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Everything posted by pzannucci

  1. Really smart but I guess if you can't have the dentists wear masks, which they should, and shields which makes sense with a lot of procedures including cleaning, then I guess you shouldn't open. Wait, that's the answer 😖
  2. Sorry but you know age is a factor and when you send covid positive patients back in... to me, it is ineptitude. Makes me lose trust in anything else that comes out of there. The more technical part of understanding the virus, I agree though there were significant mistakes. Studies that were supposed to be done, we not done in a controlled environment. So for every gain, you have a bunch of throw aways along with the deaths. Pathetic in my book. Don't want to go down the xenophobic stupidity and name calling cause it really just is a lie. No better way to shut people up because they don't want to be labeled RACIST... DUMB.
  3. I consider NY a wash. There were too many mistakes made there. 20%+ of loss is likely negligence and that is not even counting the "partying politicians" leading up to the lockdown. There was no excuse because we had already known better. I would rather use some other place as a reference unless I misunderstood and the point you were making was what I just Reading it as not getting everyone's attention then ignorance is bliss. You can tell that when the media just goes on the street and interviews random people.... makes me scared. The world is run by their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Nothing else get's through.
  4. That would need to be pruned from the forum as the politicking is. 🤐
  5. Was I reading the TX dashboard right? Very low deaths in the past couple of days per population?
  6. Make sure you mail me 10 voting forms and keep them in the back seat of your car until after the election if you need them to help the numbers. I could use someone to come by and help me fill them out. I need help reading it and with the check box I am supposed to x.
  7. I have four limbs, inject them all. I'm a trusting person. Hopefully we have an "Independent" (sure) entity evaluate the efficacity and side effects across a whole spectrum of test subjects. Oh wait, that will take 2 yrs.
  8. No Z-Pak. That is an antibiotic that you don't want to take. Just the zinc with it.
  9. Nice. What speakers are you buying? 🙃
  10. Yes, sadly back to probabilities. You don't win them all.
  11. The manipulation is something that wouldn't necessarily occur if you let nature take it's course. That is where I was going.
  12. That's the part I am interested in. Bad data is just bad data. Hopefully nobody is manufacturing. The good data should be used to understand if we are doing right be reopening or have a death wish.
  13. Not too helpful in current form and low percentages
  14. Yes, realized after I reread. I've been touting the same thing. Hopefully folks are listening. Never realized Louisiana was so bad but I guess considering how much "cracklin and boudin" there is, it is likely tough to keep your weight and blood pressure down..
  15. Better hope. Let's see how long it takes to get through the process and in the hands of mere mortals.
  16. I guess there isn't much to help on my sanity. Just because I say the beginning of next year. There are no guarantees so not sure where you are going with this.
  17. There in lies the problem. As Brix said, they are liberally applying some core set of metrics to make the decision on if COVID or not COVID. There is too much motivation in ether direction along with the extra cash to have confidence in what is said on deaths. I need to go and see what they describe as "cause of death", with COVID or what. This is the same thing they are doing with the "wow, look at the huge numbers of infected"... never tempering it with we are now doing 10 times more tests per day. I hate not trusting but the past 5 or 6 years have forced me to discount a lot of what comes out of the govt.
  18. You are entirely right but.... what is the course of action if: 1. We have to wait until 1Q21 for a possible vaccine to roll out and of course, not having enough for everyone 2. We can't come up with a vaccine Data is good if you want to kind of gauge if you will at least come out of this alive. If not good, maybe help your sanity. We can't stay inside and away from the world forever.
  19. Are you talking about without social distancing? I'd just like them to stop counting everything as COVID related. On another note, if you aren't going to have access to any of the possible therapeutics until you are so far gone you are close to incubation and sent to the hospital, aren't we just pushing it too far down the road vs. trying to shut it down at the start? Doesn't seem like appropriate tactics if you really care about stopping this virus in it's tracks and keeping deaths down.
  20. It is terrible for people that are old and with comorbidities. To the general populous, likely not much worse than the flu though more contagious. We won't know until we have the actual (if we ever have the actual) infection rates. Remember almost 70%+ of deaths are in that group and I know in a number of the states, 40% are in the 80+ category. Oh and remember, the numbers are not necessarily accurate as states have been tagging everything with COVID as documented.... Shake liberally....
  21. Not spliced. It doesn't mean it wasn't manipulated via other means that are not as heavy handed. The lab is in place to study and increase the impact of a virus. if that isn't done by splicing, there must be other means.
  22. Bottom line is just watch the people involved. You can surmise their agenda. Most have something they want to get out of this. I can tell one person wants to be the savior, at any cost. The worse it looks, the more proud they will be. Bias is rampant and I wish they would get out of the way of the people who don't have an agenda and just want to work toward a cure. The govt will pay so that is not an issue.
  23. Have to love the alternative. Pretty bad all the way around.
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