nobody else's)?
    A: This forum uses a Warning system that allows Admins and Moderators to give warnings (which include points) to members if they violate the Forum Rules in some way. Points can also be removed over time. You can only see your own points. We currently do not have a warning point policy in place, but may have one depending on need. So for now, it's nothing to worry about. EDIT: The warning point system is currently disabled.
    Q: Why does my Profile say something like "0 Neutral" in it?
    A: That is your "Reputation". It is essentially a tally of "Reputation Points" that other members can give you on your posts by clicking the "Vote this post up" button on your post. It's really an arbitrary number for the most part.
    Q: Why can't I access the Chat tab?
    A: Chat is currently only for Admins and Moderators for various reasons. That may change sometime down the line. It may not.
    Q: How do I change my name on the forums?
    A: Click your name in the upper-right corner of the screen, then "My Settings". Click the Display Name tab. Please note you are limited to the number of times you can change your Display Name within a given period of time. That form will tell you the limit.
    Q: What are my upload limits?
    A: Currently, Members are allowed to upload a maximum of 100MB for file/image attachments (including Private Messages and Posts). Per file, the maximum upload file size is 2MB.
    (limits subject to change)
    Q: What are my Gallery limits?
    Max disk space: 100MB
    Max Daily Transfer: 100MB
    Max # of Albums: 10
    Max # of images per album: 500
    (limits subject to change)
    • Like 2
  3. That is a valid point and one I'm aware of. Unfortunately the feature isn't very robust in terms of options. I think it may be best to disable it and make sure we have our forum rules state there is to be no all-caps topic titles or posts.

    Sorry Amy, I gotta side with the people on this one ;)

    I may try to see if I can come up with a better solution eventually (unless they make major improvements to it in the next version of IP.Board.)

    • Like 1
  4. It would be nice to have the root page list all forums without a user having to scroll to see them all. Often, we jump back to the root to see if there has been activity in a sub-forum. It would be nice to do so at a quick glance without having to scroll. But maybe there's a new feature that effectively does the same thing which I haven't seen yet.

    Not sure if this is what you are talking about, but there is a quick-navigation button, near the top of every page, right next to "View New Content". Looks like a Google Maps pin, sorta.

    • Like 1
  5. Loving the new forum. One thing I noticed on the mobile version is it took me a bit to figure out that the top right blue square was the menu button. Maybe adding "menu" or adding the three horizontal lines (typical symbol for mobile menu button) would help

    The mobile layout is a little buggy. Some theme images (such as that button) are not displaying correctly. I'm working on a fix.

    that is fixed.

    • Like 1
  6. PS... we need a spelll check!

    Spell check is built in to most web browsers these days, therefore negating the need for a plugin on the forums.

    I have spell check on almost everything but not here in the new forum. I agree spell check would be a good addition and is something that I have missed on the new forum.

    PM sent.

    • Like 1
  7. Your log in "twisty" word is 90% of the time unreadable on my 1080P (1920 x 1080) monitors. The audio log in is a joke and is totally jumbled nonsense. So I have to continuously hit the new twisty thingy to get something that is legible.


    That is called a CAPTCHA, and yes sometimes it can be a pain (believe me, I hate the things), but a necessary evil to help keep out spammers. The good news is you should only see it when you are registering for an account or have forgotten your password.

    • Like 1
  8. It's great to have the new forums up and running!

    Nonetheless, it would be be appreciated if we could choose to capitalize, or not, in the Topic Title.

    "WHY can't I be Trusted to choose caps or NOT?" was turned into what you now see as the Topic Title.

    But I will turn that setting off, and trust the Spam Patrol. Whippersnapper..... oh my.... (lol)

    This ain't my first forum admin rodeo, don't worry... ;-)

    • Like 1
  9. It's great to have the new forums up and running!

    Nonetheless, it would be be appreciated if we could choose to capitalize, or not, in the Topic Title.

    "WHY can't I be Trusted to choose caps or NOT?" was turned into what you now see as the Topic Title.

    It's designed to keep people from posting threads with titles like "PLEASE READ THIS HOLY CRAP!!!!111!!!11"

    But I will turn that setting off, and trust the Spam Patrol. (The setting preventing multiple exclamation points in the thread title will still be enabled)

    • Like 1
  10. I've enabled a feature that allows you to sign in using your Twitter account, if you have one, and want to use it. You can also associate your Twitter account with your current Forums member account, if you so desire, by signing out here and then viewing the sign in form, where you'll see a button for signing in with Twitter. Doing so allows you to sync your Twitter avatar and profile background with your forums avatar & background, and to share your forum posts on your Twitter feed as you post them (optional).

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks Chad!

    I also just found my attachments listed under "My Settings:My Attachments", so I'll go through the threads that I've posted to and clean up the rest of the broken links. Having the list of attachments is a big improvement - since I found that I used to have trouble finding them on the old forum, and had to upload the same figure again. This is really handy.


    You can also access them when you are writing a post by clicking on the "my media" button in the editor.

    • Like 1
  12. Chad,

    The issue that I've got is not really related to added features, rather just completing the linking of images to existing threads. Here is one thread in particular that has seened to lose several figures that are pretty important to understanding the content of the thread:


    I suppose that I could find those figures again in the original Excel spreadsheet and try pasting them in again. It would be nice, though, to recapture the links or storaed image files themselsves.

    Could you advise?


    The problem was those messages have the images directly linked, rather than attached to the posts. Because they were linking to the old files on the old community server, the links were broken. As a fix, I've moved those files over to the new server so they should now work.

    Note: There may be other posts elsewhere in the forums that have this issue.

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