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Posts posted by Seb

  1. 1. Same drivers, the tower will sound better to most people, however the bookshelf is offered in three nicer finishes. And it's smaller, of course.

    2. Neither. If you're in the U.S., get an SVS or HSU, if you're in Canada get a Paradigm PW-2200 or two. Klipsch doesn't offer the best boom for the buck in subwoofing. The KSW subs are good for techno and rap, but not much else, the RSW are way overpriced but good performers.

    3. They will work very nicely with this very good piece of equipment that is the Sony ES receiver. HOWEVER, if you haven't bought the sony yet, check out other brands, you could get better bang for the buck, unless there is something I don't know about your situation, which is very possible. Outlaw has been mentioned, if not you could check out some of last year's Denon or Marantz models, as well as Harman/Kardon.


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

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  2. ummmm...

    and the point of that would be?

    you can find top of the line software decoders for your pc on the net, I'm sure the HK decoder isn't really better. besides, mp3s sound relatively crappy no matter what decoder you use!

    I know it would take "strain" off of your PC, but when you're listening to mp3s, unless of course you're a graphic artist that likes to work while music is playing, you're probably not going to do anything that's really hardware intensive, like gaming or such.

    you're going to be browsing the net, typing stuff, chatting... I think any normal pc would handle those tasks without problems on top of decoding the mp3s.

    why look into something expensive and complicated when you already have a simple method that works fine?

    just trying to put things into perspective here, just my $0.02 canadian, not worth much I know...


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

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  3. I am incredibly sorry to say this, but Klipsch speakers don't hit the soft spot, not at this price range.

    The RSW subs are excellent, but very expensive (too expensive) and the KSW subs are not a good buy in my opinion, unless you listen to a lot of boomy techno music.

    I would hesitate between HSU and SVS, and would probably go with SVS simply because of hearsay and reputation, and because SVS owners gave so much to this community (especially Tom) that I'd like to give back some. An offering by HSU may be a good choice as well, I don't know, haven't really looked.


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

    http://www.dvdprofiler.com/mc.asp?alias=Sebdavid - go laugh at my puny little DVD collection

  4. personally, I would consider either the RF-3II or the RF-7. the RF-5 is a good speaker, however it has too much in common with the RF-3 and its sound is too similar imo to warrant the extra cash.

    the RF-3 would match up better with your existing center and rear channels, so that may be a good point for it, and I believe the price/performance ratio is best with the RF-3. the 7 is a damn great speaker though.

    BTW, you ARE getting AMAZING deals. Take it from a salesperson at a Klipsch authorized dealer.

    If ya got the cash, I would upgrade my whole system with 7 series. worth it at these prices, and you won't need to upgrade again any time soon!


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

    http://www.dvdprofiler.com/mc.asp?alias=Sebdavid - go laugh at my puny little DVD collection

  5. Hi,

    I was wondering what you guys though about this: due to certain circumstances, I can choose between a 3801 or a 2802 for the same price. Which one would you choose?

    Prologic II seems to be the only difference between the xx01 and xx02 series, unless I'm mistaken. It would be nice to have, but up to now I'm thinking the additional power reserves of the 3801 vs. the 2802 would be a wiser choice, especially since the 3801 still has DTS Neo 6.

    This will be used with the Ref 3 series.


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

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  6. I'm fed up with movie studios releasing "plane" versions of DVDs and then Special Editions with a better sound mix and additional special features a couple months down the road...

    Almost Famous

    Black Hawk Down

    Lord of the Rings


    oh, and they should also drop the prices of CDs... that would put a damper on illegal music copying!


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

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  7. NOZ

    with the shipping and taxes and CAN/US exchange rates, the SVS aren't as great a deal as for US folks.

    granted, they're still amazing subs at the right price, but not as much of a steal.

    consider looking into Paradigm subs, I don't know how many PW-2200 you could get for the price of one CS-Ultra, but I know I got mine for $670 plus tax, so you could probably get a few, and maybe obtain better performance than the SVS for the same price.

    just throwing an idea at you, that's all!


