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dtel's wife

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Posts posted by dtel's wife

  1. Bruce,

    She has gone to be with Great Physician and will suffer no longer. May God grant you and your family comfort and peace during this time.

    May God bless you always for your faithfulness to His calling.

    Elden and Christy

    Hebrews 11:1

    "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen."

  2. The area with the rope lighting installed is actually 18'x24'. We used the inexpensive rope lights and doubled them up in some areas. You really can't tell because the lighting is low. We had purchased some rope lighting to use for Christmas decorating a few years back and decided to see if it would work. My daughter has an "attic bedroom" (meaning 5' side walls) and she used the same lighting technique as a feature in her bedroom. She went to the after Christmas sale today at our local "Wally World" and purchased the rope lights for $1.99. Of course, custom cut lights would also be really nice.

    We extended the moulding by putting 1/4 round or "shoe" moulding onto the end with finishing nails, which added approximately 1/2 inches more to the moulding.

    Tom, your room must be beautiful, based on the pics you posted.

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  3. It's hard to tell what the room really looks like with all the Christmas stuff. We have nine people living here since Hurricane Katrina and my birthday is Christmas Day, so we have always had more Christmas decorations than normal people. We have about 9000 miniature lights in our landscaping. Dtel fusses because you can't hardly walk through the house at Christmastime. But what can he do...it's only a few weeks a year.

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  4. The total open area is 34'X24'. That includes living room, dining room and kitchen. Totally open floor plan. The living room ends at the columns, that beam you see divides living from dining/kitchen. We plan to post more pics after holidays.

    Actually, the moulding is floor moulding, dtel held a piece of moulding up there and a 45 degree angle looked about right, so he cut small wooden angles out on a 45 degee, screwed those to the wall, then finished nailed the moulding to the angles. Be sure to put a dip in the top of the wooden angles so the rope lights can seat in the moulding and not be exposed to the eye. The rope lights come in 18' lengths, very inexpensive. Be sure to put outlets that all tie into one switch, preferably a dimmer switch. This works perfect. We doubled the rope lights in the moulding to make it a little brighter and all of those outlets are one dimmer switch. I realize your ceiling is low, rather than highlight the steel beam, which will appear to divide the space, go along the top of the walls with lighting, we dropped down about 2 1/2 inches from the ceiling. The up lighting will draw the eye away from the short walls and toward the ceiling. This lighting is excellent for movies, entertaining, etc. It lights the room enough to navigate the room, but puts no light on the television screen itself. Its perfect lighting for parties. Also, the recessed ceiling lights (can post pics and info if you like) are easy to install, safe and not expensive at all. We used 2x6 for the ceiling joist, and they fit perfect. Check Home Depot or Lowes, we believe they were between ten and fifteen bucks each max. Our recessed lighting is also on a dimmer switch.


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  5. They are beautiful and you are quite mad, sir! Those LS even dwarf the refrigerator.


    Now Michael, if you're not "the pot calling the kettle black"... Its a beautiful set up. Would like to see some more pics of the cabin as dtel and I will be building a log house in the next two to three years. We both love wood and stone.

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  6. and some gruesome character is gonna jump out and give me a heart attack.


    I was lurking on this forum when the gruesome character jumped out. If remember correctly, it was Moon that I cursed for about a week after I viewed it. I thought I was having a heart attack. Dtel tricked everyone that visited our home with that one. He thought it was hilarious to see people jump off thier seats that high.

    Does anyone still have the link to that site?

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  7. Just got home from Auto Zone. I purchase the microfiber cleaning cloths, a pack of seven for $4.99, about the size of a face cloth each. I ran one under water, wrung the water out and used another one to dry with. I can not believe how clean the screen came with only water. Could not find Miracle Maid, so I am not sure what the deal with that is, but I can tell you the microfiber cloths are wonderful. We received this television 65" Toshiba as a gift in February of 05, from our daughter that just graduated from nursing school, see post under general questions "Never thought it would happen", and I have never cleaned the screen. I am embarrassed to say it hasn't been cleaned in almost ten months, but I was scared that I would ruin the screen and dtel would have a fit. One good thing the screen doesn't attract dust like most TV screens. Thanks a lot.

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  8. It was more emotionally satisfying even though the other should have been superior because of its better engineering.

    Same thing applies to women (female readers substitute 'men'), but I am hesitant to elaborate here... you know what I mean...


    It's okay Pauln you can elaborate. If you substitute men for women in that statement it is accurate.

