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  1. Diggs, I build custom theaters for people with and with out financial composure. Kv-1's are obviously for those with out a lot of composure. Someone has to help those folks out, and occasionally it happens to be me. The kv-4's on the other hand are for one of my personal projects. Klipsch started this kv-4 thing as an all around "it'll match these ten or twenty speakers" sort of thing. It is at best, a good center for the cf series. Of course, my opinion surpasses any scientific data available on this subject. I'm sure you don't know anyone like that. So here goes. Kv-4's have a tonal quality all there own. They are a sealed (air suspension system) that will produce a tremendously even, and for lack of a better word "sweet" sound. KV-4's can produce it in a reasonably small space. Now, having obligated myself. Try this. Take two KV-4's, A good processor - say Lexicon MC-1- power these with a smooth amp - oh, something along the adcom 5802 or even something yamahaish/if you can't do the big buck stuff/ Place a sub in between the KV-4's/ golly! this would have to be the advertised as best sub in the world from a "P" company. Oh yes, and stand the KV-4's on their ends, not the horizontal one, go vertical here-about ear level or a little higher. Balance output levels. Sit in sweet spot. Play favorite cd's. Enjoy. If you have an acousticly tuned room like mine, it will amaze you. Now imagine a room for dvd's like the "Eagles",Sting,James Taylor etc... With all of the channels on. Is the picture forming yet? I've only been doing this sort of thing for 25 years. Answer your question? Got to go now, I'm gett'in a cavity just think'in about all the sweet in a room that has, let's say, modest composure............
  2. Thanks everyone for your help. I have enough kv-1's. Now I need KV-4's. If anyone has a KV-4 for sale, please let me know. I will need several of these. I am paying a very fair price and will be prompt with the payment.
  3. juladler, sounds like you have a problem. without a doubt the only speaker that will match your kg4.2 is another kg4.2 for the center channel. without knowing your set-up i'm guessing this will probably cause extreme sqirshing of your tv when you put a kg4.2 on top of it. you might try something a little smaller in the kg line-nothing smaller than the kg2.5- perhaps one above and one below your tv. the rf-3 is going to be brighter sounding, perhaps you may prefer that. if you decide to sell your kv-1 i'll be glad to take it off your hands. skipper
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