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old Klipsch fan

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  1. I purchased a set of KLF 20's a couple of months ago and the fellow I bought them from recommended that I should use an SPL meter and a AVAI test disc to properly setup my system. Does anyone have any suggestions , thanks By the way the analog SPL meters are still available on the east coast. thanks
  2. Hey mOOn , would you say I needed an SPL meter even if I have a setup in my Pioneer Elite VSX33TX that I can adjust the speakers with? thank you
  3. of course ,like in anywhere you store a cardboard material it has to be in a some what "dry" and moisture free area.I prefere the garage vs the basement area due to more air circulation in the garage and if there "up" off the concrete and in the air depending on your climate that seems to be the best place in my area to store boxes. I had Cornwall boxes stored for 10 years and they were perfect when I took them down. Even the styrofoam packing was in excellent shape.
  4. try fitting them above the rafters in the garage. I wouldn't get rid of them even if you plan on keeping them forever. Forever is not a realistic word these days and those boxes are veryyyyy expensive to replace
  5. I want to thank everyone for giving me there opinions on how to get my HT system setup correctly and think I will take your advice as an"overall" group opinion and keep my KG4's for the rears until I can afford to buy another set of KLF20's for the rears and look into a single KLF20 or KLF-C7 for my center. Until then I will just ahve to enjoy what I have and look forward to upgrading when I can. Here's one last question for the group and I'll leave everyone alone to enjoy the Easter weekend, I have a Pioneer Elite VSX33TX receiver and want to know if some else had or has one that can tell me how to get the crossover below 80. I went through it step by step ,but can't seem to get it to go lower than 80. I have all my speakers set on Large and the sub set at Plus. thank you all again and have a very happy Easter holiday jim
  6. Dan, you say you have a set of Heresey's for surrounds and that your pleased with them. Do you thnok they match up as well as thr RS-35's? I"ve been haering alot about them for matching to the KLF20's
  7. Don't disregard the Paradigm series either. if your able to go to a upscale stereo shop and compare the Klipsch vs the Paradigm , well, I"ll rest my case. let your own ears do the decision making for you. I have a romm similar to yours and I"m still trying to get my system setup correctly,but not regarding the sub , thats a no brainer for me.
  8. I was wondering what the group thought about surround speakers for my KLF20"s other than another set of 20's. I wrote to the techs at Klipsch and they said the reason I was disappointed in my KG4's for the rears was due to that not matched sonically to the KLF's (klf's being 100db @1 watt and the KG4's being 94db@1 watt. I was wondering if anyone knew if the KG5.5's which are closer to the KLF's @98db@1 watt would be a GOOD match? thanks and also what are your thoughts on Heresey's for rears to my KLF's? The tech also recommended the RS-35's. As I mentioned in my previous post I have a RC-35 for my center and EVERYONEsaid that I really needed the KLF-C7 instead. Not for nothing ,but the RC-35 seems to be doing a great job. I would have to borrow someone that would let me hookup a C-7 before I would spend that kinda of money. Any help is greatly appreciated! old man klipsch
  9. I"m new at this so first off I could only download 1 pic for some reason. Room size is 16x24 w/ vaulted ceilings, almost NO BACK WALL ,so the KG4's are turned in towards the sofa facing each end with the KLF20's at each end of the room turned in towards the sofa as well. I not sure why I couldn't add more than just the one pic at a time the size was only 75kb You can see the KLF20 and my system in the pic. Maybe I"ll try posting again to include more pics or someone explain to the "old man" what I"m doing wrong uploading just 1 pic at a time. I tried clicking on the download button to add more pics ,but to no avail. thanks guys jim
  10. I have just recently set up my newer system and have decided to sell my rears (KG4's) and buy something else. I'm looking for some suggestions and would appreciate any help. system as of today. Pioneer Elite VSX33TX A/V KLF 20's mains ,RC35 CC, Paradigm PS-1200 sub, KG4's Rears, The KG4's were used as my mains before just recently purchasing the KLF20's Which are unbelieveable I might add. Have considered The Hereseys as rears but would like some input from other readers. Thanks in advance
  11. do yourself a favor and demo a Paradigm powered sub. I compared both Klipsch and paradigm "side by side" and you'll get a bigger bang for your buck with the paradigm. Not sure what you need but I"m only running there PS-1200 and it does a superb job and my room is 18x24 ,with vaulted ceilings. I do thnik that when I get soem extra cash together I will move up to the servo series , which will absolutely "blow you away" Klipsch can't even come close to this sub........
  12. I auditioned the Pioneer Elite series while listening to Paradigm and Klipsch speakers. I ended up buying the Pioneer Elite VSX33TX and to say the least am very pleased. My listening is similar to yours HT first ,then music listening. I may add an separate amp down the road ,but not at this time. My money is going into the DLP system when they perfect it a little better. The things that that A/V can do is really wild.
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