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Posts posted by toddvj

  1. If you are willing to go TV from the internet or just OTA, I'm guessing that you might be able to get a cheaper package from your cable provider. Or am I missing something here? I mean $195 has to be the top of the line package doesn't it?

  2. OK, so I have a Harmony 550. When I want to change the cable station I select the cable box. When I want to change the TV volume I select the TV. Ditto for the DVD player and the receiver. Is there a way to setup the remote to allow operation of the receiver volume and the cable channel without selecting each discrete component?

    Yeah, use "activities" instead of "devices." It's probably already set up that way, and you just don't know it.

  3. As far as being let back into the league goes, I'll pose a question that I heard on the radio the other day. If YOU had been convicted of the same crime, and served the same time, could YOU get your job back?

    Excellent point. Not only could I not get my job back, I'd probably have to take a job working minimum wage or doing day-labor.

  4. WOW! Quite a mature response there. do your parents know that you're using the computer?

    I don't get it. My response was immature?

    I've heard of people using religion to justify some pretty bad things before, but I never thought I'd see the day that someone would actually justify animal torture by saying "God" thinks it's okay. That has to be a new all-time low.

  5. i guess i'll be the first opposing viewpoint. i've never did what he did; but, i've broken others laws before. i disagree with you totally. first off, i find a two-year stint in any place that regularly puts cylindric devices up one's backside to be the furthest thing from a rock star slap on the wrist treatment. And your post if full of moral judgments. he served his sentence; but, that isn't enough for you. now, you deem him unworthy to continue making a living playing football. so, what is an acceptable vocation for him since football isn't? In a world where Winchester is king--what would an acceptable punishment have been? I hope he's sorry. I hope that he's able to play football again, earn a living, and be a productive member of society. I don't think I should want anything less for him. there is much wisdom in the Scripture that says he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. in God's eyes a sin is a sin and nothing that vick did is any worse that anything that anyone of us have ever done. i can't expect His forgiveness if I'm not willing to extend it to my fellow man. that said, i wish him well.

    What the hell are you going on about? Who cares about scripture? They guy tortured innocent animals that couldn't defend themselves. He should be shot. And no, he should not be allowed to play football. Don't be stupid. He had his chance to be a "productive member of society" and proved that he wasn't capable, and that, no matter how much money he makes, he's nothing but a thug, and the scum of the earth. How can you forgive something like that? If you think what he did was okay, then you are just as bad as him. Period.

  6. When you guys get the chance, check out The Hurt Locker. It is awesome!

    I also really liked Windtalkers, Patriot, and Dances With Wolves.

  7. I can't comment much because of restrictions but there have been no memory cards or sticks.The recovery is very minimal. The photos are indeed fake, note that the fact that it looks like a video screen paused with the blurry motion.

    As for the bodies, they are coming to America

    What does that mean? Are you involved in this somehow?

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