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Travis In Austin

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Everything posted by Travis In Austin

  1. Sometimes, but not always. It depends on the civil service system, collective bargining agreement, or the HR policies of a particular organization. As I mentioned before, some systems do allow for an employee to be on paid leave pending a criminal charge. Travis
  2. "Martin Armstrong. This is primarily a pay site but he does provide free commentary and you can get a ton of information about the complete economic picture of the world. He's internationally known and consults at that level also." Before he went to prison I believe he was getting something like 5,000 to 10,000 an hour for investment advice. I guess the question I would have is: what is he internationally know for? I remember reading a great article about him,Pi, Fibonacci numbers, etc. being related to the stock market, but I can't remember where now, it will come to me.
  3. For general news, aggregated, I like Google News Reader Flipboard The Week, in the print edition. For magazines, and websires I read: The Economist Foriegn Affairs Harvard Political Review National Review The Atlantic I have been extremely interested in the media, on the "media". I just subscribed to the Journal of Media Psychology to try to get a better understanding on that subject.
  4. Great topic. So you are asking for main sources for news, not opinion or editorial content?
  5. You remember the fast food chain Naugles? They just won a court case and reopened. Just one place in Fountain Valley. I’m a Del Taco Man; but, I’ll visit Naugles for nostalgic reasons. Completely forgot about Naugles until you mentioned it. The only time I remember being in one, sort of, was late at night. I do remember I thought they were much better than Taco Bell. I cannot for the life of me remember where the location was went to. Travis
  6. Yes I do, very well. I saw them practicing several times in a house 3 doors down from me in Malibu. They are one of my Santa Monica Civic memories. Valleys and locals
  7. I'm not going to touch that with a 10'pole.
  8. It depends on the company, political subdivision, or union contract. I represent police officers who have been involved in shootings, and they are always placed on administrative leave for at least three days, and as long as 6 weeks. Without exception, they desire to return to work before they are allowed to. While in administrative leave they have to be available to respond to department orders and directives such as seeing a department psychologist, giving statements, etc. In some situations you can have an employee that is going to no doubt be terminated. The administrative leave with pay is pretty close to a vacation, being paid to sit at home, but they are still entitled to due process under a system that provides administrative leave to begin with. Most states are "at will" and unless you have civil service protection, collective bargining, or other policy in place at your job, they just fire you. They do not have to give a reason. If they want to keep their unemployment insurance rates down they will try and document "just cause" for termination. I think most of the cases I am aware of where there was a lot of controversy about how long a person was away from their job, yet still being paid, was over very lengthy investigations that just drug out forever. You then see the phrase used by reporters "Joe Blow continues to be out on paid administrative leave." Where it can really drag out is if they are entitled to be on paid leave pending a criminal charge. A criminal charge can drag out for years. Some agencies provide leave wothot pay if there is a criminal charge, others provide leave with pay, and some others make it discretionary with the department head. Travis
  9. In many parts of the country this is called a baby goat, in Texas it is called Cabrito.
  10. Manute Bol killed a lion with a spear aftet it killed some of his cows. Unlike the dentist, that was perfectly alright in my opinion.