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  9. edit:

    I know Michael i still havent posted about picking up the new forte,s ,I'm going to let the wife post something, at the speed i type you will never read it plus she is better at general bs than me, hope she don,t see that.[:)]

    Okay, apologize...

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  10. Thank you Michael. We love you too. Actually, our family does not accept gifts from people like kbear. However, my daughter has been reading this thread and she advises in this instance, "Hell yeh, tell kbear send Khorns as the gift and stay his _ss away from our family."

    It was obvious to me that he doesn't visit "this bar" very often. In the words of Toby Keith, "I love this bar".

    As most of you know, achieving a degree in nursing is a difficult task in itself, not to mention the forces of nature (Katrina) that our daughter had to overcome. The obvious was stated in the original post we made, what is not obvious to a lot of people were the leaky roofs, non-functioning air conditioners, lack of fans, etc. on the college campus. Bathing in pond water, sleeping with loaded guns by your bed, hand washing clothes, pouring water into a toilet to flush it. MRE's as a steady diet (thank God), lack of refrigeration and/or ice, lack of gas to get to and from school, and on and on.

    Our story is probably one of the least heartbreaking and I am almost embarrassed to have to expel on the details, when many have suffered much greater losses.

    Most of the nursing schools in southeastern Louisiana were completely obliterated by Katrina. No nurses will be graduating in that area for at least another six months. So...this was a major accomplishment, not only for our daughter, but for four generations of our family. Dtel's mother, who is 72 years old(attended the ceremony also), dtel and I, my daughter and my daughter's son. Considering dtel's mother and everyone in his family lost thier homes, WE CARE and we know our friends on this forum care.

    I do apologize to you guys for being so long winded, but it is not just the fact that she graduated. It is so much more.

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  11. Our oldest daughter, Jamie graduated with her degree in Nursing and Applied Sciences last night. The ceremony was actually enjoyable. Short, quick and to the point... We want to let all of you know about her accomplishment.(she does lurk about here sometimes) She has faced enormous difficulties completing this challenge and her staying power says something about her as a person. In the last and most difficult semester, she faced forced evacuation from our home, loss of electrical power (including running water) for almost two weeks, four additional people moving into our home (this is actually a blessing) and a semester that was shortened by four weeks, all compliments of Katrina.

    We are truly proud to call her our daughter.

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  12. Come on Michael, I knew about all that other addiction stuff already. Even contemplated asking you to request group therapy rates for me to attend the sessions with you and the therapist. O/C and ADD makes life tough going for me sometimes, terrible combination. This Klipsch addiction has only added to the list, glad to hear the therapist describes it as positive addiction, guess I don't have to get the discount rate after all.

    Just wanted a definition of "House of Klipsch" so we would all know where addiction is headed. For ourselves, you know, free advice. What other hobbies do you have, not including photography because that is work for you. Have to say the pics I saw you are pretty good at what you do. And what is the old guy crap. I know you are not older than me or dtel. Is that picture you showed of Grand Central Station? I sent you a email about that.

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  13. We recently had the opportunity to audition Cornwalls and Forte II's in the same listening environment. (We were there to purchase the Forte II's) I have to tell you dtel, nor I heard a substantial difference between the two. As a matter of fact, the owner of the Cornwall's/seller of the Forte II's expressed the same opinion. If you are in the market to "play the upgrade game" Forte II's would be a great place to start, you may find that you don't need to go any further. I read your post regarding the music you like and the sounds you want to hear from the speakers, Forte II's will do the job. We paid $425 and $350 a pair, the last pair on e-bay went for $700.00 which included shipping.

    Average ebay price between $500 and $600. We purchased our first pair from a local seller, who was recommended by another forum member, always a plus. Our second pair was purchased (thanks Colter, again...) from a local forum member who is not a regular poster, but a regular reader. If you purchase local you can audition anything you want to purchase, which makes the used market relatively safe. Meagain, I honestly believe the Forte II's will provide the quality sound you are looking for, while providing excellent resale value for you to "play the upgrade game." I was truly surprised by the sound these speakers produced. Besides, from what I can gather half the fun is playing the game.

    Oh, Colter you are just jealous because you are not a "pesky Forte II owner"...yet. It is my understanding you are in the market for Forte II's. I think I have the concept of "House of Klipsch" but I am not sure I have the total concept. Is it to own one of every kind of speaker Klipsch makes, or multiples of each or just a list of as many as you can purchase, store, stack, etc.

  14. I was going to ask what kind of people have the time to develop these formulas, chain letters, etc.?. It really amazes me, because a lot of time has to go into a formula like that, or maybe it just comes easy to some people?

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