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Posts posted by Tarheel

  1. Mark...the arm is a low mass carbon fiber straight arm 224mm in length. I would have probably been better off with the original arm but thats not how it was offered. Sliding the weight forward would add more weight to the front but the arm would no longer be balanced...is that a problem? Thanks for the tip on the test record.

    Jay...yes that is a tricky one. Say what you think and risk offending or tell the truth.

    BTW... that Buchanan lp is on Alligator Records and really a superior recordng if you like blues. Time to flip it over. Next up is Junior Wells' and the Chicago Blues Band "Hoodo Man Blues" and its still only friday afternoon!


  2. Thanks Jay...I have Roy Buchanan's "Dancing on The Edge" blasting as I type and must say it sounds great. However...Iam tracking lighter than recommended at 1.75...I would like to try 2.2 grams but can't because of the arms limit. Just now I can't imagine it sounding better...but who knows. Bluesboy said it sounded great as well but thats what friends do right?


  3. About two years ago I bought a Denon DP-1250 tt off ebay complete with a AT-440ML cartridge and an aftermarket ADC arm. The table had been checked out by a tecnician and was in mint condition. The previous owner had refinished the tt in a dark mahogany and it is really attractive. Everything arrived in great shape. The upgrade bug bit and I ordered a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood cartridge from a dealer on Audiogon. I have been using the above rig for the past year and have been happy with the performance but one issue has got me wondering if I am getting everything from this cartridge.

    The arm was apparently made when tracking very light was the word of the day. The arm only goes to 1.75 tracking force. The Virtuoso Wood's optimal tracking force is 2.2 grams. I have got the tracking force as well as the antiskating both set at 1.75 and it sounds fine.

    What am I missing tracking lighter than recommended? Anyone familiar with this table/arm combination? Any quick fix or suggestions? Would prefer not to change arms if possible. Yes...I know I should have looked at the tracking force rec prior to selecting a cartridge but the Stereophile magazine review was was extremely flattering.

    Would like to hear from the M&M guys in particular (Mark, Max, Malette) who seem to know a lot about tts but all help is appreciated. Mark...your recent thread on tts though an excellent thread, started me thinking about an upgrade....thanks a lot.


  4. Larry, Chuck....................You guys are too much, how can I say this with out offending anyone..............I had a Turntable and Vinyl for over 25 years, I do not wish to go back to that. I sold well over 600 LP's, some with just a play or two on them, and took a big beating selling them all to one person just to get rid of them. I hated then, and would now, changing cartridges, balancing tone arms, etc.............changing sides every 14 to 18 minutes is not a pleasure to me.............ticks, pops, crackle, and skips drives me CRAZY..............changing turntables like I change underwear, because this is a new improved turntable..........rumble from idler wheels that showed up in my recorded tapes.............belts that break.......although they were pretty trouble free..............Direct Drive was pretty nice...........Garrard, Dual, Fisher, Sony, Technics, and last but not least, my favorite, a single play, manual, belt driven AR....................Please, I have done and lived the vinyl experience, and I chose not to return there.................All kidding aside, I am taken back by your offer, but I really must decline..............I can not Thank You enough......but your turntable really should go to someone who wants one, and will use it...................Please remember, when I first started the stereo experience, RECORDS were my only choice............Today I have many choices, and turntables aren't one of them..................I hope this came out right without offending you guys............Thank You again for your kind and generous offer...............IS THIS FORUM SOMETHING....................OR WHAT ????????

    No offense taken......you said it just right. The Thorens was gathering dust and was looking for a good home. Did I mention I have a third reel to reel that needs a new belt or a new home[:)].Just kidding. Looking forward to your impressions of the Scott.


  5. Now Buck I've got this old Thorens TD-165 with a Signet cartridge I might throw into the mix....came from a guy closer to your neck of the woods....Canada. He packed like he had never packed before but that is another story. Ready to give vinyl a try?


    Sweet! I'll even kick in some LP's if your willing.


    Lets do it....make buckster a tubes and vinyl guy.


  6. Tarheel:

    We had a party at my place last weekend (Rf-83 complete system w/RT-12d sub) and a guy came from SEVEN houses down to tell us his kids couldn't sleep because of it!!

    Maybe you need to set up inside rather than on the front lawn[H].

    BTW...what time was it when he complained? Only 7 houses away? As Oldbuckster would say.....EH!!!!


