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Everything posted by choctaw

  1. For disco I would recommend a shoulder mount amp. Choctaw
  2. I moved here from california ( L A) about 12 years ago. Ready to go back I hate cold weather and snow. Choctaw
  3. This is from someone who owned a cabinet shop for 25 years and did alot of finishing.(and stripping) Go with the stripping! Be sure to tape off any area that you don't want stripped and check it often that the stripper is not getting under the tape. After you have scraped off all the goo (and try to scrape with the direction of the wood grain) wash the area down with laq.thinner . You can use a stiff bristle brush for stubborn spots. DO NOT USE A WATER BASE STRIPPER. This will raise the grain and make your life hell not to mention make alot more work for you. After you have it all stripped and washed then you can sand it with some fine sandpaper. I would say # 220 grit no rougher because your dealing with maybe 1/16'' ven. Again only sand with the grain.When you finish sanding blow everything off with an air hose and then wipe the whole thing down with a tack rag. Then you can stain and finish. Don't use a water base stain or you will raise the grain again. You will get a much nicer finish if you are good with a spray gun for the finish coats. You can use a water base finish coats if you want over the stain but, I really don't like them much, and I really don't know a good finisher that does. Choctaw
  4. To pin point where I'm at , 35 miles west of Fort Wayne in North Manchester,IN. Choctaw
  5. I'm close to Fort Wayne Indiana but ,It's not my fault. choctaw
  6. You guys are giving me some nice set -ups but, I'm going to have to sell my body parts to get these . thanks choctaw
  7. What I have: Samsung 52" lcd Onkyo 875 receiver Acoustic Research powered sub Panasonic blu ray Panasonic dvr 1 pr. 1979 klipshorn corner speakers What speakers would go well with this equipment ? need center,middle surround, back surround
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