  11. it matters to the entire conscious universe that some people create suffering for fun. If killing lion for fun is perfectly ok, how about fighting pet dogs in rings for good laughs? remmeber the cretin named Michael Vick? let's all gather on main street with dogs, beat them half to death and starve them and set them onto each other for fun. What's the difference? their going to die anyway? what does it matter how they die, or why they die? fun is fun. mike vick should get a medal and put some dog heads on his walls, right?you keep asking, "whats the differnce?" is it possible you see no distinction in motivations? should we have all those legal defintiions like manslaughter and murder and premediation if motive makes no difference in life? should we have any respect for any animal life at all? I have to wonder. i didn't know so many people had no compassion for animals. im a little sick by the thought. I don't think it should be legal to bring in the hide or head of a lion into the USA There are a lot of people who disagee with me on that. So why was this such, big, big news. Hunting in the US is legal in EVERY state in the US. It is a major source of revenue in many states, directly and indirectly. It is government supported and subsidized. People are caught all the time in the US hunting illegally. There is zome news about that. I don't really see a difference between a pwrson who buys their beef at the supermarket and a guy who raises a cow on his land, lets her roam around and eat good grass, free of chemicals, and then one day his wife says "we are running low on hamburger" and he saunters out his back door with his favorite firearm, takes aim, forms the intent and with premediation, pulls the trigger and shoots it right between the eyes. Is the difference that some animals are farm raised and others are wild? If a duck is raised on a farm it is alright to kill and eat, but not a wild one? I dont think buying meat at the supermarket gets someone off the hook for being the reason an animal is killed. Every two breasts person buys means someone, somewhere has got to got out and intentionally kill a chicken. I don't think intent has anything to do with it. When a person eats meat they do it intentionally, and the result is it kills animals. I think the difference for a lot of people is whether it is a wild animal or not. In your farm example the intent was to make food. The dentist Brent was to make fun. You still see no difference?I don't want killing for fun on my soul. I absolutely see your point. The dentist had now other purpose than to get lion other than for his self gratification. My question is, does the same apply to deer hunters in the US?
  12. No. If you kill to get excited like you scored a touchdown in a football game, it's bad... period. We are not taking up the debate between vegetarians and omnivores.What if you get the thrill from catching a fish, a Marlin, or a giant blue fin?Is there a difference between the thrill a kid gets when when he/she catches their first fish and the thrill they get when they shoot their first, dove, duck or deer? Do all hunters have a mental defect, or just ones who hunt for trophys and not the meat? I didn't see a good answer from Jeff on this one, but it's totally the point I was trying to make about my childhood bee smashing escapades. What's really the difference? Is it not the same drive of any adrenaline junky trying to find their true limits? Justifying the thrill with "eating meat" is just that - a justification. If you're really trying to feed yourself, then why not just go to the supermarket where it is far more convenient to satisfy the need to eat? That's because hunters enjoy hunting. Why not just embrace it for what it is? Saying it's ok to hunt when you're going to eat the meat is akin to saying you enjoy the color red because it tastes like the wind blowing through your toenails. There is a complete absence of logical connection with these statements. Either enjoying the sport of hunting is immoral or it isn't. Or that you like auto racing because of all the cool passing, or hockey because of the strategy, or women's beach volleyball at the Olympics because of the awesome teamwork.
  13. it matters to the entire conscious universe that some people create suffering for fun. If killing lion for fun is perfectly ok, how about fighting pet dogs in rings for good laughs? remmeber the cretin named Michael Vick? let's all gather on main street with dogs, beat them half to death and starve them and set them onto each other for fun. What's the difference? their going to die anyway? what does it matter how they die, or why they die? fun is fun. mike vick should get a medal and put some dog heads on his walls, right?you keep asking, "whats the differnce?" is it possible you see no distinction in motivations? should we have all those legal defintiions like manslaughter and murder and premediation if motive makes no difference in life? should we have any respect for any animal life at all? I have to wonder. i didn't know so many people had no compassion for animals. im a little sick by the thought. I don't think it should be legal to bring in the hide or head of a lion into the USA There are a lot of people who disagee with me on that. So why was this such, big, big news. Hunting in the US is legal in EVERY state in the US. It is a major source of revenue in many states, directly and indirectly. It is government supported and subsidized. People are caught all the time in the US hunting illegally. There is zome news about that. I don't really see a difference between a pwrson who buys their beef at the supermarket and a guy who raises a cow on his land, lets her roam around and eat good grass, free of chemicals, and then one day his wife says "we are running low on hamburger" and he saunters out his back door with his favorite firearm, takes aim, forms the intent and with premediation, pulls the trigger and shoots it right between the eyes. Is the difference that some animals are farm raised and others are wild? If a duck is raised on a farm it is alright to kill and eat, but not a wild one? I dont think buying meat at the supermarket gets someone off the hook for being the reason an animal is killed. Every two breasts person buys means someone, somewhere has got to got out and intentionally kill a chicken. I don't think intent has anything to do with it. When a person eats meat they do it intentionally, and the result is it kills animals. I think the difference for a lot of people is whether it is a wild animal or not.