  7. That must have been a mess Marvel...a melted lp dripping on your tubes....no accidents like that or Rob's wifes experience... but I still keep my fingers crossed. I would like for my wife to feel comfortable using the equipment...except for the TT....that is too delicate and the cartridge alone cost more than my first car. One droped arm and there goes that extended cantilever. I have been meaning to write down the sequence and precautions for using the rest of the system but she is not a critical listener and had just as soon put a cd in the Bose radio in the kitchen. She does seem impressed with my system when some of her friends come over and I put on one of her cds such as Andre Bocelli or Josh Groban.

    Rob...I thought while I was posting this morning that the flowers might be plastic but glad you made that clear. Those speakers are way too nice to end up with a stained top. You know I have been thinking about a thread on equipment as eye candy.....I spend some time cleaning, oiling, and polishing all my pieces, but I have known folks who could care less about the looks as long as the sound is good. It would be interesting to see what the break down on the forum would be.

    Good chatting with you both.


  8. Rob...looking at your speakers again this morning I noticed the plant on top of the right speaker...reminded me of my McIntosh ML1Cs I bought in the early 70s..put a plant on top of one speaker....and you guessed it....the water wicked through the ceramic and left a nice white circle on top. I finally restored those Macs 2 years ago and they now sit second chair to my hybrid LSs. Actually I had glass tops cut for them and am using them for end tables in my music room where they rarely get played.

    I read your comments about Linda's intimidation to use your equipment to my wife since the same thing is going on here. I use to have a Pioneer SX-1280 and a ss Denon cdp and Julia used it regularly. I then went to tubed horn monos, tubed preamp, and tubed cdp and she has not attempted to turn on the system since. Must be a girl thing!


  9. William....good to hear from you and no apology needed. The advice we give and recieve here is most often free and at the same time invaluable regardless of the wait. I have learned so much in the last two years from forum members.

    I see no urgent need to change anything in my system though I have a feeling that I may be becoming an equipment junkie....I can peruse the classifieds on Audiogon for hours on end. Right now I am considering a tubed Harmon Kardon reciever from the early 60s that is in mint condition. Why? Other than the fact that I like vintage tube gear and that it may actually be in mint condition no other explanation is forthcoming.

    Anyway...good to chat with you and thanks for the advice


  10. Zuzu..I have read some of the comments from the contributors to Sterephile magazine say that if you are listening to music directly from the receptacle you don't know what you are missing. They actually referred to us as "poor souls". I have never listened to conditioned power..I get it right from Progress Energy through my standard receptacles so I can't say. I would have to agree with the earlier post that power conditioning is low on my priority list. There are those with deep pockets and the never ending quest to tweak who will try anything and everything and they certainly are free to do that. It gets back to diminishing returns. Once you get to a certain level of satisfaction each increment of improvement beyond that is not cost effective. Just today I was reading a review of a $90,000 turntable and thought to myself....a good TT needs to be free of vibrations and spin the LP at the right speed...what does the other $88,000 get you?

    Anyone listening with conditioned power please feel free to comment...I would like to know what improvements you heard.


  11. Stringmun 1.....thanks for your reply. I asked this same question about a year ago and someone else suggested I might get bigger bang for the buck by replacing the 12DW7s. It was suggested I look for some nos from the 50s or 60s but I was only able to find some Phillips tubes from the 80s. I didn't notice a big difference though I may not have the right tubes yet. I replaced the stock EL-34s with some KT-77s after talking with Doug at Doug's tubes and noticed a slight improvement in the bass while keeping the same sweet midrange. Since then I have a new pair of hybrid La Scalas with some ALK Engineering xovers that he designed for the 511/902 combination. I now have incredible bass in a speaker that many think is bass shy. Some of the bass improvement can be attributed to the 1" mdf I used for the bass bins.

    I think WPM uses 6550s after trying several different tubes and he was sold on those but I haven't been able to talk with him lately to see what he is running.

    Anyway...let me know if you find anything really magical for the Quicksilvers.


  12. Post number 1...Welcome to the forum Undergroundskate....Don't know about RF-7s but I hear they are great speakers. I have hybrid La Scalas built by forum member Bluesboy and they are very efficient. The 7s should need a bit more power I would think. With all the experience on the forum someone is sure to give you some good info shortly.


  13. Thanks JBRYAN.... that was a real deal...I would go for the 2 everytime[;)] My question was a bit tongue in cheek but thanks for your reply. Are those your speakers in your avatar?

    BTW....I use a air cleaner with hepa filter in my music room and a Nitty Gritty record cleaner and the debris on the stylus has dropped to almost nothing. I also put foam filters over the floor registers. Maybe a bit anal on the cleanliness but it seems to be working.


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