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Posts posted by bailz

  1. Hey everyone, have not been on for a while, been busy change of job, built our new home, but still got the klipsch speakers pumpin. looking at a second set up for our second lounge/entertainment area soon and will be seeking your advise, good to read all the new posts and see all the new set ups in "lets see your home theater" awsome guys, catch ya soon, Bailz.

  2. You are asking the wrong group. We'll help you spend all your money. :)

    He's right. The general rule is, if you can easily afford the speakers, they're not big enough.

    I like the way you think, I agree ! Idea

    totally agree... totally

    thats my one post for today.. job done.. i can go back to sleep now.

    i agree too

  3. hi mate, i would go D then A, i know its a pain but why not try em all see what you like best? both the denon and rotel could handle the front 5 ch easy its really what you like hey


  4. Have you thought about placing your center speaker on top your stand and then the TV on top of the center speaker?

    not a bad idea wuzzzer, i might give it a go, but long term i am going to make a new stand see i made this one back when i only had the ps3 and a dvd player, now i have an amp and center to think of and i need a permanent home for the ps3 anyway because where it is now it does not look finished

  5. hey just watched the BLU RAY remake of T2 judgement day the skynet version, its awsome i would say the best remake i have seen yet, and for a movie that came out over 18 years ago its amazing, picture quality is sweet its in 2:35.1 and the sound is recorded in DTS HD master audio 6.1, the blu ray has THX optimizer which calibrates your system for optimal wsound quality and it has some cool THX options too ***** a must see for all T2 fans

  6. well i got the 12, but if i had time again i would look more into the svs cylinder subs as i heard one at a friends and its amazing, although the sub 12 is for sure the best bang for your buck,

    good luck

  7. anyway saw it last night and thought it was great, although i liked the first one better though but my wife preffered this one, we both thought it was funny and exciting, personaly i dont think it is a kids movie i think its aimed for 18-30 Y/O's, so the use of sexual jokes and language is not bad, there are no F words probly 4-5 S's though that i can remember, the whole time i was like i cant wait for this to come out on blu ray for my system, there are some realy awsome scenes in it, one that sticks in my head is megatron and starscream are on top of a building and the camera pans around them 3-4 times and it it visualy amazing, some really good LFE too, and sounds i had never heard before in a movie, but there are some corney lines and the story did lack compared to the first one but still killer in the visual and audio, overall i would say an enjoyable movie for me and my partner but leave the kids at home.


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