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Everything posted by Wardsweb

  1. I will be there. As for what I might bring; Travis if you make it down here for the audio meet at my house in San Antonio on May 20th, you can see what I have that might be of interest.
  2. Have you thought about pro amps? We are talking subwoofer here, right? Something below 100Hz and not a speaker that's doing hi fidelity 20-20K? check this out, if you wire for mono at 4 ohms you can get 1400 watts. QSC RMX1450 Power Amp
  3. Do you only need a mono amp to drive your sub? What driver(s) are you using? Do you prefer solid state or tubes?
  4. These use the ICEpower module developed by B&O. ICEpower is a subsidiary of B&O. These amps along with the ones from the Norwegian Embla Audio, provide momentary high peak power but in general not huge power. Look at the specs, that can be downloaded at B&O and ICEPower. This "1000w." amp, would not even qualify as a 100 WATT amp, by "old school" measurements. Buried DEEP in the specs, it notes that "if the average power reaches 85 watts, at 4ohms, at 25c ambient, then the module will reach it's maximum temperature and temperature protection will be activated. Think about it, a 10 amp fuse on a 1000 watt amp.
  5. In working condition these bring $200-300. In mint they can go over $400. Like Klipsch, these have a niche following that collect them.
  6. Persoanlly I wouldn't do it. While it is a serious brute force 200 watts per channel, the line didn't get the nickname "flame linear" by chance. The fuses in the amp are there to protect the amp, not your speakers. I've seen these dump straight DC voltage into stage monitors that blew smoke rings as they all were toasted instantly. Even when they are working you get a very annoying THUMP in your speakers when you turn it off. A speaker protection relay circuit can be added but requires you, or someone you know, knows what they are doing to build one, as the pcb is no longer manuafactured that was used in some of the other Phase Linear amps that people were using to retrofit the 400/700 series.
  7. Ok, you're going waaay back to the days when Bob Carver was transitioning from Phase Linear to Carver. So the very first Carvers were just his Phase Linear stuff rebadged. How does this pic look?
  8. Well you have me stumped. I thought I knew most all the Carver line, but I guess not. The early M series used VU meters. The later M series used the leds, but all were vertical, even the pro stuff. The TFM and A line went back to the analog meters. So tell me, is it silver or black, about how tall, are the rack handles make from round rod or retangular metal pieces? You have my curiosity up now.
  9. Sounds to me like a Carver m1.5t or possibly the m4.0t amp. I use to run my Martin Logan CLS electrostats with the a m1.5t, but moved up to the A-760x and then the Silver7t monos. The m1.5t would drive the known difficult load but I could send it into clipping at higher volumes. It just couldn't handle the ohms with enough current. For most speakers out their it does very well. I like Carver stuff and have always thought it was a good bang of the buck.
  10. Rose and I fell in love with Malcolm when we were there. The pictures really don't do him justice. For one, his is huge. More like a small horse than a big dog. That and he is gorgeous, big and fluffy.
  11. How about: SANTA ESMERALDA - Don't let me be misunderstood
  12. I know the guy selling this Clearaudio Champion with a Unify carbon arm. If you would like to talk with him, just let me know. I bought my Clearaudio Champion II with SME309 from him. Really great guy.
  13. Check out this link: http://www.rycher.net/MS-100%20media%20server.htm Seems you're doing what this guy has already done. I'm even looking at using some of my old PC stuff to build one of these. I even picked up a Lexus LCD screen to use like he did.
  14. Well after a day of audio in McKinney on Saturday, my wife and I drove down to Austin to meet up with the Houston Audio Society at Ne Plus Ultra Inc. I walked through the front door and there stood our own dwilawyer. We talked about our rigs and a lot about vinyl. We listened to some very high end gear, but weren't over impressed, especially for the money. After a couple hours there we headed over to his place and did some real listening with vinyl, tubes and La Scalla's, as our wives discussed our audio lunacy. This was the most enjoyable part of my weekend. Thanks again for having us over and you've got to get down to SA sometime. I'm sure I will be seeing you at the Klipsch meet at your place in a few months, if not sooner. Don't forget to shoot me a mailing address and I'll drop those isolation bearings in the mail to you.
  15. There is a audio meet this weekend in McKinney. If you're in the neighborhood stop my and have some. You can get directions and learn more about this weekend here: Lone Star Bottleheads There is more info in the forums too about gear that will be there.
  16. Wow Travis, sounds like I may need to stop by your place some weekend. Congratulations on your new road traveled on the trip to audio nirvana. By the way, what reel to reel do you have? I have a Teac X1000R, but it needs a new capstan belt. I actually have the new belt, just haven't had the time to change it. Yes, Craig is one hell of a guy. I always look forward to the Audiokarma Fest each year, as it's the only time I get to see Craig. Always fun and always a treat to hang out in his listening room at the fest.
  17. Yes I got the unfinished cabs from Widget. He had built an inside wall on one cabinet and filled it with sand. I removed this wall and the beach sand. I will be filling the kerf slots with bead blasting media (glass beads). I plan on spraying the interior with some form of sound deadening polymer. Still not sure what veneer I'm going to use.
  18. You should see the craftsmanship in the tube amps he has built. If he posts a pic I swear you will be amazed. You mean some of these? The first is a stereo 6DN7, the second is a mono 2A3 and the third is a stereo 2A3.
  19. They are not square strips, they must be cut, but for enough to do both cabinets I spent less than $100 for pre-ban brazilian rosewood. Any 4x8 sheets still around command a very steep price. Check places like Oakwood for types of veneer and prices on 4x8' paperbacked sheets. Easier to work with than raw veneer and you don't have to do butt joints.
  20. AAAHHH, tubes and horns, oh how sweet it is.
  21. Nothing as lofty as Hartsfields. Just a design I saw in my head. No major calculations or than reducing the cabinet volume for the woofer and making the right port sizes. Now my new project is a little more grand in design. These will be filled with drivers out of my old A7 voice of the theater and I'm adding a JBL 077 slot tweeter.
  22. If it makes you feel any better, I sold these speakers and now have Cornwalls in their place now.
  23. No magic, patience, patience, patience is the key. Well that and a very sharp knife for trimming veneer.
  24. I used 3/4" MDF for the modifications and then veneered everything.
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