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Chad last won the day on March 11

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About Chad

  • Birthday September 12

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  • Interests
    Drumming. Drumming up trouble.

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Forum Veteran (4/9)




Community Answers

  1. Hi folks. Just wanted to mention here that I'm leaving Klipsch / Premium Audio Company effective tomorrow, Wednesday August 23. It's been a pleasure getting to know you folks a little over the past 10.5 years. Thank you again to the Mods for your time volunteering here. I know I haven't been around here much, but it's only because I have been way too busy with "other priorities". Anyway, I've added a couple other admins to the forums: @gansd -- who for the last few years has been my boss, and @jbabad -- who is the Web Services Administrator and Senior Director of IT at VOXX. Both are great guys and I am sure will keep things here running well in my absence. I may pop in from time to time! Be well everyone! Chad
  2. Hello, please contact Klipsch Support -- https://support.klipsch.com -- they should be able to assist with this issue. Thanks!
  3. The forums work pretty well in a mobile browser these days. Years ago, it did not, which is why we had Tapatalk as a stop-gap. You should be able to just browse to community.klipsch.com on your phone, and go from there. Thanks
  4. Hi, As mentioned in this post: Sorry for any inconvenience, but we no longer support using Tapatalk for this forum.
  5. Hi there, If you have an Ad-blocker extension enabled on your browser, that might interfere with the checkout process. If you are having further issues, our Customer Support team should be able to assist you! https://support.klipsch.com Thanks
  6. Hi, We do not currently sell products online within Australia at Klipsch.com.au. However, there are many dealers within Australia where you should be able to purchase online. FInd one near you at: https://www.klipsch.com.au/dealers Thanks
  7. Please send me a PM with the display name of your account that you want merged. Also, be aware that I'll ask you to verify a few things (I'm asking the same of everyone with this request)
  8. Yes. Have had nothing but support problems with Tapatalk, and I consider it to also be a security risk. We do not have Tapatalk enabled on this site any longer.
  9. One of the things that was updated is the way you log in. Because of security reasons, you are now required to use your email address to log in, instead of your screen name. If the email address you used was associated with your old account, that's why you see what you see. There is a way I can merge accounts though, so if anyone needs that, they can message me.
  10. Hi there, You can actually create your own "activity streams" which is a way to do that. Very customizable.
  11. Hi all, I hope you are all safe and doing well. Just popping in to apologize for the extended maintenance yesterday through today. It went a bit longer than I'd hoped, but the end result is I was finally able to move the forums to a better web server and updated the underlying software. So, the forums should be a little "snappier" now. If you run across any odd issues with the forums, please let me know here. Thanks!
  12. Hi! Yep, the issues this morning were due to a server maintenance from our hosting company. All should be good now, Thanks
  13. Our issue wasn't with the renewal of our wildcart cert (that was done weeks ago), it was with the verification process they have in place. Won't go into more details than that. We're set though, thanks.
  14. Hey all, Sorry about that. I've been trying since Monday to get the new certificate for this server, but our vendor was being very difficult for no apparent reason other than technical issues. All should be good now. Thanks
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