  14. Like Earnest Hemmingway? Chuck Yeager? Bud Grant.They get their own room? i don't know much about the motivations of those people when they killed. but sure, if it was for a thrill of killing other living things, why not eternity alone? those names mean nothing by themselves. does writing books give on the right to murder? flying planes? i find it ridicilous to exhonerate a killer because of his other job. it tells me people are not equal, some are so special they cana't be judged.notice, i did not recommend hell. only a room by themselves to contemplate that they might appreciate other lving things. I am not aware of any country that considers killing an animal illegally to be murder, not even in India where in some areas animals are considered sacred. It can be described as many things, but muder isn't one of them. It has a particular meaning. There is a fundamental reason for this that relates to how society,values human life and incorporates that value into a legal system.Here is ten more to add to the room. http://www.wideopenspaces.com/10-legendary-american-hunters-pics/ Teddy, Daniel Boone, Davey Crockett, etc. right....its not murder by laws, even im not so stupid to think that. it is moral murder, which means his INTENT was unjustified. he plotted and conspired to kill the animal for nothing more than his personal excitement. thats a moral murder in a conscious world where we undwerstand animals have sentience. maybe yuo have never had a pet dog or cat, and you are unaware that animals are sentient, and they have feelings. could be. if you are that unaware, try to understand what is known today about animals. if you know, and you simply feel so superiror that you have the right to kill whichever ones you want for fun or amusement, i pity you.i do not know if dan boone and dave crocket killed animal for amusement, but i suspect it was more about food. i can not judge those old cases you contonue to bring. I can judge the current one - - a very rich guy that is well fed pays $50000 just because he wants the thrill of that kill of a big lion. nothing to do with survivial, or eating food. its about another big precious animal head on wall and a photograph of The Great White Hunter. BARF!!! i advise people to get a pet, and learn about their place in the universe with all the other life. you will be shocked at what you learn about animals. It they added lions to the Endangered Species Act it would make their importation illegal. Or just enact a seperate law, no games animals or parts thereof may be brought into the USA. I agree with some of your thoughts about the mentality of the trophy hunter. For most of them it about the head on the wall. You make it a felony to bring into the US it cuts off the demand, at least from the USA.
  15. Now you are talking. So there is a natural instinct to "be fruitful and multiply." Is there another instinct to hunt that we have suppressed over time, some more than in others?
  16. They did it here in my neighboring state of Oregon. $135,000 fine for not baking the cake for a homosexual wedding. Now if that isn't ramming it down throats I don't know what is.Some background on this, if you get all of your news from the national news media, which may or may not have reported the details: That bakery had in the past knowingly baked cakes for homosexuals. There was no issue here. Where they invoked their freedom of religion is when a gay couple wanted a cake baked FOR A WEDDING. Well, apparently these Christians felt that they couldn't do that and still be in keeping with religious beliefs. So much for freedom of association or freedom of religion. The inmates are running the asylum and unless you agree with their version of 'tolerance' you are shit out of luck. And in this case, out of business, bankrupt and no home. I stand corrected, right on point.
