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Tony Reed

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Posts posted by Tony Reed

  1. PWK never lost his passion for audio. He could talk your ear off with information about all things audio. HDBR nailed it! From 1989 on, the company was no longer his, he had retired.

    PWK had strong opinions on certain things. If you wanted to change his mind on something, you had to prove it! No one ever proved to him that "front mounting" really had that many benefits. Remember, he had to balance production factors with everything else.


  2. I remember he had a McIntosh powering everything. I've looked at that system numerous times and can't remember anything but the Mac right now. I was always too much in awe of the man to pay much attention to anything else.


  3. As most will tell you, it's strictly preference. I've got KLF-30's & Heresy II's. I like the Heresy's. I've workerd and worked at getting the 30's to sound "right" to my ear. Moving them from room to room, placement, different components, etc. The Heresy's sound more "right" to me in almost any situtation.


  4. I definitely would not make the Jubilee the flagship of the Heritage line. Not long before PWK passed away, he was asked what speaker he was most proud of. He said the Klipschorn. I remember asking Mr. Paul many questions about his speakers. I heard Mr. Paul talk about speakers, and it was always about what we now know as the Heritage line. Save your Klipschorns everyone, it was still PWK's favorite.

    Just my opinion,


  5. The mid horn is shorter in the Belle. These speakers sound slightly different, (very slightly to my ear) but it's hard to describe. I think the LaScala has more of a following, possibly because there seems to be more of them out there. The Belle just may be the most attractive speaker I've ever seen.


  6. A good time was had by all. It was a pleasure to finally meet BobG, and to see Phil and Trey again. Not to mention getting to meet some of my BB brethren. The signing was a great event, with people in attendance from all over the country. Toward the end of the signing, a few of us went over to the Klipsch's home and listened to music with Mr. Paul on his system. It was great just being there! Will post more about it later.


  7. Trey knows me pretty well. I just want to do my (small) part to help Mr Paul & Miss Valerie. Speaking of Trey... If it hadn't been for him, many of us would have never met the Klipsch's. Trey... we're in your debt.


    This message has been edited by Tony Reed on 03-13-2002 at 09:13 AM

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