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Posts posted by oldenough

  1. Agree with the original post/point.


    Admittedly, have not read all the responses, running the gamut from on target and specific to disinterested to dismissive and to flippant.


    However, may we not want/expect/aspire to decent and respectful talk and conversation among ourselves?  Especially when we knowingly or disrespectfully refer to the greatest of Holy of Holies--our God, Lord, Savior, Creator of us all, and sure hope of all who love Him?


    It is not cute or amusing, or "accepted" or of no import when I hear the name of our Lord tossed about so mindlessly, so absently, so casually--and worse yet, as a pejoritive ("God damn". when God so wants us to know Him and love Him and relate with Him.  He sacrificed Himself to save all who will know and come to Him, not to "damn" us to hell.).


    So, thank you for the initial and post, because this is something that needs expression, discussion, and understanding--NOW.


    To provide even a modest scale of reference . . . how much reluctance would we impose upon ourselves to substitute very worldly terms and names in the place of "God".  Ethnic names? Murderous religious names? Racial names?


    But we do for the One who created and loves and provides for us so?


    Thank you all for the opportunity to express my thoughts about this!

    It's a shame I can't respond to this without getting the thread locked.

  2. No one has a right to not be offended; it simply doesn't exist.  The Constitution GUARANTEES me the right to offend and to use the F-word specifically.  See Cohen v. California.


    In his opinion Justice Harlan famously wrote "one man's vulgarity is another's lyric."


    As a society we are becoming far too comfortable allowing the PC crowd to dictate what is acceptable speech - it is ALL acceptable, any one person's or group's sensitivities be damned.


    An example of the aforementioned stupidity is this story where a bi-racial guy was fired because he made unflattering remarks about Michelle Obama.  The PC crowd erroneously claimed it was racist.  He didn't even use a racist word but now apparently if you use ape in a sentence it is verboten.  When unflattering equals racism, we have a problem.  Personally, I found some of the apes in Planet of the Apes quite attractive.


    Then you have Universities with their panties in an uproar and want these words banned because they are deemed offensive: illegal alien, crazy, insane, retarded, “tranny,” ***, gypped, “***,” ghetto, and “*******,”


    Where does it stop?  It doesn't once you start catering to every Tom, Dick, and Harry so as not to offend.

    I would vigorously defend your right to use the f-word, but just because you have a right, does not mean you have to exercise it.  If and when you do exercise that right  common courtesy should be the order of the day. Would you use that word in front of your Granny, pastor, or one year old daughter? If the answer is no then you already understand the word is offensive to some and you have the decency to keep it in check, if the answer is yes, don't expect to be invited to any social gathering on my deck...;) This is nothing to do with the much over-used "political correctness" it is to do with common courtesy. BTW I don't assume for one minute that you use the word prolifically, if at all..

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  3. I'm in agreement with the original poster, everybody knows what the "F" means in that phrase, and the F-word by definition is offensive, so no surprise that some will be offended....and believe me, if someone uses the word within ear-shot of my wife and I whilst dining out in a restaurant then I would say something.

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