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Posts posted by Wolfbane

  1. 1 hour ago, BigStewMan said:

    I’ll soon be able to tell you another story about something crazy that i said during a job interview.  After nearly five weeks, i’d given up on that job with the City. Today, i get an email asking me to come interview. Over 200 applicants and i made the top dozen or so.   Hour long interviews and they’re only doing interviews for two days, so with lunch, can’t see them doing more than six or seven each day. So, i’m top five percent on paper.

    guess i’ll have to go buy some nice duds ... all of my business attire is packed away and there is no way that i’m going to the storage unit and digging through boxes to find a nice shirt. 


    Good luck! 👍 



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  2. 32 minutes ago, Thaddeus Smith said:


    ffs is that ever true. i absolutely hate keeping turkeys.


    16 minutes ago, Pete H said:

    Best day when raising turkeys is the day you chop their heads off and decide that you're not raising turkeys anymore.  Growing up I worked on a few different poultry operations and they're about as stupid as AOC


    The advantage to keeping a few of them, assuming you like Turkey, is you know exactly what they've been fed and how they've been treated.


    Just never let a kid starting individually naming them.



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  3. 48 minutes ago, Deang said:

    I can almost top the zip tie thing.


    I've been using the Arizona caps lately. The casing is covered in clear plastic. I had someone tell me that things would "sound more transparent" if I removed the plastic. I was like, "yeah, but what about the plastic that's inside the cap?" 


    I'm surprised no one has come up with audiophile zip ties. That might be a real money maker.


    Got some here I’ll sell you at a 50% discount off my usual fair price.


    What color(s) do you want?



  4. 15 hours ago, Thaddeus Smith said:


    Make that 4. Nearly lost another one tonight due to sudden drop in temps with a cold front, so I quickly harvested it in the dark before it died on its own. Will be simmering the carcass through the night for soup.


    The domestic turkey's up north have to survive to almost Christmas (that can mean some minus 40 nights with windchill). All they need is a place to shelter and any frozen water replaced with liquid water every day. Are they that sensitive to cold in the south or was it just one bird?



  5. 48 minutes ago, WillyBob said:


    mine used to have a non-stick aluminum wok. I found a cast iron one for her.  It takes two hands to lift.


    these worth anything.? Sez they are CW cabs refitted with different drivers?



    Heavy cast iron frying pan $29.99.

    Baker's rolling Pin $25.99.

    Tillamook Yogurt $0.92


    The look on the little woman's face if you brought these 'Cornwall copies modified with other components' home - Priceless!


    I'd say they look like you'll have to commence a running if you were to haul them home. Bobbing and weaving so she can't get in a good shot with both that frying pan and her adrenaline up!



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  6. 1 hour ago, Bigdnfay1 said:

    I'll probably do what I've done for the last 61 years. Go to moms and eat one of her thanksgiving masterpieces.


    spiral cut ham

    corn bread dressing with and without onions

    mashed potatos and gravy

    collards(my fav)

    sweet potato casserole

    brussel sprouts

    homemade biscuits

    green beans w/side meat season

    apple pie

    cherry pie

    chocolate cake

    strawberry cheesecake


     Time to break out the stretch jeans




    61 years? I hope you realize how lucky you are? :emotion-21:


    Don't forget to help  do the dishes afterward.



  7. 8 minutes ago, USNRET said:

    Son driving in from school has requested ham so I will smoke enough for him to freeze and carry back. We have no use for cranberries. 


    Wait a few years. You might start to get a nightly reminder that a few glasses of the juice should help alleviate. 


    As to the sauce: I agree; it should be loving made, carefully cooled and then quickly thrown in the trash with any cucumbers.



    • Haha 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Panelhead said:

      I am very OCD. Those caps would be replaced in my crossovers. They are defective, mechanically now. Who knows later. 

      Solen seems very cavalier on this. May think it is abuse  from high temperature environment. Would not think the zip ties could damage them. All I have used are solid construction.

      Remember comments that zip ties are bad for sonics. Is this why?


    Me too. Only I'd probably set the place on fire with my soldering gun.



    • Haha 1
  9. 7 hours ago, BigStewMan said:

    you really know how to compliment a woman about her cooking don’t you?  Lucky she didn’t throw the pan at you!

    i attempted to make scrambled eggs last night for dinner. It was a world-class disaster. I have no idea how i can screw up scrambled eggs.  whatever it was that came out of the pan, i too, tossed it into a tortilla and poured ketchup and hot sauce all over it. 

    wonder if that’s why i woke up feeling like i’m just coming out of anesthesia. 


    I bought the wife a Lodge Frying Pan and Hibachi BBQ. Made in the USA and the wife can't throw either without hitting her own foot first. She has a baker's rolling-pin but I can move pretty quickly still.


    3 hours ago, jimjimbo said:

    No self respecting chef would ever put milk in scrambled eggs.  Tablespoon of water per 3 eggs, then very low heat.


    When in doubt; follow August Escoffier or Julia Childs recipes. Like falling off a log, unless you go to great lengths to burn everything you cook.


    Just now, BigStewMan said:

    i can’t go to IHOP -- I don’t speak a foreign language. 


    Point at something on the menu. They have pictures in the IHOP I was last at. Also, while pointing; rub your stomach. The server will figure it out.


    Failing that, if desperation sets in,  I'd go for a military meal... ready to eat. Pretty difficult to screw that up.



    • Haha 4
  10. 5 hours ago, BigStewMan said:

    I remember one time getting a call from the Pacific Area Commander’s aide.  He says, “I heard that you’re tour complete. would you like to come here and be the Admiral’s driver?"

