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Posts posted by nicholtl

  1. Snow Patrol "Eyes Open" Rock LP (or CD). For those who remember their #1 single "Run" a year or so ago, this album closely mirrors that style, dropping their harder pop-rock style in favor of power rock ballads.

    This album is phenomenal. Poignant lyrics, tight melodies and awe-inspiring musicianship (both in instrumental layers and the physical playing of them) have already propelled this album to the top of the billboard charts. Surely it'll top their double-platinum album "Final Straw."


  2. I beg to differ--I  loved it.  Great pacing, story-telling, suspense, and plot twists and turns.  I thought Hanks , Tatou, and McCellan were all top-notch. Explanations of complex histories were all told very clearly so if you hadn't read the book you would understand it. I even liked the line "I need a library--FAST"!

     I'm glad I didn't read the book--my wife did and she felt it was hokey. To me, expectations and your mood have a lot to do with if you like a movie--I truly didn't expect much but to be entertained, and if you can't enjoy looking at Audrey Tatou, you are braindead.

    Its fun to trash a blockbuster--and this one has to be one of the most highly anticipated movies of the past few years.  As a movie, it is darn entertaining.  As the incredibly resonant and controversial interpretation of the best story told about the biggest lie of all mankind as a worldwide phenomenon, it probably falls short.  But, I'd like to see it again--its very much worth the price of entry.

    Why people have stayed away from United 93 astounds me-- its one of the best movies of the year, and has almost no Hollywood feel to it.  Its better than this--

    Go see it, but don't expect a miracle--

    Interesting! Usually we agree on films, but this one we seem diametrically opposed. All the better, makes for more interesting discussion.

    One thing I do agree on is your remark on Tautou... You'd love her in "Amelie" if you haven't already seen it. A HILARIOUS French film (won the oscar for best sound design) where she plays the quirkiest, most lovable character ever put on screen!

  3. Great review, Jeff, and I 110% concur with you on every point. There's nothing more I can say that will add to the comments you've already pointed towards this horribly disappointing film.

    The few times it actually DID have me going (explanations of Mary Magdalene's true story etc.), they just as quickly quelled it with overly-verbose monologues and such.

    I didn't read the novel either, but if this film was anything like it, I find it earth-shakingly hard to believe that the book would've sould the way it did.

  4. Blue October "Foiled." A hugely ecclectic rock CD that would disappoint anyone looking for an album solely consisting of tunes like their current radiohit "Hate Me." Their style ranges from typical angst-rock to almost power-pop, twangy folk to indie singer-songwriter melodies. It truly is a musical journey that, if taken, proves to be luciously rewarding.

    She Wants Revenge "She Wants Revenge." Modern/Progressive Rock CD with a foot towards electronica and a nod towards goth. Influences most apparent are from Depeche Mode and early Brit punkrock. Some even cite that She Wants Revenge "out-Interpols Interpol."


  5. Wonderful movie that is artistic, new, fresh, and unique on several levels.

    First off, that the hero is not your "typical" mysterious or vague protagonist, as seen in his thunderous yet bizarre "speech" after he rescues the girl in the opening sequence. Also symbolized by his ear-to-ear-grinning mask, imparting a deeply vengeful man hidden beneath a jovial countenance. Much like a clown.

    Secondly, of course, that V is a man with incredible knive-fighting/throwing skills indicative of Eastern martial arts, as opposed to your standard cookie-cutter heroes that possess some sort of superpower.

    Also, for those who look beyond the stunning explosions and incredible action-sequences, they will find many political statements about our current society today.

    And I must also note that the "prison sequence" was imaginative and powerful, despite the entire ordeal being...well...mean. You'll see what I mean when you watch this wonderfully entertaining and smart film.

    PS - the reasoning for why V dons himself as such - "V" - is pleasantly unexpected...

  6. Easily one of the most powerful and disturbing films I've ever seen. I've never been so gripped with terror and anxiety from start to finish as I have this film.

    What makes United 93 particularly powerful is that while the movie is good enough to put you at the edge-of-your-[seat and queasy-to-your-gut if it were fictitious, the knowledge that this ACTUALLY HAPPENED makes the entire event all the more horrifying.

  7. I too would say this ranks among one of my Top 10 worst films ever made. The only part I liked in this flick was when the evil ice queen gave the kid turkish delight snacks. I wanted some.

  8. The moment it hit 4:20 today, a friend and I went into our local "pharmacy" to celebrate with the rest of the legal patients. Discounts off all house J's!

    Never heard of 7:14 though? How did that come about?

  9. I was surprised seeing this Adam Sandler vehicle/effort to become a serious actor. It was darn good--and he was darn good.

    The biggest surprise was Tea Leoni, who creates a new character/persona in our culture with the emotional wreck in a goddess body wife--Wow, I know several women who are close to fitting that bill--she was excellent--

    Nice love story that doesn't go too far -- no sex standing up against a wall!

    Interesting story with interesting characters--

    I think it's interesting you liked this movie. You usually have good, spot-on taste in film. =P

    As I said before, different strokes for different folks. What's funny is that I attended the red carpet premier of this film in LA, and almost everyone I talked to said while they told the actors the film was great to their faces, in private, they thought it was mediocre.

    I thought Cloris Leachman was the highlight of this film. To me, she stole many of the scenes...

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