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st. patrick

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Posts posted by st. patrick

  1. RBC Centura Bank: Lagrange-Lee's Crossing - www.rbccentura.com
    1417 Lafayette Pkwy, Lagrange - (706) 845-5025

    Lorenzo, call the bank, speak to the manager, explain the situation and see if she or he will confirm the money was transferred to that account, and that it is in todd's name. They may be reluctant to give much information over the phone, so you may have to have your bank do it. As others have said, it may be that the ebay acct was hijacked . . .. maybe not. See if you can follow the money, always try to follow the money . . . .

  2. Surprise speakers, 30 years and 20,000 posts all in one day . . . WOW!!!!!

    Mr. dtel, you be one of the luckiest guys out there; congrats to both you and your charming better half.

    Another 6 weeks and my "current" wife (and my only, but it keeps each of us on or toes) and i will also be celebrating our 30th; i still don't know why she has put up with me for so long, but thank the good Lord she has! I am pretty darn sure there won't be any surprise speakers coming to my house . . . . . . .

  3. Hey buddy, welcome to the downhill slide!!!!!!!!

    Just remember,, you're still on the right side of the grass. As the prostate goes (or doesn't), as the memory goes, as sex goes, as the bones ache . . . . . just keep telling yourself " yeah, I'm still on the right side of the grass!" . . . . .

    Now that I've cheered you up, go have a great day . . . . . . . . Patrick

  4. On a more serious note, I have not yet updated my x-overs in my 2nd pair of CW's but i will be soon. My pair with the updated x-overs sound better than the unrestored ones. I am undecided on the tweeter issue.

    I think alot of people update the x-overs to replace the deteriorating parts so as to restore the original sound.

    Many others are trying to upgrade the x-overs to improve the sound per their perception.

  5. David, i think all wish you and your family the best and will pray for the blessings of the Good Lord be upon your entire family as you journey thru this venture. It was at times like this that my inability to control the situation and fix it challenged my feelings as a father and supposed protector of my children, but i was never the one in control anyway; it is all up to Him and His plan . . . . but i often wish He would give us a little more insight into His "big picture" for all of us.

    Sophia and her sisters look very sweet; you are already thrice blessed. My family will have yours in our prayers.

  6. After college i rode a World Voyageur, but that was last century. Earlier this summer I test rode Trek, Scott and Lemond . . . . eventually getting the Lemond Zurich, carbon fiber, Ultegra group, Shimano pedals . . . . . and some revealing spandex to amuse those on the side of the road. Have a variety of routes 12, 15 and 18 miles that we bounce back and forth on to change the topography and views. Not ready for the Tour yet, but enjoying pedaling my butt around town! not too bad for an old fart, even if i do say so myself.

  7. . . . . and i thought he was a doctor . ..

    Many months ago i had the pleasure of meeting Gary in person, along with Mr and Mrs Songer, Scott and his son . . . they are all great people. In our private chats i learned things about his wife and kids (and he re mine) but he talks little of himself. As you correctly observed, his actions speak volumes about what an all-around good guy he is. I agree wholeheartedly about wishing he were a neighbor, or at least lived a few thousand miles closer.

    OK, enough buttt-kissing . . . .but he is "good people"

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