    Now, I have no idea how my name even came before the Admiral as I was currently stationed over 2000 miles away -- but somehow they knew who i was.  I didn’t bother getting into the “do you know who i am?" ... I was the most unmilitary person in the outfit, if it was MASH, i’d be living in the swamp and peers with Hawkeye and Trapper.  But, i just told him no that i already had orders to San Francisco and was happy with them.  He said, “I’m sure the Admiral can have those changed; but only if you want.”  I said thanks but no thanks. From what the E8 that i worked for told me, I made the right decision.  Imagine me going to all these high-society gigs with the Admiral. 

    Always got marked high in the performance of duty categories and marked low in Military Bearing and appearance (get a haircut, shave, introduce your uniform to an iron).  

    For some reason, in a crisis, they suddenly liked the guy with the wrinkled shirt and playing practical jokes. 



    Was anyone shooting at him at the time?


    Given the choice of driving some old brass guy around 2,000 miles away and San Francisco. Which would you take today?



  11. I think of my late father and uncles all five of which served during WWII in all three branches of the Canadian Armed Forces (one enlisted underage). Three in the RCAF (two on Lancaster Bombers), one in the RCN (fighting German E-Boats in the English Channel on a Canadian Corvette, than a Destroyer and later on, directly off the French Coast) and one in the Canadian 3rd Infantry Division (this last uncle lived to return from the war only to die in the 1970's from an accumulation of what was in now called PTSD and the injuries he incurred in France, Italy and Belgium).


    None of my uncles, or my father would even mention the war in front of their families until two did so very late in their lives. My Uncle Ron, while dying in Hospice with Dementia, was reliving his time in the RCN which involved frequent night time battles against U-Boats and the best PT boats of the war in the ETO. Fortunately, the Germans could never build enough E-Boats.


    My father, always a gentleman, only briefly mentioned the war when he was sharing a hospital room, near the end of his life, with an Ex-German Navy man who had moved to Canada afterwards. Lots of German POW's settled in Alberta after the war. As did many Poles, who had fought against the Germans with the British and Canadian Armed Forces.


    It was interesting to watch as they hardly spoke in two weeks spent in a tiny two bed room that should have, and had previously been, a single bed room.



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  12. 1 hour ago, sunburnwilly said:

    Is this the new car thread ?



    2nd pic tells the story


    I suspect “speed was a factor” is an understatement. Bad or poorly trained non-professional drivers and quick or fast cars make for a toxic mix. The driver and passenger of the person driving fortunately didn’t kill or injure someone else too. Do they do post fatality blood testing there?



  13. 23 hours ago, kevinmi said:

    I contacted Solen and sent the pictures. They said they hadn't seen this before. They thought that it could happen in a high heat situation, but noted that the outer film casing would be distorted as well, which it isn't. They think more than likely it is the adhesive from the outer wrap.

      They would like me to send at least one back so they can study it. They have also agreed to replace all of them with no charge. Now I have to decide whether to remove them and send them back or just leave them alone. What would you guys do?


    Exactly that and soon. Before they 'forget' your issue, as corporations tend to do.



  14. 1 hour ago, y2keglide said:

    I have a bit of nostalgia for the days of muscle cars and long hair myself,I'd go back too but only if I could take what I know now with me.:D


    And find all the fast cars, motorbikes and women again.



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  15. ^^^ Above brings back memories of my childhood^^^.


    I had a friend who was a neighbor and friend of my parents two doors down from their first home. As dad was always working 6 days a week and Jerry had no boys of his own,  he kind of adopted me and he being a machinist was into automobile engines. Especially small block Chevy's. He taught me a lot of things by allowing me to come to his machine shop and work on stuff. I never touched the Rochester FI system shown but knew how to rebuild for performance pretty much everything else with an engine and carb by the time I was 15 or 16. I really liked the Rochester Quadrajet which Jerry called the most FI like carb on the market. I also got into Mopars and could rebuild their Thermoquads which were also easily modified for performance. The weak link on the old Carter Thermoquads was the plastic main body which tended to warp with time and heat.



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  16. 19 minutes ago, BigStewMan said:

    i had a co-worker say that he could clear out my closet and open a 70s clothing store. 


    I could loan you one of the family woman. In ten minutes or less you’re stuff would all be at Goodwill and your closet filled with their shoes and clothing. I have to hide my NOS shoes, tubes, etc. in the basement under things too heavy for them to lift. If I wasn’t feeding them they’d turn on me like a pack of wolves, then dispose of my stuff.


    BTW: By this, I really mean all of your stuff!



    • Haha 1
  17. 10 hours ago, BigStewMan said:

    My late-Uncle was at Normady in WWII. He told of the landing craft doors opening and immediate enemy fire. When i saw Saving Private Ryan and the same thing happened as he had described, it was chilling. He had basically described the beginning of that movie to me back in the early-mid 70s. 

     When i was a kid his stories were so exciting that i remember saying, “I hope there is a war when i turn 18.”  At about age 15 or 16 his stories changed and i remember saying, “I sure hope that i never have to go to war.”  Some of the things he went through and witnessed are simply mind-boggling.  I remember sitting in his living room asking him how close was he to an enemy shooting at him.  He said, “maybe here to across the street,” which was probably about 50 feet away. Look out your front window ... i Can’t imagine being on one side of the street and having an army on the other side shooting at me. I told him that i’d just walk alongside a tank and he said that they avoided the tanks as much as possible because they drew the heavy artillery fire. He’d rather take his chances against a man with a rifle. 


    The US had the misfortune of getting Omaha Beach as one of their landing beaches in Normandy. I believe both the US 1st and 29th Divisions took pretty heavy losses fighting uphill into German MG fire. If you have ever heard a MG42 fire on full auto being bumped from side to side it’s rate of fire makes it sound like a buzz saw. The only good news is the best German Divisions were either busy fighting the Soviets or further in-land in France on that day.



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