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  1. They have merged on paper only, Sirius tuners receive Sirius programing and XM likewise. Its not universal yet.
  2. Can anyone point in the the direction of an audiophile grade Sirius radio tuner for my system. The Magnum Dynalab would be my first choice for XM but I have existing Sirius plan.
  3. I love my Sunfire and I am bidding on one on Ebay right now to use as a backup. If your interested I'll back off. The bid right know is 860.00 and I have bid up to 900. I paid twice that for mine.
  4. My system is a Sunfire Classic Tube Pre w/ Sunfire 600X2 Amp powering two Klipsch RF83's. I would like to add a Klipsch RT12D sub. What is the best way to accomplish this? Mike
  5. I'm from Southern NH originally and was a Yankee fan amongst all the Red Sox faithful. Put money on the line and I would pick no one but Whitey Ford to pitch for me. Hey I'm getting old. Hey did you see that double play at the plate just now!!! Baseball. All that is good about America.
  6. Glad I passed. I'll keep looking.There is something out there with my name on it I'm sure. Mike
  7. Thats the problem, it could be a lousy bottom feeder. Found on Ebay. Wants Western Union? I doesn't sound good to me.
  8. New in Box item, $1330.00 is that a good deal?? Mike
  9. William, thanks for your input. I'm just starting my tube adventure and have my work cut out for me. I've always had the mindset to buy the best product I can afford,not wanting to have to replace it later. I'm beginning to think that is not the case when trying to get started with this project as I simply have too many choices with far too little knowledge. The one thing I'm positive about is coming to this forum for help. Thanks again! Mike
  10. Interested in their reliability and performance. I was looking at some of Bill's custom work. Really looks good and I wanted to know if they were as good as they look. Mike
  11. Has anyone had any experience with the Jolida Amps or Response Audio??
  12. Thanks for the input. I'm finding out the more I look into things, the more I need to know. It does get a little daunting at times. I'm so glad I found this forum to take advantage of others knowledge and experiences. Mike
  13. Located in Woodstock GA. Not far from you. I am having a great time researching. I do still and probably always will have some questions. 1.Are The Khorns advesely affected if they can not be placed directly in a corner? 2. Recommended wpc to power them Tube amp SS amp 3. What would you recommend for speakers if I wanted to go with two pair and how much more wpc would be needed. Thanks everyone for your help.
  14. I'd like to put something together for about 5K that will keep me happy for a while. Is this possible?
  15. I know I've come to the right place. Everyone here is knowledgable and helpful. Keywestwillie is bar I once owned and thinking about reopening. I now reside about one hour north of Atlanta GA. My garage is attached to the house and is insulated and finished, heat and AC about to be installed. As far as floor space, I have room so I have the floor option open to me.
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