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Everything posted by elmudo

  1. hey wass up i have those 4.1 surround system they got mess up something with a electric problem so that mess up my wofer. i have them in my friend shop fixing them but he says that the only thing he is missing is that there are like 3 fuse something like that that they come in color and number he told me that in order for it to work they have to be in a specfic order . so please if u have an idea of wat i'm talking about could you tell the order in which they go . think it colors and numbers if anything right back to elmudo@nyc.rr.com thanks
  2. hey wass up i have those 4.1 surround system they got mess up something with a electric problem so that mess up my wofer. i have them in my friend shop fixing them but he says that the only thing he is missing is that there are like 3 fuse something like that that they come in color and number he told me that in order for it to work they have to be in a specfic order . so please if u have an idea of wat i'm talking about could you tell the order in which they go . think it colors and numbers if anything right back to elmudo@nyc.rr.com thanks
  3. hey wass up i have those 4.1 surround system they got mess up something with a electric problem so that mess up my woofer. i have them in my friend shop fixing them but he says that the only thing he is missing is that there are like 3 fuse something like that that they come in color and number he told me that in order for it to work they have to be in a specfic order . so please if u have an idea of wat i'm talking about could you tell the order in which they go . please if maybe you into it maybe if you have 4.1 bash woofer maybe u could open and let me know if it possible let me know if you people know anything about this topic thankssss anything write back to elmudo@nyc.rr.com
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