  17. It was locked. Ironically I created it to take the title away from anyone who might have been thinking about creating the thread. In it I detailed how I didn't think it was a good idea that this subject be talked about on these forums.I was attacked by more than one individual for even making the thread. Even though I took the position that I did so to make sure anyone who was thinking about doing it, could first see that we probably shouldn't 'go there.' There are a few on these forums that cannot handle difficult subjects and they wouldn't even entertain the title much less the subject matter that it shouldn't be brought up here. That may be, but quit bringing it up in my thread.That's the second time you've responded to me as if I'm the one who keeps coming back to it. If you re-read the first time you'll see I was advocating to keep the thread on topic. If you look this time you'll see that I was simply responding to someone else who brought it up. Calm down Travis.Now we've heard everyone else opinions on your thread, but you really haven't delved into what you think of the situation? Let me make it simple for you. YOU are the one who keeps bringing up that organization. I dont know if you have something important to say about it or not or if you think it is a media conspiracy I don't really care. I am sorry you started another thread at my suggestion only to have it locked and removed. Quit bringing up that organization in MY thread, or the fact that you couldn't talk about it in another thread. Start another thread about the limitation of topics on the forum. I am calm, but let me help. I am not looking for anyone to tell me why this is a big story. Hey start a topic on that. Meat Hunting Hunting lions Media's reaction Is it evil to hunt. Is it evil to eat meat?
  18. We are doing our best to give a little leeway, and locking a thread is the last thing we want to do. A thread on the forums was just locked. Am I to assume warning points were issued prior to the lock? Warning points can be issued at any time and aren't always predicated upon a thread being locked. Glad to hear that, hopefully I will not get locked because of just 2 or 3 people who cannot stay on a topic. Just delete their posts if need be.
  19. It was locked. Ironically I created it to take the title away from anyone who might have been thinking about creating the thread. In it I detailed how I didn't think it was a good idea that this subject be talked about on these forums.I was attacked by more than one individual for even making the thread. Even though I took the position that I did so to make sure anyone who was thinking about doing it, could first see that we probably shouldn't 'go there.' There are a few on these forums that cannot handle difficult subjects and they wouldn't even entertain the title much less the subject matter that it shouldn't be brought up here. That may be, but quit bringing it up in my thread.
  20. I'm with ya, but are you saying "meat is murder"? (Kind of a catchy phrase there). Is consuming meat a moral question? Is it ok to purchase meat in a supermarket, but not hunt? There was a Kung Fu episode dealing with eating meat and Cain said "I do not kill to eat." I told my parents that, my mom gave me more salad and vegetables. My dad kind of sat back and smiled but didn't say anything. I think I was in swim practice 2 or 3 hours a day at the time. I think I lasted about a day as a Shaolin vegetarian. It eating meat is wrong that is going to be an awfully big room. If eating meat is ok, isn't killing, killing? Does it matter to the cow if she is killed by a mountain lion, a mechanical killing device at the slaughter house, or the by the farmer who raised her who is going to save that one to feed his family with?
  21. Like Earnest Hemmingway? Chuck Yeager? Bud Grant.They get their own room? i don't know much about the motivations of those people when they killed. but sure, if it was for a thrill of killing other living things, why not eternity alone? those names mean nothing by themselves. does writing books give on the right to murder? flying planes? i find it ridicilous to exhonerate a killer because of his other job. it tells me people are not equal, some are so special they cana't be judged.notice, i did not recommend hell. only a room by themselves to contemplate that they might appreciate other lving things. I am not aware of any country that considers killing an animal illegally to be murder, not even in India where in some areas animals are considered sacred. It can be described as many things, but muder isn't one of them. It has a particular meaning. There is a fundamental reason for this that relates to how society,values human life and incorporates that value into a legal system. Here is ten more to add to the room. http://www.wideopenspaces.com/10-legendary-american-hunters-pics/ Teddy, Daniel Boone, Davey Crockett, etc.
  22. Like Earnest Hemmingway? Chuck Yeager? Bud Grant. They get their own room?
  23. I agree, it will probably die down within a month and it will all go away, assuming they dont try to extradite him thus keeping him in the news. But sometimes things never go away for some people. An example from Austin would be Lance Armstrong.
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