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  1. Hey Guys, I am asking for a friend who has these and is trying to identify them? Serial # C OO RV2 8931740 Thanks for any help... So about how much are these worth in very good condition???
  2. You have picked the right amp to go after, good luck finding one!!!
  3. I agree I think that is asking too much, somewhere between $2500 and $3500 depending on the condition...
  4. I have my Khorns in the corners with LF treatment above them in the corner with a triangular shape works great, no issues just clean as could be...
  5. I have two SVS S2000 subs I been using with very good results!!!
  6. I had one of these and loved it in the beginning but, as it started to settle down the sound quality changed and I didn't like it as much so I sold it....
  7. I been listening to my Korneff 45 for over 10 years, I have tried others but the 45 is hard to beat.. Right now I have a Darling 1626 installed and I like it alot but, I will never get rid of the 45!!!
  8. Let me know how you like it, I should have said something sooner. I have two Yamaha YDP 2005 Eq's for sale if interested? I used these before I went all active..
  9. Here is my Darling 1626 I just got about a week ago, just spending some time with it. Love the sound it has I am really surprised at how good it is.... I had been looking for a flea powered amp for quite awhile and posted a few WTB adds and finally someone contacted me about this little amp. For those interested here are the details for this amp: I built this little amp about 6 months ago and it's seen about 25 hours of use. You could think of the amp as a JE Labs "Simple 45" except it uses the 1626 output tube (the schematics are virtually identical except for output tubes and naturally different operating points). The tubes include a 5U4GB rectifier, a pair of 1940's Hytron 1626 power tubes and an RCA JAN Black Plate (graphite coated envelope) 12SL7 driver tube (all tubes were new with the amp and have about 25 hours on them max). I've really enjoyed this amp in my Den and used it to drive some custom made 94 DB single driver speakers with plenty of volume and dynamics for my listening level. The tube puts out about .75 watts per channel so more efficient speakers will be needed in a larger room. However, I let one of my friends with a pair of Lowther Alerion speakers at around 94 db efficiency listen to it in his larger room and he really liked it. But he already has two of my hand built amps and couldn't really justify buying another one (he has several other tube amps as well) so this one is available to the public at large. The amp has an overbuilt power supply and is really quiet. I used a seperate filament transformer with center tap to help with hum balance and avoid any coupling noises between windings in the power transformer which I think helped. Some other details about the amp: -- NOS USA Made Pyramid Paper in Oil Coupling Capacitors -- Teflon Jacketed Silver Clad copper for all signal carrying wires. -- Made in USA new Edcor output transformers -- Super short signal path, with an attempt to use only the leads on most resistors to minimize the number of solder joints. -- Lead free Kester 3% silver solder used exclusively -- Vintage Power transformer that I picked up on Ebay last Summer (spray painted it a hammertone black to match the plinth). -- A hybrid star ground that uses a short silver clad copper bus bar that is reputed to be quieter than a straight star ground (high currents are kept from commingling with sensative signal circuits). The amp is point to point wired, although I did build the power supply on a perf-board to conserve space and to better group the power supply grounding node.
  10. Many years ago when I still had my vintage system, I was using a 299A second edition that Craig did his Deluxe build on with a pair of Forte' II's. The speakers were about 10' apart and they sounded terrific!!!!
  11. If you add an EQ you will have options to adjust everything.
  12. Jeff, I been using a 2 watt per channel amp for over 10 years on my khorns way more than enough power to run me out of the house!!!
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