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Posts posted by lorcoll

  1. Today I have modified only one Cornwall like a Cornscala:

    - K55-V (spring terminal) with Cobraflex horn

    - Type B network modified only with the 7uf cap (I mod a Type E for this)

    Surprisingly the stock Cornwall (with the B3 and K53-K) sounds better.

    I have another pair of Cornscala that use a midrange-tweeter section like the AK2 and them sound better than the modified Cornwall.

    A few time ago I have sold a pair of Khorn with the AA network and now I stay with an AK2 Khorn.

    All that seem indicate that, for my taste, I prefer better the era of AK2, AK3 or B2- B3 than the A, AA (in Khorn) or B (in Cornwall).

    So, I'll try a modified pair of B3 (without the 2.5mH inductor in the midrange and with the known 7uf cap) with the K55-V. I think that them will sound better than the modified B.

  2. Finally I have found a good pair of 1984's Corns in Italy at a good price for my Country (euros 1,200.00).

    I have seen that the components inside are: K33-E, K53-K with plastic horn, the square K77-M and the B3 network; the back panel is removable.

    The tag reports: CBLS (CBL) serial 8445449. The grilles have a gold color.

    Now my question to the experts is: must I change the squawker with the K55-M and metal horn or is preferable what I have?

    What the best amp for these speakers?

    SET 2A3, 300B or PP?

    Many thanks.


  3. Because of the high shipping costs to Italy, I would know if I can build a good cabinet for a single JL 13W7 that I can buy from ebay: http://cgi.ebay.it/JL-Audio-13W7-13-5-Subwoofer-HUGE-W7-HIGH-END-SUB-2004_W0QQitemZ250049786416QQihZ015QQcategoryZ18805QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

    Who have a good plan? And what amp I have to use : can I use my DT-300 (RCM Akustik - Detonation)?

    I would use it for the Khorn.

    The Ear, I know you like the JL sub; can you help me?



  4. No, I use the Shiva for the Home theater (with the Heresy I) and now I want to buy the RW-12 to use it with my Khorn (considering the fact that I listen to a low level sound - no loud).

    I have used the EBS Shiva project (142 .5 liter - 5 cubic foot net) and the dimensions are: a cube of 22.5" for side. The port is 4.65" large and 18.10" long. While the amp was a 250 Watts from Parts Express.

    If the RW-12 is as good as the Shiva I'll buy it because my DIY project was good (at my usual volume sound) for the Khorn.

  5. I have built the Shiva vented project (142,5 l.) two years ago (I have paid about 550.00 euro with the shipping costs from USA) and now I can buy the RW-12 new at a fantastic price (euro 350.00) from Germany.

    Now I would Know if the RW-12 is in the same league of my DIY project of the Shiva ( I have tuned my Shiva to 20 Hz - is this a good value?).

    Many thanks.


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