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Posts posted by Tarheel

  1. Thanks for the info OB....I guess I am just a warm weather person and thats probably because I have always lived in the south. I remember the big blizzard[:)] of 1989 when we got 18" and the whole city was paralyzed for days. Four wheel drive folks were asked to volunteer to get nurses to the hospital for their shifts. It was wild. I don't think New Hanover County got a road grader till 1972!

    I guess with the cabin fever at least you have time to listen to a lot of r&r....EH!!!

    Offer stands....


  2. OB....I know you are sleeping by now after surfing the forum til 3:15 am. You folks have been on the news quite a lot with your weather conditions and having little experience with such conditions a few questions come to mind. I assume you don't have heat pumps lke a lot of do down this way so that means gas or oil. Can the delivery trucks get out for refills? How much fuel do you go through in a month? What about snow loads on roofs and danger of cave ins? Can you get your kids to school? Do you get extreme cabin fever? I am being serious...I am curious about these questions. I know I have filled the lp gas tank twice in the last eight weeks to the tune of $643 first time and $550 the second and thats a lot of money to me....your heating bills must be though the roof.

    Hope the weather improves for you guys soon. If it gets to be too much....come on down for a visit....I promise I won't try to get you to eat grits though I did cook up a big pot of shrimp and grits for dinner last night. It may get to 55 degrees here today and the sun is out....I may brave the elements and go over to watch Bluesboy build Spongeworthys center channel.

    Stay warm.


  3. I am not familiar with Quintets but I would not think the power match between your amp and speakers should be an issue. I use to have a Pioneer SX-1280 with 185 wpc and powered some McIntosh ML-1Cs that as I recall were only rated for 100wpc...with no problems. I think if you were to listen at anything over a couple of watts it would not be comfortable for long anyway. Congrats on your speaker purchase. Enjoy.


  4. "BTW...if things don't work out he has some empty LS cabs (my old ones) that he may sell you at a good price..but then shipping would be a pain."

    Why would things not work out?

    For all we know...NJBOB could be a woodshop instructor at a local vocational high school......let's give the guy a chance.

    Speakerfritz...I usually don't make it a point to reply to comments such as yours but this once I will make an exception. First ...I made no assumption as to NJbob's skill level or lack there of. To even start a project of this nature would seem to indicate that he has the requisite skills. Secondly, I have no idea why things would not work out...I was only pointing out that we have empty cabinets if he needs them. People start and stop projects all the time for one reason or another (lack of time, patience, tools). Bluesboy and I have been through this particular speaker build a couple of times and it was apparent that NJbob had not and was asking for help. Certainly NJbob doesn't need me to "give him a chance"...I am sure he would move forward regardless. The difference in your post and mine is that I was making an attempt to help someone.

    I have no desire to carry this discussion any further. Bob knows how to contact me if he needs assistance.


  5. NJBOB....if you haven't started cutting yet you may want to consider taking the 3/4 plywood back and going with 1" mdf like the new LS IIs use. It makes a noticeable differnce in the bass. I talked with Bluesboy earlier and he is going to try and locate a useful thread for you that should answer some of your questions.

    BTW...if things don't work out he has some empty LS cabs (my old ones) that he may sell you at a good price..but then shipping would be a pain.


  6. Thanks Travis...I don't know if I want one if I can't playback back my 1/4 tracks. Its just there were some very good looking machines on ebay yesterday and I got the urge. The Tascam BR-20 or 3030 caught my eye. The BR-20 is still being made I understand. I have all the tape I probably will ever need....I bought a box of almost new Maxell tapes on ebay from a woman whose husband had passed away. There were 53 tapes including blanks and he never wrote on the boxes and kept the tapes in their plastic bags. Don ended up being the low bidder on the Teac 3300 SX.

    Anyway I appreciate your help.


  7. Sheldon..while surfing Audiogon I saw a Pioneer TX-9100 or 9500 which was a very well respected tuner in its day. The best part was the guy only wanted $140. Go to Audiogon and click on misc and look there. There is also a very nice Fisher 100 for $325.

    I would grab the Fisher but there are no good stations in this area.


  8. Russ...WPM one of my buddies in Texas tube rolls his Quickies a lot ant I think he has settled on 6550s? He tried the KT-88 and others but moved on. Anyway I am sure they are on the back burner now that you have the new monos. Burn em in good and let us know what you think.


  9. Well Dave.....I don't know what to say to that..... but thats never stopped me from commenting before....so I will just say that you certainly have superior writing skills and are a talented wordsmith. Plus I think you have a handle on this forum. There are a lot of talented and generous folks and much diversity here....as long as it's Klipsch...but then again we occasionally allow folks to ask questions about ESS speakers or comment about Vandersteen or even Martin Logans.

    So I say to you.....Welcome home. I wasn't even here yet when you left but I am glad you came back. Now tell me....where is Duke Spinner...it seems he just packed up his avatar and went home!


  10. Tom....I can't help.... I remember ESS speakers but never heard any...heard a lot of Advent, ARs, JBLs in those days.

    I am still trying to get over the Vandersteen 2Cs on Audiogon for $300!!! If anyone wants to look at non klipsch speakers they are on the fourth or fifth page of classified ads under full range speakers. Think they are in California as I recall. Those boys were about $1700 new and only need a small piece of veneer to be reglued according to the ad.

    Good luck with your research.


  11. Russ...if you can send pictures please do. I still haven't learned how to do that..not exactly on the cutting edge technologically speaking....heck I haven't even learned how to cut and paste and miss out on a lot of the info sent to me. It just hasn't been a priority...rather tinker with the system.

    Have you experimented with tubes on the Quicksilvers? Are they EL-34 based?

    I just replaced my EL-34s with KT-77s in the horn monos and am well pleased with the result.



  12. Thanks Jay, Gil, Pauln, Larry and Dave...very helpful information. The reason I am considering the 2 track is that I wanted to upgrade to a more professional deck...one that is rugged and made to withstand studio use though it will just be a home deck. I was hoping for a little increase in sound qualty as well. I was surprised to learn that the Tascam BR-20 is still being made and a lot of the earlier ones are being pulled out of Colleges and government facilities during equipment upgrades. I think they are around $3000 but you can often find them used. I wonder about availability and cost of parts on other 2 tracks. Also learned from a forum I stumbled on that Ampex recorders are tube based and very desireable.

    Anyway...thanks for your help guys.


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