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Everything posted by jake703

  1. Thanks for your reply! I am not sure if my ears have warmed up, or the speakers have warmed up, or I just found a better setting in the receiver. The sound on my 82's has found its way to where I expected and gained the warmth I was after. I really appreciate your comments on the tradeoffs between the two reference lines. The 82's are definately more dynamic than the speakers I was used to so I am not sure I would want for more....even though I do not doubt that next level up is even better. I know the store I bought mine has a trade-in program so maybe next year I will consider a comparison test. Thanks again!
  2. I am not saying it is a bad thing to have that forward presentation. I am just saying I have never seen a speaker that had a more love it or hate it response. I have also heard some comments that the newer lines have "dampened" the harshness just a bit caused by the efficient horns and give a little warmer presentation than previous models. I guess I was curious to know if that was true and I dont really have the opportunity to compare them.
  3. I researched speakers for months prior to picking up the reference 82's. Along the way I heard constant love/hate remarks primarily based on the horns and "in your face" presentation. I do notice the bright detail in my speakers, but I don't necessarily notice the dynamic extremes I have heard commented on in a negative way. Have the newer lines mellowed out a bit to dampen the high frequencies and make a flatter sound or is this pretty much the same speaker sound klipsch have always been known for? It might be that I pair them with a very warm receiver but I am just not hearing the sound that would create such a rabid rejection by "audiophiles" in some circles.
  4. Oh, and in regards to WPC...am I off my rocker assuming that more watts would equal more woofer movement and a fuller sound or does it just equally elevate the high range just as much. In other words, does it just get louder or does it slightly change the sound characteristics?
  5. Thanks for the feedback! I have been experimenting between 3 and 8 inches from the wall. They are in corners between a wall and an entertainment wall with about 5 inches on each side (between the sides of the speakers and the wall/entertainment center). Which would provide more mid-range...pulling them out further or pushing them closer? I suppose I could let my ears tell me but I also dont know if I am just getting a bigger lower boom and that is making the middle of the speaker range fall off even more. I imagine I have about 20 hours on these so maybe they will "warm up" a bit as well on their own. I have an old pioneer receiver that pumps out 100 watts so maybe i can disconnect that and see if that changes their sound. I had just always heard that 50 watts on an HK is equal to 75 or so on other receivers.
  6. Hey Thump...how would you compare the 82 to the 62? I have read some reviews that claim you lose mid-range in the 82 compared to the 62. I am finding less "warmth" in the 82 than my 62 center but I am hoping I can tweak it to get it where I want it. I am just curious what makes you say the 82 is a fave in the reference iv lineup?
  7. I have been running my new setup for about a week consisting of rf-82 towers and an rc-62 center. While the 62 seems to have a nice full sound, the 82 speakers just do not seem to have that same punch. I have tried Large/Small, different crossovers...none of it seems to really bring out any mid bass at all. In the store most of my listening was with rf-62's....and i remember them sounding a little more balanced with bass and the horn. A more "full" sound I would call it. I assumed the 82's would only be better. I am feeding it 50 wpc through an HK 247 receiver in a pretty small 13x20 room. Would I gain anything by trying to purchase an amp and giving more power (maybe move the woofers a little more), or perhaps see if the store will let me switch these out for the 62's? Does anyone else care to weigh in on the differences between the two? These just seem much lighter and "airy" than the ones I demo'd...and I really expected the opposite. Would break in maybe change the dynamics any?
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