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

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  8. I compared the RF3s and RF5s in a very rough A/B comparison at my store.

    The counclusion, to my ears, is that the RF-5s are smoother and sound bigger and have more presence... but don't really sound THAT much different from the RF-3s, and certainly not enough to warrant the BIG jump in price.

    HOWEVER, the listening room is pretty small, and I'm afraid the 5s overpowered that relatively small environment. I'm guessing there would be much more of an advantage to them in bigger rooms.

    Rationally, however, I personally would either go for the 3s or the 7s, as the 7s just put you in another world.

    Please keep in mind that most of my listening and therefore focus is on home theater listening, not two-channel. However, a lot of my testing is done in two channel to eliminate as many variables as possible.


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

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  9. as to whether the CS+ would be adequate for your room, ask Tom Vodhanel or anyone at SVS, they will gladly help you with good honest info.

    imo, at least go with the CS+ now and add more later if you find you don't have enough bass. one CS+ is better than no sub at all, so if those couple hundreds make or break your budget...

    the good thing about subs is that when you add another one, the first one is not wasted. so maybe go for one CS+ now and then buy another CS+ down the road?


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

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  10. there is no way i would envision a home theater without a good subwoofer. no way.

    what I would do:




    whatever cheap speakers you can find for surrounds

    receiver that fits the budget.

    then later on I would upgrade to RF-7s and an RC-7, put the 3's in the back, and maybe upgrade the receiver.

    or you can go used.

    I would much prefer a theater with R-3s all around and a great sub than with R-7s all around and a crappy sub or no sub. but of course, that's just my opinion, although I know a lot of people would agree with it. the sub IMO is what makes or breaks the theater experience.

    You will have to listen closely to find differences between amps and even speakers, while having a sub vs. not having one will just jump right at you.

    one thing I would definitely buy used is the receiver, unless you need latest-generation features such as prologic II or DD THX-EX and DTS-ES decoding with 7-channel amplification. There are some very good 6.1 receivers out there that people are replacing with the latest generation and selling used. Also, you might look into dealer closeouts. I know at my store there are some very sweet deals to be made on receivers like the Sony STR-DB870 or Denon X801...


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

    http://www.dvdprofiler.com/mc.asp?alias=Sebdavid - go laugh at my puny little DVD collection

    This message has been edited by Seb on 05-24-2002 at 10:28 PM

  11. the 5 series tend to be smoother, they also have more presence and ease at higher volumes, but that will only be really useful if you have a big room.

    other than that, there is the choice of finishes, which is kinda nice. and they're bigger.

    the tweeter seems to be a different unit and the horn is bigger, however the components look very similar. in our store's small listening room, I could only hear a small difference, nothing that would explain the price difference (admittedly the cabling is kinda bad). I really really like the ref series in cherry though, so that may be a factor, as the ref 3's are only available in black. the rb-5 bookshelves should have the same sonic signature as their tower RF-5 counterparts, the size difference will be quite a disadvantage however.

    I'd go for the ref-3s. actually, I will.


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

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  12. Good luck, Justin, and may the force be with you and your friends and family.

    I can relate to those people, having a brother who needed two operations to rid him of his growing brain tumor, which was the size of a small pineapple towards the end of his illness. He's fine now, not too many side effects, but his life was in great danger. However, like you will, he got through it, thanks in part to the support of the people around him, and judging by this thread and Jason's post, you don't lack any of that!

    I lack the knowledge to tell you what to buy for the sub, Jason, but I'm sure you will get an answer or a link before long.


    http://members.fortunecity.com/sebdavid - go laugh at my crappy website/equipment

    http://www.dvdprofiler.com/mc.asp?alias=Sebdavid - go laugh at my puny little DVD collection

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