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Everything posted by jackpod

  1. Audiobliss, Glad I could offer info as well as a sweet, mint, 1 owner pair of D130's Jack Darn, I forgot just how nice this pair is, but must tell myself what the wife always says, if you haven't used it in the last 2 years, you don't need it. I have had these speakers longer than I have had her...
  2. Look at the mounting holes, some are virgin
  3. Me Loves Khorns... Thanks! Capo, want more pictures?[6] Jack
  4. a couple pix of the JBL's I took last year before I packed them to move
  5. Cleaning house, trying to improve the WAF (and buy some new toys) wife said i am not to bring anything else home until I get rid of things not being used. 1. (here we go again) McIntosh MC 150. Excellent condition, SS, Meters, 150 WPC, Balanced and Unbalnced inputs, bridgeable, autoformers. I just ordered a shipping box from Gail at McIntosh parts. $1900.00 plus shipping if applicable (the box cost me $70) 2. Anthem (Sonic Frontiers) MCA 20. Excellent condition, SS, 200wpc, Balanced and Unbalanced inputs $600.00 3. Digging in the closet, found packed away in bubble wrap a pair of consequtive serial # JBL D130's. I bought these in the early seventies, haven't used them in at least 25 years or more Serial # 65641 & 65642. I am the original owner, used for home audio use, never abused in band or pro sound environment. I just did a DC resistance measurement 6.4 ohms on one, 6.6 ohms on the other altho the label states 16 ohms. $350 obo PM me if interested, may be negotiable on price. May be willing to trade (what ya got that I don't? [] ). I wanted to offer these items here first, I really don't want to deal with Ebay but that will be my next stop Jack
  6. I have both, I can give my opinion on a few things, for what it is worth All the above is nothing more than my experience and my opinion. Jack
  7. Fini, great link. I was almost 4 when his show aired
  8. Wow, I guess it has been longer than I thought since I watched "commercial TV". I don't recognize any of the current shows mentioned. We wait until the different sci fi series are released on DVD, Battlestar Galactica is pretty good (most recent dvd arrival)
  9. As long as the speaker wires don't get excessivly long...
  10. Back pic, Oh asking price $600. Excellent condition
  11. Anthem (made by Sonic Frontiers) MCA 20. 2 channels @ 200 wpc @ 8 ohms. Very detailed, very musical. Check out the specs at www.anthemav.com Front pic
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