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Everything posted by Clarence

  1. My dad made me kill a chicken like that once. they were left over from my sisters school and of course she brought them home. I hated those damn chickens. I had to get up early to get the friggen eggs. Dad told me to get my boy scout hatchet and bring it to the barn. He held that little bastard on a stump and I whacked it. then he made me pluck it. it tasted like shit. I would like to do that to JB's chicken. disturbing, huh?
  2. JB got any pictures of that chicken with his fly down? Email em to me!! [:|]
  3. a chicken in a straight jacket? Hi Buddy!!
  4. Dflip, Sweet bike! How do you like the spoke configuration? My sales guy told me I was to big and they would get out of round... I'm 6'6'' and 231lbs.. was he right? I am excited, that is the pic of my bike. the pic I had on the first page dissapeared??? I emailed our DEN MOTHER to find out why it was taken down.. [:'(]
  5. Sweet bike ScorpsFan! It is raining and chitty here today, and I have been kinda bumming about the impending doom and gloom of WINTER! At least I will be able to get some cool crisp fall riding done!
  6. melovesheresys, Congrats on the new toys! They are great speakers, I run them as well! Make sure you sit in the "sweet spot" [] Have you been eyeing up that beautiful Dynaco tube amp? It was my pride and joy! I also listen to Sting, and "Englishman in NY" was its first song when I unwrapped it! Make sure you treat your gear with care, and it will last forever! Clarence[H]
  7. I would rock a klipsch belt buckle on the daily.
  8. khorns i used to ride trails heavy. I biked 8 miles to school in college. funny story right after I got my bike, I rode it to school, and was all proud of it. Everybody hung out in the "quad" inbetween classes, a small are with buildings around it. About 2-300 people standing around. I unlock the trek, and hop on and try to get my feet into the stirrups, and just then my front tire slipped off the concrete and into the grass. YARDSALE! everybody turned and started clapping and whistleing. I jumped up off the ground and yelled "ok folks, there's nothing more to see here" and wheeled my bike out of the quad. Never rode it to school again! here is the link to my auction, feel free to check it out! Good topic here! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=005&item=150026958948&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1
  9. I payed $1100, and got a free bottle holder and matte black removable mud guards. The guy said that he couldent discount it b/c its an 07 model. Maybe I should have waited till next summer? Doesn't it seem like "hybrid" is the new rage in marketing these days?? NAH.
  10. How does that happen? I wont let my dog walk on asphalt in the summer, let alone let it walk its "pads off"!!! How can your wife sew them back on??? TAKE THE DOG TO A VET! Before you call PETA we always take our dogs to the vet. The outer layer of the pad came off like a blister and there is a tough inner layer of skin that is not bleeding. We didn't "sew" them back on. We cleaned them, packed with neosporin and bandaged. If it was anything even close to serious she would be at the Vet. I just spent $1,500 on one of the other dogs a month ago. As Chris Rock says, "I TAKE CARE OF MY KIDS!!!!"... Chris PETA "people eating tasty animals" PHEW I was worried. Sorry to jump but I had a really disturbing mental picture going of a poor dog walking an a trail leaving bloody footprints on the ground.... [:$]
  11. How does that happen? I wont let my dog walk on asphalt in the summer, let alone let it walk its "pads off"!!! How can your wife sew them back on??? TAKE THE DOG TO A VET!
  12. Great reading... Woodog? if I met you in a dark alley I would run the other way!!!
  13. Hey yall, Can somebody explain MM and MC to me? My pre has both inputs, and I just guessed and luckily chose the right one when I added my TT. What are the differences, how do you tall which one to choose, and what are the advantages-disadvantages to running each? Is the cart that came with my Pro-Ject, and Orfoton? something or other, a MM or MC? What would be a nice upgrade from my cart, and why? The carts in Stereophile look expensive and ridiclious, what would a good move be down the road? Lotsa questions, have at em! Thanks in advance! C
  14. I looked at the site it says its a "Freeroad" bike, I guess a hybris between on and off road. The model is "Tri-Cross" from the site... EXPERIENCE: FREEROAD Ever the Freeroad bike ? ready for adventure road rides or urban duties - yet supremely comfortable at the front of the pack on a 'cross course, the S-Works TriCross frameset employs extensive technology and unique design and materials to make it fast, strong and nimble. I rode it around the store and it was increadably quick , comfortable, and agile. It seemed as if I was connected to the bike. (Kinda like a BMW???) =)
  15. Check this out, 2007 specailazed Tri-cross Sport... Uh-Oh, new toy! I got out my trek today and took it for a spin, I got halfway around the block and the seat fell off! (I bet jacksonbart wishes he was there...) SOOO I dragged the 8 year old trek to the bikeshop down the road and said "Whaddua gimme for it"??? Sorry sir, we only sell bikes. I can sell you a new seat for 49.95! Uh, I dont like mountain biking anymore, what else ya got? Oh we have hybrids now, mostly Road, but part trail. Looky here! I left with a yellow reciept copy and a brochure. (they have to order it) []
  16. I heard he got apprehended "smuggling" underage hampsters in his you-know-what from bangkok to hong kong.One poked its head out when he was arguing with customs over his Suave Lavender, Passion Flower & Vitamin B5 Conditioner.
  17. I heard he is vacationing in bangok.
  18. Thanks Michael you too... http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/thread/782334.aspx
  19. SHES up and MOVIN'! With the gracious help of fellow forum member Scott0210, the Pro-Ject Debut is happily spinning away... and I am impressed! Dynamics dyminics dynamics. did I say Dynamic? It is doubtful that I will be purchasing any more cds, unless its not available on vinyl. It brings out the best in recordings. I am majorly impressed. The Pro-ject is well constructed, solis, and simple. I give the table two thumbs up. I cant see where one would need to spend more than $270 on a entry level audiophile table. I will be keeping this for a longgg time. Packaging get 1 thumb up. It was well cushioned, but I didnt see the counterweight stuffed in the soft covered foam the the base rested in. Otherwise, great job, double boxed. Instructions get two thumbs down. and one middle finger up. Horrible!! Backward drawings, no step by step assembly, NEWTONS??, poor parts labeling, a mess. I could have set this up without help if the directions were clear. Maybe they figure if you are buying a "Audiophile TT" then you know how to assemble and adjust thinks like downforce, "azimutt", etc. BIG thanks to scott, I was listening to it with no downforce dialed in, and it was playing great. DUH! Thanks all, here's some pics!
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